Yep, here it is. Next one in less than a year? Whew! What is going on in the world?


Gavroche watched the door of the Javert's building carefully; he was under strict orders to observe covertly and report his actions to M. Fauchlevent who accosted him shortly after presenting him with a coat. He snuggled deeper into the fine material at the thought. He wasn't told much, but what he had gathered was that his employer had been doing so himself until he realized the ex-inspector was getting too close to catching him to continue doing so. But it got boring sometimes, mostly at night but it was well worth the money and food he was paid in. The Fauchlevent was a stand up guy, he was.

"Do you mind terribly?"

Gavroche's train of thought crashed at the old landlady's voice, "Who? Me?"

She scowled, "Yes you, you've been snooping around here for days and I don't like your kind loitering about, why don't you get a job?"

"Oof!" Gavroche mocked doubling over in pain, "Oh Madame! You're packing quite a punch for a withered blue haired old bat."

The old landlady was too choked with rage to make a fast enough comeback.

"Now, dear boy, is that anyway to talk to your elders?"

Gavroche refocused his attention at the door where a smiling Javert stood.

"Inspector?" He questioned.

Javert chuckled and nodded to the recognition before turning to his landlady, "Now Madame I believe you wanted to speak to me about the various holes in my door," Gavroche swore he saw the man's jaw clench and and eye twitch for a moment, "I promise you Madame, I will pay to have them filled if you like, or I'll pay for the door to be replaced, whichever you feel is necessary." He took her hand and gave it a genuine looking pat and offered a broad smile. "As for you, young man, let's take a walk." The hand left the old woman's and settled on Gavroche's shoulder and began leading him away.

"Inspector… are you alright?" the woman inquired to his retreating form, she was beginning to think that he had finally cracked.

"Me?" Javert laughed outright, causing both of them to jump "Oh, of course I'm perfectly fine. Now come along, young man." He focused his attention back on the boy and Gavroche imagined that his voice had an almost menacing tone to it. "We need to have a nice talk."

As they walked the hand on Gavroche's shoulder rubbed the fabric of the jacket and pulled free a strand which he looked closely at before tossing it aside. "Now young man-"

Gavroche gulped, he was ordered to be covert and he knew he was caught. He just knew it. The inspector was going to go ballistic, he was gonna-

"How about a biscuit?" Javert asked as they passed a shady looking vendor.
"Huh?" Gavroche looked up at him.

"Yeah, sounds like a pretty good breakfast to me," Javert tossed the man a few coins and received two, "Here you go, lad."

Gavroche looked at the pastry in his hand before looking back at the inspector, "Have you been drinking or something?"

"What? Don't be silly." Javert laughed and mussed up his hair through his hat, "Now why don't you run along, I wouldn't want to hold up any of your prior engagements."

"Alright, um, whatever you say…" Gavroche muttered before darting down the street feeling utterly confused.


Javert watched him go, bemused. He knew acting wasn't exactly a strong point of his, but he felt that he delivered a solid performance. By bewildering the boy Javert knew that he would no doubt go back to the convict to report on his findings and lead Javert right to him. He smiled inwardly at how smoothly his plan was going before tossing his biscuit into the gutter and following the boy around the corner.


So… how would you guys like this to end? I've got an ending planned out, ive had it planned since the beginning, but I wasn't sure if you guys would like it. Let me know. See you in a year, haha.