Heej guys this is the final chapter of Hurry Up & save me and I want to thank you all for reading this story and for leaving comments, I hope you liked the story because I really liked to make the story


Chapter 14: Epilogue

20 years later

Troy walks into the house and puts his briefcase on the ground and takes his coat off and puts it in the closet and he turns around and hears 2 tiny feet's running out from the kitchen "DADDYY!!!" Troy bends down opens his arms for his daughter and she runs into them "Hey Ella, have you been a good girl for mommy?" Ella nods and kisses his cheek

After Gabriella's death Troy didn't move on right away it had taken more then 5 years before he could move on, he became a sales manager and he was now running his own company

Troy meet his wife Ginger 12 years after Gabriella's death and they had been dating for 2 years when he asked her to marry him and 4 months later they got married and 9 months after that his first daughter was born, she was born on Gabriella's birthday and that's one of the reasons why they called their daughter Gabriella Monique Bolton, Monique was Gingers' mothers name and her mom died when she was a little kid, they always called their daughter Ella

Ginger knew about Gabriella, Troy told her everything about Gabriella and Ginger knew that he wouldn't love her like he loved Gabriella but that didn't matter, she loved him and he loved her too and that why they married

"Gabriella, go wash your hands, dinner is almost ready" Ginger came walking out of the kitchen "Yes mommy" Ella ran away from her daddy and to the bathroom

Troy stood back up and walked over to his wife and kissed her on the lips "Hello gorgeous" Ginger giggled "Hello handsome had a good day at work?" Troy nodded and loosened his tie "Yeah we have been pretty busy"

"Okay now, go get Ella because dinner is ready" Ginger walked back to the kitchen as she heard beeping coming from the kitchen meaning the oven was ready

Troy went to the bathroom and picked Ella up and walked with her to the kitchen and sat her on her chair and they started eating

After dinner it was Ella's bedtime and Troy was putting her to bed "Daddy?" Troy put Ella in her bed and put the sheet over her "Yes princess?"

"How did you and mommy pick out my name?" Troy sat down on Ella's bed and stroked her hair "Well when daddy was younger I had a girlfriend named Gabriella and her dad did bad things to her and she died" Ella sat pulled the sheet back down and stood up and put on hand on Troy's cheek "Did you love her?" Troy nodded and smiled at her "Yes baby girl I did, I loved her so much, so daddy was heartbroken when she died" Troy started to tear up as he thought back at that day in the hospital and Ella hugged her dad "Daddy don't be sad, she is in heaven now" Troy smiled at his daughter "You're right baby, now it's time for you to go to sleep" He lays Ella back down and puts the sheet over her and kisses her forehead "Night princess"

"Night daddy" Ella closed her eyes and fell asleep right away and Troy stood up and put the lights out and walked out of the room and closed the door and walked downstairs and to Ginger that was sitting on the couch and sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her "Is she asleep?" Troy nodded "Yeah she is, she asked me how she got her name and I told her about Gabriella" Ginger stroked his hair

"Is it okay if I take her to Gabriella's grave tomorrow morning?" Ginger nodded "Of course you can take her there, you want me to come too?" Troy kissed the top of her head "Yeah that would be nice" Ginger laid her head on his chest "Okay then I'm coming too"

The next day Troy carried Ella to the car and put her in the car seat "Daddy where are we going?" Troy strapped her in "You know I told you about Gabriella yesterday?" Ella nodded "Yes"

"Well we are going to visit her grave" Ella knew what a grave meant because she had visited the grave of her grandmother a few times with Ginger "Okay" Troy closed the door and Ginger got into the car and he got into the car too and he drove off

A while later they arrived at the cemetery and Ginger got Ella out of the car and put her on the ground and took her hand "Don't let go of mommy's hand please" Ella looked at her mother "Okay mommy" They started walking around the cemetery and few minutes later they stopped in front of Gabriella's grave

Troy bends down next to it and placed the roses on her grave and looked at Gabriella's picture that was next to her grave and smiled

Ella who had one rose in her hand let go of her mother's hand and put the rose next to the roses Troy had put on the grave and then she walked back to Ginger

Ginger looked at Troy who was still in the same position as he was a few minutes ago and she walked closer to him and placed her hand on his shoulder and Troy looked up and he stood back up and Ginger placed her hand on his cheek "You want us to go?" Troy nodded "Okay we'll go back to the car and wait for you" Troy shook his head and grabbed his keys from his pocket and gave them to Ginger "No go home, I'll walk home" He kissed her forehead and Ginger kissed him on the lips and then she walked away with Ella

Troy bend back down and put his hand on the picture of Gabriella "Hey Brie, I'm back again, god I miss you, I wish you were here" He closed his eyes when he heard a familiar voice call his name "Troy?" Troy opened his eyes and turned around and saw her, she was beautiful, she was dressed in white "Gabriella?" Gabriella walked closer to him "Hi Troy"

"Gabriella it's really you, but how?" Gabriella smiled "I just wanted to see you one last time, you have really grown up and you have become a handsome guy" Troy couldn't help but just stare at the beauty, all her bruises and cuts where gone

"You are still the same but you're so beautiful Brie" Gabriella smiled "Thanks Troy, I just wanted to see you one more time and tell you that I'm happy now, I'm with my mom now, I just wanted to let you know that I'll always love you no matter what"

"I love you too Gabriella, I feel so guilty right now" Gabriella looked confused at him "Why would you feel guilty" Troy looked down at the ground "Because I couldn't save you when I promised I would save you" Gabriella smiles at him "You did save me Troy, you stopped it, because of you I'm safe now"

"But what about me? Every night I would see you in my arms, dead, just like in the hospital, almost every night I wished I could have stayed with you and not leave with my mom, so you would be here right now, with me"

Gabriella smile faded and then she puts her hand on his cheek and that shocks Troy a bit because he can feel her "Troy look what happened if you did stay with me and not left with your mom, you wouldn't have your wife right now and you wouldn't have your daughter" Troy closed his eyes for a moment and Gabriella continued "I have seen everything Troy, I watched you, but you did move on with the help of our friends and because of that you have your beautiful wife and daughter and another child on the way"

Troy opened his eyes as he heard her say that "What do you mean, you mean Ginger is…" Gabriella nodded "Yes Troy, Ginger is pregnant again and I will do everything to protect this baby, Troy I'm your guardian angel and I watch over you and your family"

Gabriella took Troy's hand in hers and Troy looked at her like he was asleep and dreaming but he wasn't "Troy, I have to go, but I want to do one last thing" Troy put his hand on her cheek and caressed it "Anything" Gabriella took a step closer "I want one last kiss" Troy bit his lip and Gabriella knew what he was thinking about "Don't worry Troy, you won't cheat on your wife because you can't cheat with someone who is dead"

Troy laughed a bit and then leaned in and Gabriella did the same and Troy captured their lips in one passionately and lovingly kiss and he wrapped his arms her waist and Gabriella wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss

A few minutes they broke the kiss and Gabriella let her hand slide from his neck to his hands and took them in hers "I love you Troy don't forget that" Troy shook his head and tears were welling up in his eyes "I won't Gabriella, I won't forget" Gabriella took a few steps back but she had still Troy's hands in hers and she squeezed them one last time for and let them go and she disappeared

Troy looked into the direction Gabriella disappeared for a while and then he turned around to have one last look at her grave and he started to walk to the gate and walked out of the cemetery and started walking home with a smile on his face because he had seen her again and that was all the matters

The End


I hope you liked it

