Percy twirled his tumbler of fire whiskey around in the palm of his hand, his long fingers dancing across the smooth surface of the crystal glass. He was bored out of his mind.

How many more of these ministry functions can they possibly intend to hold? He asked himself, setting his drink on the table he blew his hair from his eyes and looked around at the other guests. That's when he noticed her.

"Who is that vision of loveliness?" He asked no one in particular.

Fred turned to follow his older brother's gaze, "Which vision of loveliness would that be Percy? There are several fine ladies here this evening."

"The one in the blood red robes with the spun silk raven hair, over by the band." Percy was now sitting up straightening his robe with one hand whilst his free hand smoothed his already neat short cropped hair.

Fred scanned the room winking mischievously at random witches as he did so. When his gaze reached the band's podium he noticed the 'vision' his brother was speaking of and he shuddered slightly.

"Do you know who she is then?" Percy asked excitedly, ignoring his brother's reaction.

"Yeah I know her and believe me when I tell you; you do not want to meet her." Fred nodded as if he had just imparted great wisdom on his deluded brother.

"Oh but I do Fred. She is quite possibly the most beautiful creature I have ever seen." Percy sighed deeply.

"Well don't say I didn't warn you when she chews you up and spits you out!" The youngest of the pair declared. Percy ignored him again staring longingly at the Slytherin with lust filled eyes.

Fred shrugged giving up on his attempt to deter his brother. "It's your funeral mate, nice knowing you and all that. Now if you'll excuse me I think I'll go introduce myself to the curvy brunette at the bar."

"Yes so lovely..." Percy had not heard a single word Fred had said because she was heading towards them.

Fred chuckled before getting up to leave before the Ice Princess made it to their table and he was forced to speak to her. He very nearly managed it too.

"Good Evening Messrs Weasley." Her voice was like the crunching of broken glass.

Fred winced forcing himself to nod in greeting. Percy spluttered for a few moments before squeaking out a strangled "Hi."

"A pleasure I'm sure"

"Uh huh" Fred replied quirking an eyebrow and trying once again not to shudder."If you excuse me I need another drink." With that he fled the table.

"May I join you? I'm Pansy by the way." Her voice sounded a whole lot softer now they were alone.

Percy jumped up from his chair so fast he almost knocked it over and pulled out a chair for her.

"It's a pleasure to you Pansy" He stuttered flushing scarlet.

"Such a gentleman," she smiled taking the proffered chair "Do you have a name? Or shall I be forced to call you Mr Weasley indefinitely?"

"Yes, right yes I mean no, my name is Percy Ignatius Weasley"

"Hello Percy Ignatius Weasley it is lovely to meet you."

"The feeling is mutual" Percy smiled his best smile and watched as she threw her head back and laughed a laugh that sounded like bird song on a spring morning.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"He blurted out suddenly.

Pansy stopped laughing and looked him directly in the eye. "Do you?"

"I do now" Percy felt he had never spoken truer words in his life.