
I do not own the characters of Harry Potter, these belong to that wonderful author JK Rowling and the various publishing companies used to publish her works. Only JK Rowling, her publishers, Warner Brothers and who JK Rowling says can make money and she has not given me permission for that!


AU-Nearly a month after Voldemort is dead and peace reigns in the land. Yet it cannot last poor Mrs. Weasley finds out as the last of the Marauders and Snape are still alive and well…

Chapter One: A Chocolate What?

Mrs. Weasley sat in the spotless sitting room at Grimmauld place sipping her tea. Across from her sat the tall black clad man she had come to respect and admire. Severus Snape potions master, professor at Hogwarts, trainer of a very stubborn and at times unwilling Harry Potter, the man who had kept Black out of the battle at the department of mysteries at great cost to his own life and safety and of course saved the insane Animagmus at least two more times this pass year. Because of Severus Voldemort had fallen only two years after he had risen in the graveyard and he would never rise again. All due to him insisting on going with the headmaster to find the Horcruxes, as if one had not been bad enough! Harry was looking at a nice peaceful seventh year and well she had the man before her to thank.

"I thought you were going to go to Disney World as you stated you would." Mrs. Weasley said regarding the comment Severus Snape had given to Rita about what he would do now Voldemort was dead.

"I still have time, I just wished to get work done and annoy the brat-who-lived." Severus replied smirking.

"He is not that bad Severus, he is not like his father was." Mrs. Weasley replied.

"I know however he is still a rash young man and there were days I wished only to strangle him he is so, so…"

"Like you were at that age?" Molly replied. "He tries hard you know this."

"Yes he does, tries to drive me insane." Severus said a faint sent tickling the back of his nose.

"Severus that is unkind!" Mrs. Weasley said.

Oh yes it had been a trying year but it would have been even more trying if Mrs. Weasley had not snapped. When Harry had found out the full prophecy and had tried to attack Severus Molly had sat the boy and Severus down with Lupin and Black and made them talk. They had agreed to work together and Harry was contrite about his appalling behavior to Severus. Harry had humbled himself and learned everything he could from Severus, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black to defeat Voldemort. He even went on some Horcrux hunting with Dumbledore and in the end he had defeated Voldemort. Now a month later the summer had come and the celebrations were in full swing. Severus put his tea cup down suddenly and stood up sniffing, Molly could not smell what he did and wondered what was going on.

"Severus what is it?" Molly asked him.

"Did you bake chocolate earlier today Molly?" Severus asked.

"No dear I did not, you smell chocolate?" Molly asked.

"Yes, very faint it is very quiet too." Severus replied, "in fact it is too quiet."

"Well Sirius did go out but Remus is here, probably in the library reading." Molly said.

"He is not, I would know, it is really too quiet, Kreacher!" Severus called and with a pop and ancient elf in spotless pillowcase with the Black crest appeared bowing low.

"Potions Master Snape called Kreacher?" Kreacher said, the elf once surly and hateful had a secret that had made him bitter, once he had told his secret to the order Sirius had reconciled to him and did all he could to make the elf's life as good as he could. "What can Kreacher do for the noble Potions Master Snape?"

"Have you seen Remus?" Severus asked.

"Last I saw of him he had got several bags of what I know not Potions Master Snape."

"I see, thank you that is all." Severus said.

With a bow Kreacher was gone to oversee Winky and Dobby who worked here overseeing the house until the secret that Sirius was keeping was brought to life. No matter that Severus wanted to know what was going on. He walked out of the sitting room with Molly behind him his wand out he walked down the stairs the smell of chocolate growing only a bit stronger. Still Molly could not smell the sent even though it was getting stronger. Severus had a very good nose and could smell things that average people could not. He walked down the hall to the stairs to the kitchens and basement and walked down them. Now Molly could smell the faint sent of chocolate and wondered where it was coming from. Severus walked into the kitchen but did not see anything there. He walked out and to another door and opened it and the smell of chocolate nearly overpowered him. He looked into the vast chamber and very nearly laughed but only raised an eyebrow.

"Well Remus you finally managed to outdo yourself." Severus said to the werewolf inside the room.

"Yes I did indeed." Remus saw Molly who looked into the room speechless. "I ah it is for Dora you know."

"I hope Black does not kill you for this." Severus said. then seeing Molly turning red, "or Molly."

"Where did you get all this?" Molly said trying so hard not to yell or bust out laughing.

"Well I got the chocolate and sugar and powered milk from a muggle warehouse, it is all paid for and the water came from my wand and I stirred it with my wand too!"

Remus was standing on an island of solid chocolate connected to the doorway by a narrow bridge of chocolate. Normally one stepped down into "the dungeons" five feet, however the steps now were covered in rich chocolate. Dark smooth chocolate covered the entire floor five feet deep and there was more, Remus had managed to make a kind of water fall with chocolate that ran much like a fountain. Remus did love chocolate Severus knew that very well, he did not carry around chocolate just because he was an expert at dark arts defense, no he loved chocolate very much. Yet this, well this really was to much, Sirius sury could not like the fact that his basement was now filled with chocolate. As if right on cue Sirius came into the house singing a very rude song about a witch and well best not to go there. He came down the stairs to the basement and walked up to where Molly and Severus stood and….

"Good heavens Moony!!" Sirius said staggering and falling against the wall in shock.

"You think it is a bit too much Padfoot?" Remus asked. "You think Dora will like it?"

"You, my basement, that is what you bought the chocolate for how did you, I mean…" Sirius trailed off unable to speak as he was still in shock.

"I am sure she will enjoy this." Severus said dryly.

"Did you encourage this Snape?" Sirius snarled.

"No, I had no idea he would do such a thing." Severus said shrugging.

Sirius was at war with his emotions, he should be mad at his dear friend for turning his basement into a chocolate lake but then it was an impressive bit of magic. Remus had taken at least a ton of supplies, added water and created a master piece. Slowly the look of shock left Sirius's face and a grin took its place. He looked years younger for it and then he threw back his head and laughed a great barking laugh. He slid down to the floor as he could not control his laughter and Molly did her best not to join him. Severus meantime had spotted Dobby and politely asked the elf to get him a camera which the elf did. He took several pictures of the chocolate lake sure the headmaster would enjoy seeing this. Oh never mind the photos for the old annoying, foolish but wonderful loving headmaster of Hogwarts was there! Complete with long sliver hair and beard and oh joy the brightest blue robes that could be bought. He saw Remus' handiwork and his blue eyes took to twinkling.

"Ah so that is what all that chocolate and sugar and powdered milk were for you ordered." Dumbledore said smiling.

"Ah so you saw the invoice then." Remus said looking so pleased with himself.

"Indeed my boy I did." Dumbledore replied.

Molly looked at Severus and he looked at her and without a word they walked from the basement back up to the sitting room. They sat back down and put warming charms on their tea and tried so very hard to forget what they had just seen. A chocolate lake in the middle of the house? Oh dear Molly and Severus realized that the adventures were just beginning. In fact Molly's troubles had just started with the Marauders and Professor Snape and it had started with a chocolate lake in the basement of Sirius Black's house…