World Unknown

AN: Special thanks to Lady Prince for allowing me to use her story. Chapter 1 and 2 are direct copies of her work. When I first read Harry Potter and the Emerald Dragon I was expecting Harry to appear in Alagaësia after Paolini's book two. When he appeared right in the beginning I was a bit disappointed. Then the bug bit and… I was stupid enough to saddle myself with another story – sorry.

Once again: Chapters 1 – 2 are Lady Prince's work. A direct copy of Harry Potter and the Emerald Dragon.

If you notice a writing style change after chapter 2… well you know the reason.

Hope you enjoy the story.

Also note that I have only ever read Eragon and Eldest once, so if I do make some factual mistakes please let me know.

Oh, and no slash!

Chapter One: The Potter Beginnings.

Harry stared in horror at the letter in his hands, he had just been attacked by Dementors and they were Expelling him!

'...Ministry representatives will be calling at your place of residence shortly to destroy your wand.'

He glared at that part of the letter. Why break his wand? He could always re-enroll at another school! Were they kicking him out of the wizarding world too?

He stood, ignoring his relatives and ran upstairs. He knelt by his trunk and began digging through it. Grabbing what he needed and stuffing it in a small backpack.

Once he had everything he knew he couldn't replace he went down stairs, making a stop in his aunt's room to grab a few things.

Once in the company of his relatives once more he pointed his wand directly at his uncle. Who paled before turning an unattractive 'rage' red.

"Boy! How dare you! You can't..." He roared. Raising his fist as if to hit him.

"Shut Up!" Harry roared. Effectively silencing the man, who paled at the sight of the red and black sparks emitting from the wand.

"You have two options Dursley." Harry began calmly.

"One, you can take me to London. Or two...I can curse you and your family so bad you won't know the difference between your nightmares and that clear?" His voice was deadly, telling them in no uncertain terms would carry out his threat.

"Just who do you think you are!" Vernon said, trying to sound braver than he felt.

"Me? Currently I'm desperate, so you will help me or I'll become drastic." He said with a cruel grin and twirl of his wand.

Vernon paled even further and ran to get his keys. Then Harry led them outside, his wand pointed at the man lazily, but discreetly. Vernon had no choice other than to do as he was told.

Harry directed him to the Leaky Cauldron and left without another word and Vernon left, leaving only skid marks in his wake.

Looking around and finding no one around, Harry quickly pulled out his aunt's make-up and hand mirror. He used the make-up to cover up his scar, he didn't want to do something obvious, like a bandanna or something, that would be stupid.

Then he pulled out a black cloak and put it on to cover his muggle clothing before removing his glasses as he walked inside the wizarding pub.

Luckily, his eye-sight wasn't too bad and he managed to walk through without anyone noticing. He just kept his eyes low and pushed through the crowd to the entrance to Diagon Alley.

Once through, he made his way to Gringotts

The bank was thankfully pretty empty. Only one or two customers remained. He walked up to the nearest teller.

"Excuse me..I would like to check on my accounts please." He said politely to the Goblin, who looked at him in surprise.

"Certainly, follow me." The Goblin said standing.

He followed the goblin to an office off to the side.

'Manager Bardoc; Senior Goblin'

"This is manager Bardoc. He will be able to help you with whatever you need." The goblin beside him said before knocking.

"Enter!" Came a gravely voice.

The goblin opened the door to let him enter. Then left, shutting the door behind him.

"Welcome to Gringotts young Sir. I am Manager Bardoc, how may I be of service to you? Mr..." Said an obviously old and wrinkled Goblin behind a massive desk.

"Potter. Harry Potter." Harry said nervously. Bardoc's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Oh ho ho. This is a surprise. Here I thought that you were firmly under Headmaster Dumbledore's thumb..." The Old Goblin chuckled.

"Sir?" Harry asked confused.

"Mr. Potter, we here at Gringotts have been trying to contact you for nearly four years, ever since your return to the Wizarding world! Dumbledore has been intercepting our mail and his wards have stopped us from contacting you directly."

"Contact me? Why?"

"Tradition. A Potter tradition that should never be forgotten. Normally, the head of your family would tell you but, seeing as how your the last of your line the duty falls to us."


"Indeed. I assume you came here because of your expulsion? I also assume you wish to look over your accounts and possibly empty them so you can leave and go live in the muggle world?"

Harry nodded dumbly.

Bardoc chuckled. "Yes, that is a good plan, but I have one better...Why not just leave this world entirely?"

Harry froze in shock.


Bardoc grinned. "You heard me correctly young Potter, come, I will show you."

Harry stood and followed the elderly goblin to an elegant elevator. At his questioning look, Bardoc grinned.

"I never liked the carts, those are for the younger generations who like to scare and confuse humans."

Harry grinned in response to that.

When the elevator stopped, the unusual pair stepped off and set down a long hallway, and soon Harry stood before a massive vault door made of stone that was carved in the image of a dragon.

"Now, before you enter, I have to say this: The Potter family was not a pureblood family as you were led to believe. In fact, they have to be one of the most impure families to date. We have records showing marriages with Veela, Incubi/Succubi, Vampire, Fae, Huldra, Demons, Sidhe, Drows and even a few Valkorie. But that isn't the point. The point is, the first Potter born to this plane of existence wasn't a human. He was a half-elf. His mother, the founder of your line, had a portrait of herself made and put into this very vault along with the treasure she brought with her."

"So...there is a portrait of my many times great-grandmother in there?"

"Yes, and she will explain everything else too you. I only told you that much so you would not be alarmed. This is your only vault, all others including the vaults of those who married into the family and willed their money and belongings to you are in this vault. If you want, we can sell all the properties that you don't want."

"Thanks...I'll look over those when I return." Harry said looking towards the vault. "How do I..."

"Place your hand in the dragon's mouth and don't move." Bardoc said grinning.

Warily, Harry did so. Only to gasp in shock when the dragon bit down and trapped his hand. A tooth cutting his palm. He glared at the laughing goblin and didn't move.

Seconds later, a clear beautiful sound was heard and his hand was released and the door seemed to just melt away. Harry looked at his palm, there was no wound or scar remaining. He nodded to Bardoc and entered.

The door closed behind him.

All around him, torches flared to life. He looked around in interest. Instead of the messy piles of gold and heirlooms he was expecting, the vault was very organized.

Books and scrolls lined the walls, all in perfect condition. Weapons lay neatly on wide tables, all clean and ready for use. Gold, silver, and other jewels were neatly organized in one magically deepened trunk each. Items that belonged to his family lay in display cases as if the vault were a museum.

But the things that really caught his eyes were in the back. A life sized portrait of a woman smiled down at him.

Before her lay a table, on it were nine beautiful stones. They were the same size and shape. He looked at them. Amethyst, Dark Violet, White, a very light Blue, Rust, Copper, silver, and a beautiful Emerald green one with dark black web-like markings.

He heard a feminine chuckle and looked up at the portrait.

"Your just like your ancestors, all were as fascinated by the eggs as you are." She said smiling. Harry looked at her closely. She was fairly tall and slender, dressed in a black dress embroidered with gold. A sword on her hip. Her eyes were a light green, and her hair was a dark brown. They didn't look too much alike.

"Ah, I see. You don't see the resemblance eh? Well, after a few thousand years that tends to happen. look exactly like my Eragon. If he looked human at least. Tell me, were are James and Lily? Being of my blood line, they should be here with you!"

"My Mum and Dad are dead, they were murdered when I was a baby. Wait, who are you and did you say they were of your blood line?"

"What? They're dead?" She said sadly, then sighed. "Forgive me child, I am Ariana the potter. Mother of the Potter line and you are...Harry?"

He nodded.

She smiled. "You were correct. Both of your parents were of my bloodlines. Listen closely now...It's all part of my...our story."

Harry nodded and sat on the ground to get comfortable.

"Several thousand years ago I was part of a world known as Alagaësia. It is...was a world of Dragons, Dwarves, Elves, Humans and other such creatures. Magic was widely known and accepted.

But it was with the Dragons that everything was held together. They alone were native to Alagaësia. They alone knew all it's secretes.

Dragons have no beginning, unless it lies with the creation of Alagaësia itself, and if they have an end, it will be when Alagaësia perishes, for they suffer with the land.

They lived here before all others, strong and proud in their elemental glory. Their world was unchanging until the first elves sailed over the sea on thier silver ships.

And no, elves are not legends, and they are called the fair folk because they are more graceful than any other race. They come from what they call Azalea, though none but they know what, or even where, it is.

The elves are a proud race, strong in magic. At first they regarded dragons as mere animals and from that belief rose a deadly mistake.

A brash elven youth hunted down a dragon, as he would a stag, and killed it. Outraged, the dragons ambushed and slaughtered the elf. Unfortunately, the bloodletting did not stop there.

The dragons massed together and attacked the entire elven nation. Dismayed by the terrible misunderstanding, the elves tried to end the hostilities, but couldn't find a way to communicate with the dragons. The result was a very long and very bloodly war which both sides now regret.

At the beginning of the war the elves fought only to defend themselves, they didn't want to encourage the fighting, but the dragon's eventually forced them to attack for their own survival.

This lasted for five years and would have continued for much longer if an elf called Eragon hadn't "found" a dragon egg.

It isn't well known but Eragon was not alone, nor was it by accident that he "found" a dragon egg. That is simply what he told any one who asked.

No, the truth was, he was seeking out the dragons on their own territory. He had been traveling for years, disgusted by the fighting between the dragons and his people. His own sister Rhunön made the weapons for those who fought the dragons. In fact, he left Ellesméra because of his family. He and Rhunön had a huge fight about her skills.

On his travels, he met a young maiden, the only daughter of a potter merchant. She was orphaned and starving so she attempted to steal from him as he was so richly dressed. He caught her immediately. However, instead of turning her into the city jailers he bought her a meal and showed her more kindness than she had ever remembered." Ariana paused, smiling.

"That was you? You tried to steal from an elf?" Harry asked grinning. She chuckled, a blush rising on her cheeks.

"Oh hush you! I was twelve at the time! Anyway, I refused to leave him, Eragon just smiled his perfect smile and told me his quest to reach the dragons. I agreed to go along with him." We traveled together for those five years, and in those years I became quite the sword maiden, as well as a decent witch once he taught me the ancient language. When I was sixteen, Eragon became, not only my friend and protector, but my lover as well. And I was seven months pregnant when we encountered the Dragons."

Harry blinked, "That was very...risky, don't you think?" Ariana chuckled. "It saved our lives." She said dryly.

"The dragons, while deadly, were not so cruel as to harm a pregnant woman. Instead, they took us into the heart of their colony. Where we were judged by the leader of the dragon clans.

It was a female dragon, she had no name and to be truthful, no name would do her justice. She was the oldest of her kind, the mother of thousands of young dragons. She was so massive that the other dragons seemed like mere kittens in her presence. It was the most frightening day of my life. She searched our minds to learn of our intentions. Thankfully, she was quite pleased."

"You wish to end the war young ones?" The old one asked.

"We do, we have traveled all this time to do so...We will do anything to end the bloodshed." Eragon told her with his head held high.

"And why should I trust an elf? For it was one of your kind that this war started." She said mildly.

"And I have come to end it! Please! I have given up my family...everything for peace. And I would do it again if it must be done!" Cried Eragon.

She stared at him long and hard. Looking into his mind and finding that he spoke true. The she turned to Ariana.

"And you young human...are you willing to do the same?"

"I am, I would do anything to support my love." Ariana said looking to Eragon. The elf smiled and took her hand.

"Good, for that is the cost of what I am about to do." The old one said before nodding to several dragons.

Turning back to them she spoke once more.

"I have seen into the future and do not like what I see...there are two out comes that never change...either this war continues and both the dragons and the elves die out in a matter of years, or I accept your offer and help you, and you will become what is known as a Dragon Rider. Bound by mind and Magic until you are slain. But then it is only a matter of a few thousand years before my race will be exterminated by a madman who calls himself king of the lands, he too will be a dragon rider." She turned to Ariana.

"Which is where you come in young human...To you I will gift nine eggs. These eggs are ones I have seen crushed in an ambush by the urgals, but if I gift them to you then they will be safe, yet still gone from this earth. It will be your job to protect those eggs until they have chosen one to bond with. You and the child within you will leave this earth and enter another dimension. There you and your line will protect those eggs until the time is right to return. That time will come when one egg chooses it's bonded from your bloodline."

Ariana was pale, she turned to Eragon who looked at her desperately and hugged her. "We knew something like this would happen...I am sorry I dragged you into this." He whispered.

"Don't be...It was my choice. It is still my choice and if that is what must be done then it will happen. Be happy my love, your children's children will live on."

Eragon nodded and turned to the old one. "We shall agree to your terms." He said strongly, not an ounce of sadness or fear in his voice. Ariana smiled and nodded.

The Old one nodded and ten eggs appeared before them, "You will choose one" She told Eragon. Who nodded and ran his hands over the eggs and chose a white one. Moments later it hatched and marked him with the gedwëy ignasia. He and the dragon, whom he named Bid'Daum in the custom of the ancient language.

Ariana smiled as she saw Harry listening attentively. "What then?" He asked when he noticed her silence.

"Well, the Great Dragon gave me exactly one month before magic would send me to this world. Eragon and I went back to the Elves to spread the word. We told them nothing of the other nine eggs and gave them a false story. We told them that Eragon had found the egg, and that it's parents were killed in an attack. Some believe that the egg was purposefully left for him to find. We never corrected them. With Eragon's help the elves and dragons made a sort of peace. Treaties were formed and to ensure that a war would never break out again, they decided that it was necessary to establish the Riders. And by then, I was pulled here." She gave a sad smile.

I was completely lost, and helpless. The languages were too different and I had no money. Eventually, I had to give birth.

I bore twins. Two sons. It was terrible, I could barely support myself, how could I support my children? Then, I was saved once more.

An older man named Francis Evans found me, he was a wealthy Baron without children of his own. His wife had died long ago and he had no wish for another lover. He offered to take me and my children in. In return, he wished to give one of my boys his name. I myself had taken the name Potter in my fathers honor. Eragon had no surname. I accepted. My boys grew happy and healthy. They were seven when Francis died. His fortune was split between them."

"It was around that time that Eragon managed to break into this dimension and find me. I was shocked and thrilled to see him, but his time was limited. He had to return and soon. He spent only two hours with his sons before he had to leave. Then he was pulled back by magic, having no ties to this world. But he left behind quite a bit. Hundreds of years had passed for him, over that time he had collected quite a bit of useful things. The most being weapons his sister had made. All of them were worth ten times their weight in gold. Apparently, these weapons had been stolen by the enemies of the riders. Once a rider was killed it was custom to steal their weapons from their corpse. Eragon just stole them back. Except for one..."

Ariana pointed above her, where two magnificent swords rested in a case. One pure black with a golden hilt and one pure white with a silver hilt. Both had perfect diamonds set into them where the hilt met the blade. "Rhunön made those especially for Eragon. As an apology for her words. He decided to give them to his sons...I of course, would not allow it." She said wryly.

Harry grinned. "So...the Potters and the Evans have the same ancestors? And when my mother and father married they reunited the bloodlines? Then is my Aunt Petunia an heir too?"

"Petunia? Oh! Heavens no! Petunia was never and Evans. Lily was adopted but didn't take on her adoptive families name, I believe Petunia's maiden name was Andrews. No, you are the last I'm afraid...I've kept close contact with the Goblins, they have monitored every birth since my death. I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He sighed. "Sooo...Either I'm the one to go to Alagaësia or it's my descendents...How do I know for sure?" He asked.

"Easy, just run your hand over the eggs and wait, if one hatches your the one. If not, your free to go!" She said cheerfully.

Harry nodded and stood, shaking out the numbness in his legs he approached the eggs and lightly ran a hand over each of them carefully.

Seconds passed and nothing happened. Then, a high pitch squeak was heard. He gasped and stepped back as the emerald and black egg cracked down the middle, then out tumbled a small dragon, it rolled on the table and landed upside down, it's tail flopping on his face and hind legs dangling on either side of it. Harry gave a chuckle and reached out to set him right.

A blast of icy energy surged into his hands and raced up his arms, burning in his veins like liquid fire. He stepped back with a strangled gasp, an iron clang filled his ears, and he heard a soundless scream of rage. Every part of is body seared with pain. He fell and struggled to move, but was unable to.

After what seemed like hours, warmth seeped back into his limbs, leaving them tingling. He shivered uncontrollably and managed to sit up again. Both his hands were numb, his fingers paralyzed. He looked at his hands and watched in mild shock as Identical diffused white ovals shimmered into his palms. The skin around them itched and burned.

"Oh dear...I didn't know you could have two marks!" Ariana gasped. He looked up in alarm as he felt a slight brush against his consciousness. Then he gasped as he felt it again, this time it solidified into a tendril of thought through which he could feel a growing curiosity. It was familiar, but not like leglimency.

"You should feel a sort of connection by now, it's your dragon, so don't worry." Ariana told him. Harry nodded and looked at the dragon, it squeaked at him and crawled into his lap to curl up into his body heat.

Ariana chuckled. "It's quite adorable."

Harry grinned and agreed with her silently. The dragon was a bit smaller than his forearm, but it still managed to look cutely dangerous and noble. It's scales were a deep emerald green, but it had pure black spikes and claws, both of which were already razor sharp. It's wings were several times larger than it's body. They had thin fingers of bone that extended from the wing's front edge, forming a line of widely spaced talons. The dragons head was roughly triangular and long white fangs curved down out of it's upper jaw. They were also very sharp. But it's eyes were the most surprising...they were identical to his own emerald orbs.

"Hello little one..." He whispered.

" you realize what you have to do?" Ariana asked seriously. Harry looked up at her.

"I have to save the dragons." he said quietly. She nodded. "Exactly, soon you will have to go to Alagaësia, there you will have to see how many dragons remain. If the King who is to destroy the dragon race is still alive then it will be your duty to rescue any remaining eggs from him...It won't be easy. Not by any means. However, as you were born in this world you will be able to return any time you wish. The same goes for your dragon but it will be very draining. will have a second magical core..."

Harry looked at her in shock. "What? Two cores?"

Ariana nodded. "Yes, one for the magic you were born with and one that comes with being a rider, that would also explain why you have two marks. Also...your appearance may change to more...elven features. Since you are already part elf and your a rider you will likely gain an elf-like appearance."

Harry nodded, feeling slightly overwhelmed. Ariana smiled at him. "Behind my portrait is a room where you may eat and rest. Tomorrow you will begin your lessons."

"Lessons?" He asked.

"Yes, lessons. We will talk tomorrow. To Bed!" She said sternly as her portrait swung open, he rolled his eyes and went in. A house elf popped in.

"Master Potter! I is Tack!" He said happily, " Tack is a Potter family house elf, is you hungry sir? Tack is happy to serve!"

Harry blinked tiredly. "Um..can I have a sandwich? And some tea? As well as food for my dragon?" He asked. Tack looked at the dragon and beamed.

"Of course sir!"

He popped out and returned moments later with a tray of sandwiches for Harry and strips of meat for the dragon in his lap.

Harry ate and watched amused as Tack fed the dragon, giggling as the small creature nudged him for more.

When he finished, Tack showed him to a large bed where he and the dragon promptly curled up in and fell into a deep sleep.