I wrote this one a few years back and am revamping it for . Please note that I do not own these characters. They are the property of HarperCollins.


I held the small black box in my hands as if it was some rare treasure. In truth, it scared me. What it symbolized terrified me. I was far from ready for the commitment, the enormity of it.

And yet I felt compelled to take that step and ask Lavinia to marry me.

Leaning back in my chair, I let the box slide from my fingers until it rested on the mahogany surface of the desk.

I knew why I was asking her. It didn't come down to love or even physical attraction. I barely even knew what those things were. It was because Lavinia Hotchkins-Ross would make a damn fine Townsend. She was rich and came from a family of similar social status as my own. Not to mention that she looked pretty damn good next to a horse in the winner's circle. It all made sense. Even my father liked her.

I heard footsteps outside my office and quickly hid the box from sight. It was just as well I did that because a second later, Lavinia herself stood in my doorway. "We need to talk," She told me bluntly.

I was surprised. She was uncharacteristically frazzled. "Oh? What about?"

"You. Me. Us." Lavinia started to pace around the room, again something I wasn't used to seeing. Whatever she had to say to me must've been big.

"Relax Lavinia," I said. "Just tell me."

She stopped and turned to face me. "I have a big problem and with the concept of 'us'. I don't think such a thing can even exist."

"Well, would you care to enlighten me?" I wished she'd just get to the point. I wasn't in the mood for a game of verbal ping-pong.

"There can never be an 'us' as long as you continue to obsess about Ashleigh Griffen. Quite frankly, I don't see that ending anytime soon."

"Are you insane?" I spat, rising from my chair. "I am not obsessed with her. I don't even like her!" I was so shocked, I knew that I was running the risk of losing my composure.

She shook her head. "That's not how I see it. Anyway, I've met someone else. Someone who'll be totally devoted to me." Implying of course, that I never was.

"Well… shit, Lavinia. Why didn't you just tell me that instead of making up some crap about Ashleigh Griffen?" I was angry. Beyond angry. How dare she use Ashleigh as an excuse to end it between us?

"It's not crap and you know it." Lavinia said calmly, looking happy with my reaction. "Just face it. We're over. Done."

A vision of the black box hidden in my drawer filled my head. "Just leave." I flung my hand at her dismissively. "And make sure to take all your shit with you."

She left and I just stood there, stunned.


I didn't publicize the break up. My wounded pride wasn't able to take much more of a beating. What I did do was get more actively involved in the racehorses. That included visit Whitebrook and Wonder's Pride. The chestnut was headed to the Breeder's Cup Classic at the end of October and I had big hopes for what he was capable of doing there. Townsend Acres needed him to win it.

I walked into the training barn at Whitebrook, barely seeing the other horses. A liver chestnut attempted to restyle my Polo shirt with his teeth and I swatted him away.

"Wow! Look at this. A dreamcatcher!" Samantha McLean's voice carried down the aisle.

Ashleigh's voice followed it. "It's for Pride! Talk about a devoted fan. She even made it

"We should hang it up in his stable. Give him sweet dreams." Samantha giggled, her red hair falling in her face.

I strode up to where they were sitting outside Pride's stable. Envelopes and such littered the floor and I wondered if the horse himself had anything to do with the debris.

"Brad," Ashleigh said to me in greeting. Her eyes were cold.

I nodded and looked toward the object dangling from Samantha's hand. "You aren't hanging that shit near Pride. What if he eats it?"

"He won't," Samantha told me adamantly. "I think it's awesome!"

"Well, what you think doesn't really matter," I said, setting my jaw.

Ashleigh stood, her jaw tight. "What do you want? You're a bit late for Pride's workout."

"I know, Griffen. I just wanted to get last look at my colt before he heads for Churchill Downs." I stepped past her and leant on Pride's stable door. The horse was eating peacefully and didn't even look at me. Not that I expected any acknowledgement.

"He's in top form," Ashleigh said. "Charlie's flying across with him tomorrow."

I gave her a nod. "Speaking of travelling, what about Townsend Princess?"

"She'll be trained here, at Whitebrook," Ashleigh said instantly.

"Is that so? As far as my father and I are concerned, she'll she trained at Townsend Acres, under Ken Maddock." I smirked, getting pleasure from the irritated frown that crossed her face.

"Let's discuss this closer to the time," Ashleigh was trying hard not to let her annoyance show, but I could see through it. "When Princess is a yearling."

I raised one hand and wiggled my fingers. "See you at Churchill Downs." Grinning, I walked off, knowing that I had succeeded in rattling her.

No, Lavinia didn't know the half of it. I wasn't attracted to Ashleigh Griffen and I had no desire to get her into my bed. I had to admit that a day didn't pass when I had the urge to do something piss her off, though. Even if it was something as small as the future location of a filly.