Title: Touched (6)

Author: silvermoon8705

Rating: PG

Characters/Pairings: Ten/Martha, Rose/Will Stanton

Spoilers: AU! Post Human Nature/Family of Blood

Disclaimer: Doctor Who is owned by the BBC - no money being made. The Dark Is Rising Series is owned by Susan Cooper - no money being made.

Summary: The Doctor waited almost a year before he saw Martha again.
Chapter 6: As the Doctor and Martha's relationship moves forward, Rose finds out that she has made a grave mistake.

Author's notes: Sorry for the delay. I've decided to take this story in a slightly different direction, but the ending will stay the same.

Rose saw it coming before Martha did, but in the end; it turned out to be too late.

Martha turned to her in surprise as she fell to the ground. The bullet had pierced her leg.

Rose was about to make her way to her, but the Doctor had rushed to Martha's side and looked to have the situation under control.

"Doctor, you should take her to the Med Bay on the TARDIS," she told him.

"I don't think it's that bad," Martha muttered, but let the Doctor fuss over her.

"I'll be right back," Rose said, noticing a very familiar someone partially hidden in the shadows.

"Be careful," he told her, concern in his voice.

"Of course, Doctor," She smiled at him. "If there were trouble, there'd be more bullets yeah?"

"Just don't wander," he said firmly.

Rose nodded and went on her way.

Martha poked him in the chest saying, "You know when I meant, 'I don't think it's that bad' I really meant if I would have access to the TARDIS's Med Bay, then I could have this taken care of faster. With its advanced medical equipment and all."

"All these demands, Miss Jones," he teased, but then said, "I'll go get a stretcher from the TARDIS."

"Better yet, materialize the TARDIS around me," she suggested.

He kissed her forehead. "I won't be long."

"All right," Martha waved her hand to shoo him away, but gave him a smile all the same.

He winked back at her.

~ * ~

"Well," Rose began. "What is it, Will?"

She couldn't help but be worried at the look on her boyfriend's face.

He looked gravely at her when he grabbed her hand, saying, "We can't talk here. They could find out."

"What d'you mean? The Dark? You said they weren't as strong as they were in the past."

He nodded. "Unfortunately things are beginning to change…You ready?"

"Not sure I can ever get used to this," she said a bit nervously.

"You will, soon enough," He smiled softly at her.

In the next moment, the two faded away.

~ * ~

Martha woke up in a bed in the Med Bay on the TARDIS. The Doctor had his head on her lap, asleep, with his hand holding on to hers. Her leg wound had been bandaged and she was grateful not to feel much if any pain from the bullet wound.

"Doctor? Wake up," she said quietly, nudging him a bit.

He mumbled incoherently before he noticed where he was. He raised his head to look at Martha. "How are you doing?"

"Oh, all right. What I really want to know is who shot me. Either of you see the person?"

The Doctor shook his head. "No, unfortunately not. It's odd actually. It's almost like the person disappeared. This was no ordinary human being…"

"If it was even human," Martha pointed out, but then added after looking around, "Where's Rose anyway?"

"I'm not sure. She said she had to go. I told her not to wander off."

Martha snorted. "You really think telling that to a companion ever works?"

The Doctor grinned at her. "There's no harm in trying. She should be back soon, hopefully."

Martha looked around for her mobile, planning to call home to see how what the babysitter was up to.

"Doctor? Where's my mobile? I thought I set it down on the table."

"Oh, it rang while you were sleeping. Your babysitter – Sarah was it? – called. She says the kids are fine."

"That's good. Though I didn't ask you to take my calls. Did she ask who you were? Why you were taking calls from my mobile?"

"I told her I was your Doctor. And that you were asleep and I didn't want to disturb you."

Martha smiled at him indulgently. "Charming." She said as he handed her the mobile.

"Can I lie on the bed with you?" He asked.

"Do you even have to ask? Come on, mister," she said, moving over to give him some room.

He climbed on the bed, putting his arm around Martha once he was settled beside her. She placed her head on his chest – Martha thought she would never get tired of hearing his steady double heartbeat.

The Doctor looked down at her for a moment before he spoke, "I've been meaning to ask you something."

Martha raised her head, a question in her eyes. "What is it, Doctor?"

He took a deep breath then let it out, "Will you be my girl?" He asked quietly.

"Doctor, you know you'll have other companions. I won't live as long as you. I don't want to hold you back--"

"You'll never hold me back, Martha Jones. I may have companions in the future, yes, but for now – here with you and having a child together – this is the moment, don't you think? I want you to know I'm in this all the way." He looked intently at her to where she knew, without a doubt, that he meant his words to the letter.

"Okay," she said, smiling at him.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

Martha poked him in the chest. "Yes, I'll be your girl. I love you – and you know what?"


"We've come a long way, haven't we? I almost can't believe it."

"You know the offer is still up. I would love it if you come with me – back on the TARDIS."

"I'll think about it."

"I suppose I need a new persuasion strategy?"

Martha gave him a suggestive look. "Don't sell yourself short. You're plenty persuasive. I'm just worried that once I decide to come back on board, I'll never want to leave…"

He didn't say anything. Instead he kissed her on the lips and whispered, "You don't know how happy you make me" at the moment they parted.

Martha only smiled at him. She realized a moment too late that it was probably a bad sign that she hadn't thought of Tom when agreeing to the Doctor's proposition. She supposed she should have been feeling guiltier than she actually felt, but maybe – Martha thought – this just showed that she had never really gotten over the Doctor.

And no one, not really, could ever quite compare to him.

~ * ~

"Where are we?" Rose asked, noticing a farm in the distance.

Mountains formed the landscape almost leaving her in awe at their beauty.

"Wales. Near my uncle's farm actually. Well, it used to be his farm, I think one of his sons took it over. I haven't seen them in a while after you know--"

She looked at him sympathetically. "Coz you died, right? They think you've passed away."

"It's neither here nor there. I had to do it. I had to leave my family and friends behind – had to make them believe I drowned. It was the only way I could move on."

She held his hand, putting her head on his shoulder. "Well, you have me. At least for now."

He smiled at her. "I can't deny I'm a bit scared – even with all of the gifts I have – about living forever. To see everyone I know die and having to make new connections. You don't know how grateful I am that I found you."

"I have that effect on people. What did you want to tell me though?" She asked, looking up at him.

"It was Tom Milligan who made the shot. He missed."

Rose looked thoughtful. "He was trying to get the Doctor, wasn't he?"

Will nodded. "You shouldn't have threatened him a few days ago."

"What d'you mean?"

"You mentioned a friend of yours – not by name – but the Dark picked up on it and know you meant me. Now they're waiting for me to show my hand. I may have to – sooner than I would have liked."

Rose looked at him, confused. "How is the Dark involved? What does this have to do with what I told Milligan?"

He sighed, wishing he didn't have to be the bearer of bad news. "I've discovered that Tom Milligan is working with the Dark. He's still human, but the Dark takes pleasure in twisting the darkness within all humans for their amusement. I believe the Lords of the Dark are trying to gain some ground after losing miserably in the last great battle. They're taking advantage of Tom's desire to have Martha commit to him."

"And that would mean getting the Doctor out of the way? Wasn't very smart of him to attempt to shoot him – Tom should know about his regeneration capability. He told me that Martha told him the truth about the Doctor…"

"This is just the beginning. Maybe he knew about regeneration, maybe he didn't, but the trouble is he'll found out soon enough either way. The Dark has agents everywhere and with the Doctor's propensity to frequent Earth, they'll get someone to cough it up."

"Anyone who knows the Doctor wouldn't reveal information about him to any agents of the Dark. I'm sure of it," she said firmly.

Will shook his head. "The Dark is exceptionally persuasive when they want to retrieve information. Getting information from humans is like taking candy from a baby for them. You don't know what they're like, but I promise you, as long as you're with me, they won't touch you."

"What can helping Milligan get what he wants help them? What's the point?"

"They're starting out small – charming humans to aid their cause. They didn't know before that I was still around. The rest of my kind has left Earth and I'm the only one watching things here. I wouldn't be surprised if they're getting nervous about my presence. They're going to do something to force my hand because a face-to-face confrontation will give them a chance to blast me out of Time for good."

Rose nodded. "What do you think they're going to do?"

"The subtle approach – they're going to erase his memories. Considering Tom's dilemma – just the parts associated with Martha."

Rose gasped. "You can't be serious. Why would they do such a thing? And wait – that means…that…oh my god." She trailed off, realizing something.

Will did not dare look at her, and instead observed the endless open landscape. This was one of his favorite places – he could never stay away for too long.

He continued on, "The Doctor will be reminded of your time with him in his dreams. He'll most likely be inundated with them until they replace his time with Martha. I'm not certain whether the lost memories will be erased completely or buried deep and locked up. Either way, by the end of the process, the Doctor will believe he's still traveling with you…"

"Before the Cybermen and the Daleks?"

"I suppose it would be right before then…"

"We can't let this happen. Everyone has a right to their memories. And maybe it won't work out since he's alien…right?"

He looked at her apologetically. "I don't think it'll matter. They'll get creative if they really want something. And the best way for them to get Tom what he wants – is to eliminate the competition completely."

"That's horrible. It's not right."

"I thought you would like it. You told me once that you told the Doctor you loved him."

At his uncertain expression, Rose pulled him to her and kissed him passionately. She wouldn't let him think that she wasn't in this relationship 100 percent.

"That was the past. I'm a different person now – and don't think I'll be enjoying this. Martha's a close friend of mine – practically a sister to me – I don't want to see her hurt."

"She can't know, Rose. The less she knows, the better."

"Is there anything you can do? To stop it?"

"I told you – I can't show my hand, Rose. I'm sorry, but I'd rather give them the illusion that they're winning than stopping them at the beginning. I have to wait until the last possible moment – make it look like I'm desperate – before I can act."

Rose tried not to be angry with him, though she wanted to call him on the rubbish politics of battle. Especially when her friends were unknowing pawns in the game. The Light was cold and cruel, he once told her.

Though Will was of the Light – their Watchman on Earth – when facing off against the Dark – it was all about strategy. Sometimes, Rose wondered why she chose to stay with him, but she always decided in the end that he was still human in a sense. He had a softer side to him – and he was born into this. Why should she fault him for something he had no choice in?

"What's the last possible moment then?" She asked gently, noticing the tired look on his face.

"I don't know. I'll know when the time comes."

Rose nodded and at Will's suggestion to see the sights, they walked off, hand in hand.

~ * ~

The Doctor was dreaming. He was so caught up in it that he didn't register what he was dreaming about. Or why the memory had come up in his dream…

Newly regenerated, he was speaking to Rose who was looking at him uncertainly.

"Then how could I remember this? Very first word I ever said to you. Trapped in that cellar. Surrounded by shop window dummies.... oh…such a long time ago. I took your hand...I said one word... just one word, I said…'run'."

"Doctor," Rose whispered, beginning to believe it was really him.

Then the dream shifted and he was in a long, seemingly endless corridor.

He could just see someone at the end of it, but it was so far away, he wasn't sure if he was only imagining the person.

Walking forward, he noticed a red leather jacket and stethoscope on top of it on the floor in front of him.

A dark-haired girl with light blue eyes and wearing a bright velvet red dress appeared before him.

She picked up the jacket and stethoscope and said, "Oh how horrible it is. All this stuff just left abandoned."

"Who are you?"

She smiled sweetly at him. "I'm helping to clean things up. It's a very important job, if you must know."

"Who are you?" He asked again, more forcefully.

"You can go away now. I'll see you soon, I'm sure," she said pleasantly.

Then the Doctor woke up.

Martha was sleeping beside him and he held her more tightly as if nervous she would leave if he didn't.

To Be Cont'd...