Author's Note: It's been so long since I've updated this story! Back then I really wanted to finish Moonlight first before I continue the Christmas Play, but due to many people's eagerness for the next chapter, I will try to update both~
And since it's been so long, I suggest my old readers to re read the other chapters in case you guys forgot what the story was about XD!

For the past three days, Tsuna had been practicing and rehearsing the Christmas Play without revealing his real identity. With his wig and thick makeup, and with his simulated cuteness, he was able to pretend to be Ryohei's female cousin, Natsu. Yes, the name was made up right on the spot by Ryohei when someone asked for Tsuna's name. Really, he just wanted to reveal the truth to the other people in the play; however Mizu strictly ordered him to shut his mouth for his own good. In the end, the only ones who knew about his real identity were Mizu, Ryohei, and himself.

Of course, the news of Kyoko injured and unable to act spread throughout the school, though many guys were disappointed, students were still eager to see who would replace Kyoko.

For the past three days, Namimori had undergone an extreme makeover. The ordinary school was transformed into what looked like a prestigious private school with a giant, dazzling Christmas tree that stood about 3 storeys high in front of the building. There were Christmas lights hung outside and inside the building and every single place were decorated festively. Well, except for the reception room, but no one dared to mention anything about it. Many classrooms were renovated into mini cafes, food stalls, and etc. Also, there were rumours indicating that the gym had been turned into an opulent ballroom, however no one could confirm whether it was true or not since only Mizu and the workers could go in.

And finally, for the past three days, Tsuna had avoided Hibari-san as much as he could since after that specific incident, Tsuna really didn't know how to face the prefect again. Also, for some reason, Gokudera had been extra protective of him, following him like a dog. For example, if Tsuna needed to go to the washroom, Gokudera would say, "TENTH! Let me go with you too!", earning a few awkward glances from the people nearby… Therefore he was glad whenever Ryohei came to drag him away from Gokudera so they could rehearse the play. Of course, Yamamoto and Gokudera knew nothing about Tsuna's role as a princess, but he knew that the storm guardian was suspicious about something… whether it was about the incident in the classroom, or the fact the he was spending most of the time with Ryohei, Tsuna really didn't know….

-*Day of the Festival*-

Today was the day of the festival, which was just a day before Christmas. Though it was a chilly day, it did nothing to stop the festiveness from radiating from the school. The shimmering Christmas lights and the ostentatious decorations, which included large statues of Santa and his cheery fellows, attracted many people's curious eyes. A restless crowd of people gathered in front of the school, impatiently waiting for their tickets to get checked and stamped by the students in elf uniforms so they could go in.

Perched on a distant tree was an owl, scanning the surrounding with its mismatched eyes.

Kufufufu so this is Namimori High? How festively decorated~~!

The owl flew effortlessly over the school gate, aware of the attention that it was receiving.

"Lambo look! It's an owl!~" A girl with black ponytail exclaimed, along with some other children. "Cool!~~" The little cow with the lollipop jumped up and down with excitement.

Kufufu… Seems like this bird attracts too much attention… but it's so easy to get into the school in this form.…

His thought was disrupted when he felt a piercing sensation. His eyes immediately darted to the source of the cause, and that was when he saw the Disciplinary Committee Prefect, leaning against the wall near the gate, glaring suspiciously at bird. However it didn't last very along before the prefect directed his attention back to the crowd that was slowly coming into the school.

Oya oya… he must be searching for me. Well, he'll never find me~

The owl landed gracefully onto the school roof, its body slowly dissipating into mist. As the fog dispersed, the handsome, devious guardian emerged and smirked.

Tsunayoshi…. Ready or not, here I come!

Mizu was overjoyed, yet quite worried. When she went out to supervise how the ticket moderators were doing, she was astonished by the amount of crowd lining up outside, and also by the status of some of the people… She gawked at a group of men in tuxedos besieged around a handsome blonde man, who had just stepped out of a dazzling limo. A turtle laid on his shoulder, but most people were too busy staring at those twinkling eyes to notice the odd turtle. Even the girl who was stamping the tickets nearly dropped her stamp when the man winked at her, which she in returned received a lot a glares of jealousy from all the girls nearby. Then from a distance, Mizu saw a helicopter landing, and out came a few babies, followed by a group of men dressed in black, who all looked quite malignant and… dangerous, as if they were part of some sort of mafia. Their arrival immediately attracted everyone's attention.

What's with all these people and their expensive cars and transportation. Mizu wondered, but she decided not to think too much about it as she made her way back into the school.

As she opened the door, the merry atmosphere immediately greeted her. Students were busy handing out fliers and information regarding the activities that would be held. Newcomers were able to buy hot chocolate and other beverage to warm them up. Cheery Christmas music could be heard and smiles and laughter could be seen.

So far so good. Mizu thought happily. But this is just the beginning… She glanced at her watch. It was 1:45... 15 minutes…. 15 minutes before the Christmas Play would start.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you for attending the Namimori Christmas voice!" Mizu recognized the cordial, sweet voice; it belonged to her sister, Misa. "Our opening performance would start in 15 minutes! Please make your way to the auditorium to watch the amazing Christmas Play!" Misa added. "Of course, feel free to grab some snacks from the food stalls before going there!~"

As Mizu stared at the massive crowd making their way to the auditorium, she began to feel the butterflies romping around in her stomach. Oh god… She really didn't expect this much people to attend the festival. I hope they'll do fine... She thought as she headed towards the staff-only area, or more specifically, the backstage.

Hibari opened the door to the reception room and sat in his black, velvet sofa. He felt extremely grouchy, especially with all the herbivores and festiveness added together. Really, he should have just stayed home, yet he couldn't allow himself to do that because it was his responsibility to keep Namimori's student safe and disciplined. However if a certain bastard trespasses the school, a certain herbivore wouldn't be safe…

No, I came to do my job as a Disciplinary Committee Prefect, that's all. It certainly has nothing to do with that little herbivore.

Hibari stood up and stared out the window. That Mukuro Rokudo… I must bite him to death if he dares come into my school. However, he had no idea where and when that sneaky bastard would appear, so he'll have to stay on guard and patrol around the school…

The door opened and Kusakabe came in, his face lightened with excitement.

"Hibari-sempai! The Christmas Play is going to start soon! Are we attending it?"

Hibari glared at him. "Do you think I'll sit with a bunch of herbivores and watch herbivores fool around?"

"Oh..." Kusakabe's smile faltered. "I stayed at the gate the whole time after you left, however I didn't see any signs of Mukuro or any of his subordinates." The Prefect remained silent, so he inquired, "Are you sure Mukuro will come today…?"

"Of course." Hibari snapped as he remembered the content of Mukuro's note.

On the day of the Christmas Festival, I shall steal his first kiss, and claim him as mine…

I will bite you to death! Mukuro Rokudo.. The prefect seethed silently and ordered. "Don't waste your time sitting here! Patrol around the school or anywhere where Mukuro Rokudo might be hiding."

"Yes!" Kusakabe quickly bowed and hastily walked out of the room.

As for me… I'll have to search for that herbivore… Hibari thought as he sat down at his table and flipped through a copy of the Christmas festival brochure, hoping to find out what Tsuna's job was…

Please please please don't screw up! She chanted under her breath as she watched all the nervous actors assembled themselves. Her eyes immediately caught sight of a beautiful girl with long silky hair. Walking to her, Mizu patted her back, "Tsu- Natsu! Are you feeling alright?"

"Y-Yes! I'm fine, don't worry." The girl blushed.

Oh wow, he's stammering just like a girl! Mizu chuckled heartily. If I was a guy, I would probably fall for her. "Remember to relax and just do your best!" Then she looked around and noticed the absence of the prince. "Where is Ryohei? He needs to be here right now."

"Oh he just went to the washroom. He should be back soon." Tsuna replied. "You should go now, you're the narrator."

Mizu smiled. "Okay! Remember, no matter what happens, relax and just keep going!" Then she went out and took her spot at the side of the stage and spoke into the mike.

"Ladies and Gentle, welcome! Thank you all for attending this event!" Mizu's voice successfully shushed the audiences. She admired with amazement at the amount of people that came. "Now, behold what you've all been waiting for… The Christmas Play!" The crowd cheered as the lights dimmed and Mizu began the story...

Inside the opulent ballroom, the Kingdom of Snow hosted a magnificent party. Dancers swayed and turned gracefully at the melodious music played by absolutely talented orchestra. The atmosphere was serene and peaceful.

The music slowly faded away as a voice announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to my kingdom. I am here to announce an important matter regarding my beloved daughter…."

A girl stepped out, her long auburn hair swayed as she walked timidly from behind the curtain. Her large caramel eyes widened at the wondrous sight of the dance hall.

"Mother.. this is?" Her shy voice rang like crystal bell.

"A party dedicated for you… Happy 16th Birthday…"

The crowd stared, admiring the loving exchange between the mother and daughter.

"Now my friends." The father announced, "Since my daughter is 16, it means that she is mature enough to be married. Now whoever can woo her and gain her affection, I'll give you my consent to marry her."

All the attention were immediately on the gorgeous princess. "Ehh.. father I don't think I'm ready yet," She stuttered nervously.

"Haha.. that's what you think. Well don't worry about it, just go ahead and have fun at the party! Love will come naturally " He gently pushed her away.

She walked into the crowd shyly and soon everyone began to dance and sing...

"Ehh.. is this what Reborn classify as entertaining?" Squalo yawned and leaned against his chair.

"Hey at least the girl looked pretty cute" Belphegor snickered.

Xanxus scratched his head, annoyed and ill-tempered. "When is that fucking boy gonna appear?"

Squalo sighed irritably. "Are you sure he is even in the play?"

"You know, that girl looked awfully like Tsuna.."

"Maybe it's his sister"

"Neh…. She's really cute~~~"

Xanxus immediate flung popcorns right into their face. "Ye fucking bastard, we're here to laugh our ass off at Sawada, not to pick up some chick."

"Aww boss~~" Lussuria pouted.

"I wonder what his role is?" Squalo snickered.

"Probably a tree or something, hahaha! That'll suit him well!" Xansus laughed. When he was about to get more popcorns, his hand reached into the bag and felt something hard... and soft.

"What the hell?" The Varia boss pulled the object out and found himself staring at a turtle. The turtle stared back at him nonchalantly while it crunched on a popcorn. "You bastard stole my popcorn!" He yelled angrily, completely unaware of the attention that he was getting from the rest of the audiences. He was about to fling it out to the side when something snapped around his arm, stopping his actions immediately.

"Neh can you not throw a tandrum on Enzo?" Dino said lazily from behind. "Plus I"m trying to watch the play, so it'll be nice if you guys can quiet down, that way I can actually hear what they are singing right now." Sitting next to him was Romario, who leaned forward and gently plucked Enzo from Xanxus' clutch and placed it back onto Dino's shoulder.

"You fucking bastard! What are you doing here?" Xanxus sneered as he jerked his arm away from the firm grip of the whip.

"Like I've said before, I'm here to watch the play~" The blonde man replied sheepishly.

"Hm... I wonder where Reborn went." A childish voice snickered.

Xanxus glanced at the source of the voice, only to see the empty seat beside Dino. Then he lowered his gaze and saw Colonello sitting comfortably on a cushion. Beside him was a whole row of the other arcobalenos.

"What the...?" But before he had time to say anything, Colonello shushed him and whispered. "My apprentice is appearing soon! Now things will be interesting..."

Surprisingly, the play was going very well. So far the only notable mistake that Tsuna made was a few stumbles here and there; otherwise, he was acting beyond his own expectations. Right now he was twirling around and singing a song along with everyone else on stage. Really, if not for the audience that were seated before him, he would've believed that he was actually in a ballroom dancing and enjoying his time as 'Natsu', not the 'Dame-Tsuna' that couldn't do anything more graceful than tripping and falling face flat on the ground...

I can't screw up! Tsuna reminded himself when he thought about all the possibilities of making mistakes and embarrassing himself. With all the time that he spent rehearsing, it should be fine... However, there was one scene that he was nervous about... the scene with Ryohei.

The music stopped and all the dancers retreated to the back, leaving Tsuna alone on the stage . All eyes were on him, and butterflies immediately fluttered madly in his stomach. This is it! Calm Calm Calm. He chanted a few times before he looked at the audience and cried out as expressively as he could. "Oh what now? I danced and danced with everyone here! But no one could make my heart flutter like the little birds in the sky!" He looked down sadly and whispered just loud enough for the audience to hear. "What if I'll be alone forever?"

In the background, dramatic music began playing, at first softly, then slowly rising to a crescendo. The audience were all glued to the seat, captivated by the beautiful princess' acting, and at what might happen next. The suspenseful pause held everyone's breath...

And that pause suddenly seemed slightly too long. Where was Ryohei? Tsuna thought frantically. The prince was suppose to appear right now. Did he forget? Or did something happen? It would be extremely awkward he continued to stare down sadly for another minute... He contemplated on whether to say something else to buy more time when he heard footsteps approaching. Oh never mind he made it! He sighed with relief inside.

"Oh, beautiful princess, why do you look so sad?" A voice asked.

Tsuna slowly lifted his head shyly, "You are?"

The owner of the voice sauntered to the middle of the stage, and majority of the female population in the audience gasped at the handsome figure. His clothes glimmered under the intense stage light, and his cape was adorned with all types of jewelry that glitter at every tiny movement. His face was hidden behind a fancy, masquerade mask that gave off a mysterious aura. The only thing that indicated the prince's true identity was the short spiky hair that the make-up artist left untouched and the obvious muscularity that only boxers can have.

"I am Prince Ryohei of The Faraway Kingdom" He introduced himself with a bow. "I've heard about you from my parents, so I travelled here to see the well-known princess." He took a step forward and his fingers weaved around Tsuna's hands. "And the moment I set my eyes on you, I've fallen in love with you."

Tsuna tried to keep his radiating smile without bursting into laughter. Even after hours of rehearsals, it was still hard to keep a straight face after listening to Ryohei's cheesy lines over and over again.

It was his turn to speak. Suddenly, he felt fidgety and nervous, and his eyes widened as he quickly searched for his next line in the back of his mind, but the words were jumbling together. Why am I getting stage-fright right now! Tsuna gulped and stared at Ryohei's masked face, his eyes were pleading with fear, Ryohei help me out! I don't remember the line...

And right away Ryohei seemed to notice the problem. One side of his mouth perked up and formed into a smirk, but it disappeared so quickly that the audience didn't notice the change. "Oh princess, are you that fascinated by my handsome look that you've become speechless? Or are you trying to figure out my beauty under the mask." The prince held his masquerade mask and pulled it up slowly, revealing his face, which was coated with thick concealer to cover the tanned skin. He flung the mask away and smiled, waiting for a response from the princess.

Thank you so much Ryohei! Tsuna beamed at the prince. He was surprised at how well Ryohei managed to improvise the part to bring them back on the track with the script. Now he remembered his forgotten line where he was suppose to ask Ryohei to take off his mask, but now that it was off, he could move on to the next line... which was...

The line flashed across his mind, and Tsuna said it with a squeaky voice. "Oh, prince! Don't say embarrassing things like that. How is it possible that you fell in love with me at first sight?" Tsuna braced himself for Ryohei's next line which was full of cheesy descriptions of what he thought of the princess. However, instead of saying his lines, the prince suddenly grabbed Tsuna's arm and pulled him into a full embrace. Some of the audience cheered and whistled.

Huh? The brunette gasped at the unexpected move. This isn't on the script! He whispered frantically hoping that Ryohei could hear him even though Tsuna's face was buried in his clothes.

The prince didn't say anything, instead, one of his hand began to crawl up and slowly caressed the princess' soft, silky hair, and his other hand stroked the lower back. Then he lifted Tsuna's chin and smirked when he saw how flustered Tsuna was.

The brunette froze when their eyes met. What the hell is Ryohei doing? Then to his horror, the prince leaned in, and the last thing he saw was a pair of lustful eyes before something whizzed right between their faces and hit the wall behind them.

"Ah!" Tsuna yelped and stumbled back. He stared at the tonfa that was stuck to the wall from the force of the impact, and then he glanced back and saw Hibari-san at the entrance of the auditorium. Even in the dark, he swore he could see flames surrounding the prefect as he dashed through the audience and hopped onto the stage.

What is happening? Tsuna watched incredulously. He didn't know which was more shocking, the fact that he was harassed by Ryohei in front of everyone or the fact that Hibari-san appeared out of no where and interrupted the play. He couldn't contain himself any longer. "Hi-Hibari-san! What are you doing here?"

Hibari ignored the question as he walked casually to the wall and pulled his tonfa out. "As a disciplinary committee leader, I must punish you for attempting to harass a Naminori student."

"Wait what?" When Tsuna realized that Hibari's anger was directed at Ryohei, he suddenly fear for his friend's life. Even though Ryohei wasn't acting like himself just a minute ago, Tsuna still didn't want him to end up in the hospital. "Wait Hibari-san! This is just a play and nothing more! He didn't do anything wrong!" Tsuna grabbed Hibari's arm and tried to pull him back.

"No, I'll bite him to death." The prefect shoved him away and charged at the unmoving prince with his deadly tonfas.

"Ryohei!" Tsuna cried out and winced when he heard a loud clash of metals. Slowly opening his eyes, his mouth immediately dropped to the ground as he stared at the sight in front of him.

Ryohei had managed to block the blow easily... with a trident.

Reborn stared at all the unconscious people in the backstage and smiled proudly at his accomplishment. The sleeping gas that Colonello had given him was very useful. He couldn't let people interrupt the play right now, so he made them fall asleep. He left the room and locked the door.

Next... I should go find the other two guardians. Reborn thought and smiled at his own wicked plan.

I hope you guys enjoyed it! I wanted to make it up for you guys by writing a longer chapter, but I decided to save the fun part for next chapter. :P

Thanks for reading!