Alice Walker: Loveless

AN: After receiving a few unhappy review from you guys, I decided what the hell, I'll write another ending. Most of it is the same, just the very end since many of you wanted a happier ending. Enjoy the happy ending!

Alice Walker

When Tyki returned home, take out bag in his hand, he came home to a very unhappy fiancée. "My dear! What's wrong?" He strode to Alice's side. Alice was sitting on the floor in the foyer. Her face was tear-streaked and her dress was messy with wet stains. She sniffed. "Kanda hates me."

Tyki raised in eyebrow in surprise. Her flat statement sent a tinge of jealousy though his veins. "Oh, dear, I'm sure he doesn't." She sobbed. "B-but he d-does. H-he said. Damn it! I-I finally get a c-chance, a-and I s-screw up!" She pounded her fists on the ground angrily. He sympathized with her, caressing her hair as she cried on the floor. Mumbling "its okay" every now and then into her hair and stroking her cheek gently. But his goodwill was over looked. Only one name was dutifully chanted with woe. Kanda.



Tyki grimaced and held the angry little girl close. She cried loudly into his clean, primly pressed dress shirt. Her sorrow radiated off her person like poison. He could feel his anger bubbling, this was all for that other man. He could feel the tears beginning to crawl fiber by fiber onto his skin. It was taunting him. He was being pushed aside like a third wheel. It felt like everything was suddenly too slow. She became so loud. She was so prominent.

She was there, in the middle of a blur there she was. Crying.

But not for him.

No tears were shed for Tyki.

They were all for that damned Japanese.

That god damned man.

Why for him? Why not for me?

Why not for me?

Why not for me?

Tyki clutched the girl tightly.

"Tyki, Tyki, I can't, can't breath." Alice struggled.

"Why, Alice, tell me, why do you cry for him? Why don't you cry for me? Why don't you show this emotion for me?" He pushed her so she faced him, his hands gripping her shoulders in a vice grip. Not letting her escape his predatory glare. "Don't I treat you well? Don't I give you everything you want? Pretty dresses? Aren't I nice to you?"

Alice trembled. She had never seen Tyki this. His eyes were crazy. This wasn't Tyki.

She stared at him like a scared little deer in the headlights.

"Answer me!"

She stared completely silent.

"Answer me god damnit!" He shook her violent.

She looked away.

"You can't get anything better than this! I'm the best that you'll ever have! Don't you see?" Tyki cried manically. "You can't do any better than me!"

A bit of saliva dribbled from Alice's lips from being shaken so. "Don't Tyki don't, please, stop."

"Stop what?" He slapped her hard across the face. "How dare you feel that way toward another man. How dare you! We're going to get married soon and you're going off having feelings for another man." The volume of his voice got quieter and quieter. "That, that simply will not do."

He felt his anger boil out to a small hard lump of jealousy and rage, a tightly compressed ball of feelings, just waiting to be released. Alice's eyes reflected fear. This simply made his blood boil.

"Tyki, you're not yourself right now! Calm down!" Alice and Tyki both knew about his personality issue. She tried to squirm away from the hands on her shoulders, but his grip would not falter. "Remember who you are! You're not the one that wants to hurt anyone. You don't want to hurt me!"

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong Alice. I do." He dragged her by her feet to their bedroom. "I could always tell you were reluctant to marry me. Even when we first met, you weren't really into the idea. I knew you had someone on your mind, I just didn't know who. Now I know."

Alice whimpered as she was thrown onto the bed and tied down.

"I could hardly sleep whenever I was home, you're crying and kicking at night made that impossible. Didn't you wonder why I was never home? You cried and screamed in your sleep." Tyki tightened his knots expertly.

"Tyki! Darling, please, you're not right in the mind right now. Please just let me go!" Alice pleaded and cried.

"I'm very right in the mind right now." He opened the drawer next to the night stand and pulled out a small colt revolver. The metal barrel glinted in the dim lamp light. He sniggered. "And I know now. I know now who I need to kill."

"Tyki, please stop this! You don't know what you're talking about, don't let the dark side of you win! Don't let it!"

Tyki turned his heel to face her, his breath close to her face. "Listen, I know exactly what I want. You caused this, Alice, don't you see? You caused this." He said gripping her face, leaving small bruises along her jaw. He huffed and stormed out of the house; leaving Alice tied in the bedroom.

Kanda had left the little cottage feeling like crap. Now he felt even worse. How could he have said such things to that poor Alice? He knew she loved him. Maybe he really was just being all too selfish.

But it's too late now. She already hates me, Kanda thought to himself. I can't do anything about this anymore.

He called a servant to his room to bring him more alcohol. It was awful and the taste was bitter, but he didn't know what else to do.

His pride simply would not let him go back and apologize to her.

"Fuck." He stumbled around his chamber, clumsily knocking things over. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

He over turned the small table in his room. The glass crashed against the wood floor boards. Flower petals and crystal from the vase of flowers scattered upon the floor. He kicked the pieces around, not caring that they were lacerating the bottom of his foot.

He took another sip of brandy.

Frustrated, he knocked down his bookshelves. He relished the feeling of destroying something.

He couldn't stand the prim and properness of his room any longer. He had to make it look like he felt.

And he felt like crap.

He called a maid on the intercom in his home. "Shirley, could you bring my blade and some dummies into the practice room?" He heard the crackle of the old intercom system and a quick reply of "Yes young master" and headed to the practice room.

He didn't even bother to slide open the paper doors, rather deciding the punch down the paper and wood.

His maid looked at him, dumbfounded, "Here are the things you have requested, Young master." She presented him his katana and quickly set up the straw dummies. Kanda didn't change into proper attire; he went at the dummies in his suit. Not caring that it was stiff and uncomfortable.

He slashed and cut his anger away.

When he heard his doorbell being rung, and the intercom speak. "Young master, you are requested at the foyer."

Who else could be requested? Kanda thought, no one else is here.

He carried his unsheathed katana with him down the stairs, glaring at the maids that hurried to clean his trashed room.

Kanda slowly descended down the stairs. He looked up from his feet and saw Tyki.

"What do you want Mikk?"

The Portuguese man smirked coyly, "why, Kanda, you say that as if you're not happy to see me."

"I sure as hell am not." He shifted his weight on his other leg. "What do you want?"

He tapped the hilt of his blade with his fingers.

"What do I want?" He man slid his hand into his coat. "I want," he pulled it out slow, the silver barrel shining; "I want you to die."

In a flash, the gun was pointed at Kanda's head. The blade pressed right at Tyki's neck.

Alice struggled with the knots; she had managed the free one of her arms. She picked at the other in vain. She growled frantically. She had to get free, she had to save Kanda!

Tyki's dark side had taken over, he wouldn't mind killing someone. He wouldn't even feel a thing. Tyki's dark side was a scary thing, it was completely emotionless. It had only the intent of killing and torturing. She had encountered it once before, and it had almost killed her. She couldn't let Tyki do anything stupid.

She had to make sure both of them could be safe.

After struggling for a little bit, she laid back down, defeated. She chewed angrily at her lip and remembered the awful earrings that someone had given her as a gift once; they were as sharp as knives! The sun patterns rays cut her skin the only time she wore them, and never wore them after that. But her earring stand was on the other side of the room. She could move freely about, but her movement was very limited as her other arm was still tied to the bed.

The earring stand taunted her as she reached and reached for it.

Alice grumbled in frustration. The only thing she could do was move the bed. It was a king sized mahogany bed with a tree shaped canopy, it would be hard to move, but she could do it.

She pulled with all of her strength. The bed strained.

She pulled again, cursing the carpeted floor. It moved a little bit.

So it was, bit by bit that she moved the bed until she was close enough.

Her hair pressed to her face from the sweat and her arms hurt from all the rigorous pulling. She reached for an earring and quickly ran it back and forth against the rough polyester rope.




When the fibers finally snapped free, she quickly ran out of the house. Please don't do anything stupid, Tyki. She begged in her mind as she hailed a taxi. She had been to Kanda's home before, she remembered.

"Mister, please, just follow my directions."

Kanda's hands sweated, the katana was cutting ever so slightly into Tyki's dark skin. He could feel the circular opening of the gun pressed onto his forehead. The two were frozen in a tie.

"Why did you stop?" Tyki questioned. "I could kill you right now."

"Why did you?" He pressed it harder into Tyki's neck. He felt the Portuguese tremble. "You're terrified."

"Ha, please. Don't belittle me." Kanda could see his finger itching to pull the trigger. Tyki slowly, slowly pulled the trigger down. So slow he could feel the resistance.


"Mister, please can't you go faster?" She cried.

"Lady! It's blocked, ya blind?"

She threw some money at him, she was close enough anyways, she could run there. The cab yelled something at her about her change as she slammed the door shut and bolted through the traffic. The air was thick with moisture and heat as she pushed her way through the cars.

The forest gate was so close.

She remembered exactly.

The gate was open.

He was here already.

She pushed her legs to run faster to get to the house faster. There was light in the windows. The door was slightly ajar.

She heard it.


Alice slammed the door open, there in front of her they were.

The blood stained the floor.

Stained the white and black tiles, they would be sticky soon.

The tiles will be crusty and sticky with the thick red blood of men.

She stared in shock and walked closer, red tendrils crawling up the hem of her dress. Her eyes were open as wide as they could. She couldn't believe what she saw.

This is a dream.

This is a dream.

This is a dream.

On the floor, the two men lay. Tyki's head mostly disconnected from his body. There was only just a thin piece of skin holding it together. His spine was visible and white and bones. His throat muscles and organs were still warm and pulsing. In his hand, was the colt revolver. Tyki's eyes were wide open.


His face animated with anger. Frozen in the moment.

But he was dead.


Alice whipped her head around to face the voice. Her eyes had already welled up with tears. Laying there was the Kanda Yuu. She rushed to his side. "Oh my god, Kanda! Are you okay?" She fumbled to take her phone out and call an ambulance. He grabbed her hand.

"Stop! Are you stupid? Look the guy's dead." He winced. "My shoulder, just, drive there, I can walk, just help me up."

She wiped the tears from her face. "Okay, okay," She accidentally grabbed his bad arm, causing a loud pained groan from the other. "Sorry!" Kanda struggled to get up; the blood flowed freely from the wound in his shoulder. His nice white shirt blossomed with color.

The two of them stumbled out the door to Tyki's car; the keys were still in the ignition.

He had never planned to die.

Alice slowly let Kanda onto the passenger seat, making sure to avoid touching his wounded shoulder. "Relax, it'll be okay soon." She watched Kanda's eyes slide closed and quickly headed to the other side to jump into the driver's seat. Alice was never any good at driving, or directions, but Kanda's life depended on her right now. She had to get there and save him.

Her hands trembled as she shifted the gear into drive.

Just wait Kanda, this time I'll be the one to save you.

"Socialite and CEO of the Millennium trading company have been found dead. His murderer has not yet been found." The television screen flashed a picture of Tyki. "He was killed by decapitation. A sword and a colt revolver were found at the scene. No other information has been gathered from the crime scene."

Alice turned the television off. "Did you hear that, Kanda? This stuff goes around like a wildfire." She eyed the man laying in the bed close by. "It's only been a day and it's already all over the news."

Kanda snorted. "Of course it is moyashi."

"Hey, Kanda,"

"What moyashi?"

"I'm glad you're safe."

He was silent for a minute. "I would never let myself die while you were still here." He finally said after a long pause.

Alice blushed. "What's with the cheesy ness baKanda?"

"You wouldn't survive a day without me to make sure you didn't do something stupid." He added.

"Hey!" Alice chucked a pillow at the wounded man, it hit him squarely in the face.
"Hey yourself, don't hurt the handicapped." Kanda used his useable arm to move the pillow from his face.

"You're hardly handicapped." She puffed her cheeks angrily. She stood up and walked close to where Kanda laid. "But really, I'm glad you're okay."

"I know that."

Alice smiled, all of her teeth showing, she punched him softly in his uninjured shoulder. "You better."

Months later.

"Hey Tyki, how's the after life?" Alice placed flowers on the marble tomb. "I hope everything is going well with you. Kanda and I got married not so long ago, and I'm pregnant."

"Moyashi quit telling that dead creep everything." Kanda stood off in the distance, frowning deeply.

"Don't speak ill of the dead!" Alice called to him, then turning back to the tomb she spoke again, "I'm going to give birth in June. I don't know what gender the baby will be yet, it's going to be a surprise. Either way it'll be a true gift from heaven for the both of us, Kanda and I." She paused to wipe her nose. "I-I'm sorry, and well. Goodbye."

Alice kissed the tombstone, the warm marble against her lips. She patted the stone fondly and turned to Kanda, who had come closer to the tombstone. "Okay, let's go." Kanda wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "So what now?"

"What do you mean what now moyashi? You want more shit to happen?"

"Everything seems so….done."

"So it is." Kanda brushed her hair through his fingers. "We've got the baby on the way, shit's gonna happen."

"Hey don't say that!"

They left the cemetery together.



Well, I hope you enjoyed, blahblahblah thanks a lot for your support and reviews and everything!
