Disclaimer: I don't own or claim to own Witch Hunter Robin, I just like borrowing the characters.

"So, what is she to you, anyway?" The lawyer glanced sideways at his companion.

"Nothing important."

A small smirk crossed Nagira's lips at the answer. "I may not have the powers of a mind-reading witch, Amon, but I do know you well enough to know that there's more to it than that."

Amon merely glared at his half-brother. A chill went down Nagira's spine as he realized that the glare seemed even more ominous than normal in the shadowed, darkness the cloud covered moon provided.

"You wouldn't have sent her to me if she weren't important. We both know that," he continued, ignoring the death-glare.

Amon continued to lean against the railing of the bridge, staring out over the river without acknowledging Nagira's comment.

Nagira sighed, running his hand through his hair. His little brother could be so difficult sometimes. He had a suspicion as to why Robin was sent his way, but he still wanted Amon to confirm it in some way or another.

"She's a witch. You protect witches and she needs protection. Nothing more." Amon didn't know why he felt he had to answer his brother. In fact, it annoyed him that he was giving in and answering to begin with.

"And you hunt witches. But you put her in hiding. So, that begs the question - what is she to you?"

Amon pushed himself away from the railing and started to walk away.

"Just keep her safe, Nii-san." The command floated out of the shadows that Amon had melted into.

With a knowing grin, Nagira shook his head to himself before turning and walking back towards his office.