Torture and Recovery

Part One: Torture

Chapter One: Madara's Angel

The hard, bitter cold cement floor was what reminded Ino that she was in the same hellish void as the night before. Like the previous night, she awoke with a sore back, a stiff neck, and seemingly a dozen more bruises then the night before. If that weren't enough to ruin one's day there was also a retched smell; a horrid combination of rust, piss, and...blood? Ino tried to figure out if the blood was a good or bad sign. The puddle of blood told her that Hinata had been in the cell sometime during the night with her.

Why didn't she wake me? And where is she now? Ino's mind filled with horrible images of what they could possibly be doing to her. Ino had been beaten several times, but Hinata was hardly ever in the cell at all. What were they doing? Torturing her around the clock. Why? Ino had asked herself at first, but the answer came to her right after she had pondered the question. Because she's a Hyuuga. A funny feeling shot through Ino's spine just then. She needed to speak to Hinata, hear from her, or anything to tell her that she was okay. Then, the question came to her once again. Why didn't she wake me?

Ino didn't know the heiress very well, even though she'd known her, her entire life. She had always characterized her as shy, self-conscious, and very verypolite. Honestly, Ino always thought that her and Hinata were far too different. Everything about them was opposite; character, looks, abilities. Maybe that was it, why Hinata hadn't wakened her. She was being polite. No, Hinata's polite, but that polite?

Now Ino was panicking as tons of questions filled her mind.

Is Hinata alive? How long are they going to keep us here? Why haven't they killed us yet? When will they kill us? Why haven't Chouji and Shikamaru came yet?

The waiting was a worse torture than what Kisame or Madara did to her sometimes.

Normally, her 'torture sessions' were done by Kisame who got an immense amount of pleasure from seeing her in pain. No matter how horrid Kisame tortured her though, Ino was sure it wasn't as bad as what Madara was doing to Hinata.

A low, husky laugh was heard in the distance. Speak of the devil. Kisame had arrived, and seemed to be in a good mood. Which meant more pain for Ino.

Hiashi Hyuuga jumped from the tree to the ground as dignantly as one worried to death could. Six teams were looking for Ino and Hinata, and not a one of them had so much found a single trace of either of them. Hiashi was leading a team of Hyuugas that he personally picked for this search. They were some of the best trackers in the Hyuuga clan. Of course, Neji and his teammates, Lee and Tenten, made the second team looking for Hinata and Ino. Hinata's sensei and teammates were also one of the teams looking for them. Chouji, Shikamaru, and Naruto were searching far east of Konoha; while Chouza, Shikaku, and Inoichi searched west of Konoha. Tsunade had also sent another team; Kakashi, Gai, and some other ninja that Hiashi couldn't quite remember the name of.

Hiashi let out a small sigh, and turned around, heading back to Konoha. His team looked confused and one attempted to question why they were heading back, but was ignored. Hiashi didn't even really know why they were heading back himself. He knew he was tired, physically and emotionally, and something in his gut told him it was useless. Part of him believed, no, knew Hinata was dead. Setting up camp and moving forward tomorrow was pointless, they might as well head home.

He knew what his team was thinking. He's giving up, because he doesn't really care if his weaker daughter's dead or not. It would be better for him. Then his favorite could become heir.The mere thought of them thinking that made Hiashi sick. What father would not care if their child died?! That isn't a father, that's a monster.

"Hyuuga-sama, can you hear me?"

Hiashi almost jumped from shock when he heard the loud, crackling voice that came from the radio(or walkey talkey).

"Y-yes," Hiashi cleared his throat embarrassed from his stammering, "Yes, Kurenai."

"We found something."

Hiashi's eyes widened. Was this good or bad news?

"What?" He growled, his voice was a bit harsher than he'd expected.

When Kurenai answered, all he could hear was static.

Her blood decorates the walls beautifully. The bright red gives the dull, dirty bricks some color, which is something they definitely need more of. She isn't one to scream in agony, never once have my ears hurt from a loud, screechy scream of hers. No, she just lets out a moan that she tries, desperately, to hold back. She is foolishly tough, like that. Not wanting me to get the satisfaction of knowing I'm hurting her, but I know and I know it well. The low groan of excruciating pain is like a bittersweet melody to my ears. Honestly, the ones that scream don't deserve my attention, which is why I prefer torturing this one. The only thing that interests me about the other oneis her spark, her fight. She is like a wild stallion, a stallion that needs to be tamed. She will soon turn into a tamed mare. Kisame will make her obedient, even if it kills her.

She's getting up now, or trying too. She's rather weak, and quite pathetic. She's different from the day I met her, though. She's less pure now. Her usually pale face is filthy with dirt, that can be fixed, but her eyes...

Her eyes hold a hatred in them that sends a thrill down my spine. Her angelic personality has been replaced with contempt and hatred. All that pent up hatred and hostility is all for me. She feels this way because of me. I'm a huge variable in her life, I've change her. I wonder if this is how children feel when they get a new toy. I've forgotten how I used to feel back then. All I remember is hatred; hatred and respect.

She collapsed, unable to get up completely. It looks as if she's fallen unconscious. Since, she is my angel, yet not my angel, I've decided to give her a little gift for when she wakes up. My gift, one more broke rib (If there not already broken.). I stick a kunai in one of her ribs and hear a cracking sound. A small smile comes to my face. My gift to her also helps me decorate the floor, which also needs done badly.

Even though she is unconcous, I don't want to put her back in her cell. I want her. She needs to wake up. She excites me. She's staying alive. I don't want to share my new toy. I'm keeping her here. She's mine now.

Inoichi shoved his shaking hands inside his pocket. He tried not to fear the worst, but no matter how many times he tried to erase the images his mind always went there. Ino lying dead. His body shook more. Inoichi wasn't about to give up; he could never give up on his daughter, but Shikato was right. Th-there was a chance that she's dead.

"We're going to find her. She's going to be alright," Chouza spoke with fake certainty, as he placed a giant hand on Inoichi's shoulder. Which, caused Inoichi to relax some, even though he knew Chouza was telling him what he wanted to hear. That was Chouza for you, doing what ever he could to make you feel better and always there to make sure ShikaInoCho remained.

"I'm not saying we won't. I'm just saying there is a chance...Never mind, " Shikato defended, while trying to make his guilt go away. He hadn't meant for his words to be so hollow. If Shikamaru were kidnapped by the Akatsuki, those words would be the last he'd want to hear too.

"I know there is a chance that..." Inoichi's words were cut off by the sound of static.

"Inoichi, we've found something."

The crackly, obscured words came from the radio. All three jounins stared in awe at the radio as Inoichi picked it up and spoke.

"What did you find?"

The speaker on the other side of the radio didn't answer, and all the three could hear was static.

Good? Bad? Tell me what you think.

Pairing for this story: Ino and Hinata will just be FRIENDS. (No Yuri) Any other pairing you'll just have to wait and find out.