Summary: Set during the Sino-Japanese war, a Japanese soldier and a Chinese noble begin a forbidden affair despite the war between their countries. Four years and broken promises later, they meet again under the most tragic circumstances.



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Sun and Moon



It was midnight, the moon was full and the trees swayed to the light summer breeze. But there was no peace in the air, and no silence to permeate the environment. It would have been a perfect humid evening, were it not for the cries and screams that echoed across the town. Infernos of oranges and reds could be seen from a distance, large fumes of black smoke where all but evidences of the latest tragedy to befall the city. Everywhere people scrambled for their lives trying to salvage all of their belongings from being swallowed by the fire that licked their homes. Frantic mothers carried their screaming children across the streets, maddeningly searching for a place to go.

Trying hard to fight for their lives.

But failing.

There was simply no escape.

The Imperial Japanese Army has already arrived in the city. And for them, there is only one intention. One simple rule to carry out for them to win their war against China… And bring national pride back home.

The Imperial Headquarter Order number 575. Or more popularly known as the Three Alls Policy.

And it only meant following three simple rules:

Kill All.

Loot All.

Burn All.

The rule maybe the most vicious and most inhumane act to be enforced upon humanity, but it was a rule nonetheless and they were soldiers merely carrying out orders for their country. For their future.

Their pride.

And for that they turned blind eyes and deaf ears against the pitiful and gory sight of homes being burned, lost children screaming for their mothers, people crying over dead relatives and loved ones and accused men being pierced with bayonets in the public.

It was a massacre.

And amidst the blaze of fire, one red-haired man stood as he watched the city burn along with some of its occupants. The scent of smoke infiltrated his nose, but he did not do anything to cover it.

His golden eyes pierced the darkness as it settled on his captive standing across from him. It scared the man right in front of him. A man whose head was bowed low and arms placed behind it, signifying surrender.

Total surrender.

With no hesitations, the amber-eyed man lifted his rifle towards the person, as he made a circular motion in his hands. A cue for the man to turn around, and he did.

This was his destiny, and there was no room for mercy, for compassion. His humane side, had long died right after he had gotten over his first kill.

His first taste of blood.

This was sacrifice, for Japan's better future.

One shot from his bayonet was all it took, a shot to the head. Straight on. And the man instantly fell on his knees before slowly stumbling forward. He let down his rifle and he soon joined his comrades to search the city town hall.

But no matter how many lives he took, there was one thing he couldn't bear seeing on dead people.

The look of empty and unseeing eyes.

Eyes that might serve to remind him of this nightmare when all of this war is over. Eyes that will haunt him and blame him for deaths where he played the role of God.

He was no God, but in the battle he was a demon.

He was Battousai.

And he shows no mercy.


Hey guys! My first venture into serious writing (by serious I mean, research and drama!). I warn you this does not include supernatural creatures or teenage angst (if you are into those kinds of things). Just plain old wartime drama inspired by a play, which I will mention in the future for fear of spoiling things.

Though 'twas a short one, hope that piqued your interest. Next chapter is about Kaoru so I hope you'll wait for that one. Please review!