Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who and am in no way associated with the creators, actors, producers, or anyone else from the show. I wrote this for fun, no money was made, so please don't sue me.

Character Pairings: Ten and...well, Donna? I guess?

Rating: K

Genre: Angst

Summary: The Doctor can't let go of Donna. His thoughts after Journey's End.

This happened every time; this feeling he had come to know all too well. It was the feeling of loss, of being left alone after too few adventures with another magnificent companion. Normally, he ran, as fast and as far as he could, just to escape this feeling.

Yet, for once, he didn't want to move. The TARDIS was traveling on her own right now, had dematerialized from in front of the Noble home, taking him somewhere she thought would help. He trusted her, but at the same time, he wished she would just let him be.

The farther he got from Chiswick, the worse he felt. And the worse he felt over Donna, the guiltier he felt. Shouldn't he be thinking of Rose? She was the one he was in love with, after all. She's the one he should be trying to get back. But the truth was, he had long since given up any dreams of a life with Rose. Now that she was happy, or would grow to be happy with another version of himself, that had to be good enough.

Donna, on the other hand...he sighed. She was a Time Lord in a human's body, and she would never know how absolutely wonderful she really was. She would go on thinking all she was was an above-average temp.

As the TARDIS rematerialized, the Doctor realized that for the first time in his life, he wasn't even slightly curious as to where he was. All he could think of was how to fix things. How to get her back. Marvelous, brilliant Donna. His Donna. The DoctorDonna.