Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice

WARNING: I tend to lose the characters personality and make them a little OOC but I will try to keep their personalities.

A/N: Keep note they have British accents... lol

X. Summary: Princess Sakura Mikan was always told that she was clumsy. But now, it was officially confirmed when she fell aboard a pirate ship. Not only does she meets a rude young captain, but is turned into a slave.

X. Chapter 1: Uh oh... wrong boat?

Princess Mikan - the one and only daughter of the King and Queen. She was a beauty! Stunning to be more specific. Many referred to her as a goddess; she has golden brown hair and beautiful brown orbs. Her face held a perfect shape, her lips were pink and plump and her smile could soften anybody's heart. Not only was she gifted with beauty, but she was also given an amazing personality. Her personality was bubbly and optimistic, not to mention absolutely caring. But, of course nobody is perfect. Mikan could be a little dense but, VERY clumsy.

There was one time, during a ball. Mikan had kept fussing about how long and puffy her dress was. For that reason, while Mikan was dancing, she had tripped over the end of her dress and had fallen on top of her partner. It caused a huge uproar; her partner had nearly died of suffocation from the dress. Ever since then, Mikan had been told she was very clumsy. More and more accidents began to occur to show her clumsiness.


It was the beginning of a new season; spring to be more exact. Spring was one of Mikan's all time favourite season. It was the time where she could enjoy the beautiful sun, without getting to hot. She also enjoyed seeing the birds fly back from the south and loved watching the plants begin to bloom, while the kids played outside. She was so caught up about nature, she had completely forgotten about what the new season actually meant. In their land, spring was the time for love. "To blossom new love" she was often told. Every spring, many men who believed they were a good enough partner for Mikan, would try to court her until she had chosen who she loved. In the end of every spring, the result was always the same. She would always refuse to choose and make up an excuse that she was not ready or she was too young. But unfortunately for her, in the new season she was turning 18. It was the rightful age to get married in their land. Everybody was looking forward to whom she was going to choose, to sit rightfully beside her on the throne.


A girl with a slim pink dress, sat alone in her room. She was sitting on a wooden chair by the window; staring outside and enjoying the view. She smiled; hearing the children's laughter, it had always made her day. Her room was filled with the sound of the clock; echoing throughout her spacey room. She turned her head towards the clock that was hanging loosely on the bare wall. She slowly began to make her way towards the dining room. Many maids and butlers greeted her along the way, which in return, she would greet back enthusiastically. Once she had reached the dining room; her mother and father greeted her good morning, as she took a seat across from them.

The dining room was very elegant. On the ceiling was a beautiful chandelier that brightened the entire room. The dining table was long and wooden. It had a lovely chestnut colour; it extended almost to the end of the room. The walls were an elegant red with a white border line.

"Have you met your new suitors?" Her mother suddenly asked during breakfast.

Mikan gave a confused look at first; but, her expression soon turned into a frown.

"I haven't taken a step outside the castle yet, mother" Mikan replied.

"Oh?" her mother gave a startled look.

"Knowing you, I was sure you would be outside by now" her father spoke.

"Actually, I was planning to go outside after breakfast!" she said cheerfully.

Her parents smiled at her, her cheerfulness was always the sunshine of their lives.

After breakfast, she finally had taken a step out of the castle. She headed towards the garden; it was filled with cherry blossoms and many types of colourful flowers. She twirled and skipped; her pink dress swaying along with her. She could feel the morning breeze against her fair skin and her hair was now dancing in the air; warmth and happiness began to fill her entire body.


"Aye Captain! We'll hit land by sun down" one of the pirates reported.

"Hn..." the young man replied while staring ahead.

"Cap'n! Are we going to pillage (1) the town?" the same pirate asked.

"Aye...So prepare yourself crew!" the young man shouted loudly for the rest of the pirates to hear.

"Aye!" they shouted back.


Throughout the day, she could have sworn she met every single man there was in the village. To her surprise, she felt as if her suitors had doubled this season. Princess Mikan lay on her bed that night; thinking over the suitors she had met that day. She was already fully aware that she had no other choice 

and had to choose a partner by the end of spring. But she refused to do so. She tried to think optimistically. She knew that spring didn't end until a few months from now. That gave her time to make a decision and possibly find a way to stop her from getting married. She sighed and began to close her eyes. She was ready to drift off to sleep until she suddenly felt her room shake. She rose from bed and she could see fire from outside her window and screaming could be heard from inside. Next thing she knew her mother barged into her room and pulled her out of the castle with only a robe and dishevelled hair. Her mom was holding onto her hand while they ran towards the dock. Her heart was rapidly pounding against her chest, she was now hyperventilating. Her mind hadn't fully absorbed the events that were happening until she noticed a hurt woman on the ground. She was begging for help; Mikan would have helped her if it weren't for her mother's tight grip. They were running so fast Mikan couldn't help but stumble. Suddenly a man and his horse ran between Mikan and her mother, causing them to let go of each other's hands. Mikan had fallen flat faced on the dirty soil. It took her all her power to try and stand up. People were still screaming and running; making it difficult for Mikan to move around. Once she noticed her mother was out of sight, she began to run frantically in hopes of finding her. She ran around the village, everything was wrecked. Mikan's favourite bakery was now trashed and her favourite park was a disaster. By the time she made it to the docks she could hear more gun fire and explosives from the village. Her father must have gathered his team to defend the village, but it was no use. From where Mikan was standing, her eyes widen at the sight. The entire village was burned, there was hardly anything left to call home.


Mikan wandered around the dock; still no sign of her mother. She was ready to give up, until she saw a beautiful ship up ahead. Attracted to the ship, she slowly moved towards it. The ship had a dark burgundy colour and there were beautiful art carvings on the side of the ship. She gave a curious look when her eyes fell upon the words "Angel's Nest". She was about to think further about it until she was aggressively grabbed from behind and was knocked unconscious.


It had been an hour since she had fallen unconscious. But slowly, she began to awaken. She started to notice the smell of salt water and could feel the ground rocking slightly. When she had finally opened her eyes, her heart began to race and her eyes showed the sign of fear. She was surrounded by pirates. The pirates had gathered around her, they seem to be fascinated by her. But that was no surprise. Suddenly they began to make a pathway. Her expression turned into a sign of curiosity, until her eyes lay upon a young man. He wasn't too young; she guessed he was about her age. One thing that attracted her curiosity was his eyes; it was crimson. It was unique and unusual for someone to have such an eye. The young man took a step closer towards her and Mikan moved back in return. His lips turned into a smirk and she could tell he was amused by her reaction. That smug look on his face annoyed Mikan to no end. She forced her eyes to turn into a glare. For a second; his eyes showed a glimpse of surprise, but either way turned back to that smug look.

"What's a lass like ye doin' on me ship?" The young man asked her with a threatening stare.

"I-I was searching for my mother" Mikan explained.

"Aye...well sorry to say madam, but yer mum ain't on me ship" he told her with a smirk.

Mikan began to clench her fists. Was this man trying to anger her? Then suddenly she remembered the condition of her home; the entire place was burned down.

"Were you the ones who attacked my home?!" she spat and pointed at the boy.

His face was impassive when he answered her.


Mikan's eyes widen; she could feel her anger rising. She was ready to pounce on the man, and strangle him for his actions. But no... If she had done so; she would be like them. That was something she would never want to be. Instead she summoned the biggest glare she could ever give.

"I will never forgive you" her voice held venom.

The men on the ship began to chuckle.

"I will never forgive you...oh I'm so scared, I feel as if me beard will fall off" one of the pirate began to mock her.

"Belay! (2)" The young man shouted at his crew. They obeyed him and began to quietly leave.

The young man gave Mikan one last look before he left along with his crew. Once she was left alone, Mikan fell to her knees; she felt a shiver run down her spine. Her mind was now imprinted with the memory of fire and crimson eyes...


"Cap'n do what shall we do with the girl?" a pirate asked.

The captain stared out towards the sea. Watching the land they had just pillage shrink, as they moved farther away. In honesty, he wasn't proud of what he did. But, his crew was getting reckless; they were craving for action. He turned towards the young pirate, whose eyes were filled with curiosity.

"Shark bait?" the pirate questioned.

There was hesitation before he replied with "Leave her be..." and then walked away to his private room in hopes of getting a good rest.


(1) Pillage means to raid or rob.

(2) Belay means like shut up or stop that.

This is my first chapter! I've been working on this story for a while now...I wasn't sure if I should upload it or not, but finally I chose to put it up on fanfic