Title: No Going Back

Author: Lomeinie

Fandom: House M.D.

Characters/Pairings: House, House/Stacey

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Season 1's "Three Stories"

Word Count: 160

A/N: I write this two days late for a IJ comm's challenge. Please let me know what you think!


"I hate you."

It was amazing and frightening how fast he could go from telling Stacey he loved her to telling her that he hated her. But that's exactly what he felt when he woke up from the chemically induced coma and saw his right thigh wrapped in gauze. He didn't have to wait for Cuddy to explain to him Stacey had used her legal status as his medical proxy against him. She had left them cut open his thigh and yank the dead muscle out like a butcher yanks out a slaughtered pig's intestines. That's why she had said she was sorry right before he went under. She had already made the decision to betray the trust he'd placed in her to make sure they'd follow his wishes instead of going against them.

Stacey nodded, "It's okay, Greg, if you do because at least you're alive to hate me."

It was then House knew there was no going back.