It felt like any other day for Brooke. She kept herself in her room away from all her friends. Since the attack she didn't really want to see anyone. She felt like she had no one since Peyton and Lucas were getting married and Angie had to leave. Her mom was a bitch and only cared about taking the company. Brooke felt lost and abandoned. She didn't think anything could changed how she felt right now until a special phone call came. It was unexpected and definitely not something Brooke was waiting for. She stared at her phone for awhile. She had been ignoring calls all day from her friends who were worried about her. This time she didn't recognize the number and something told her to answer it. "Hello?" "Is this Brooke Davis?" a woman said on the other side. "Yes. Who is this?" Brooke said confused. She didn't recognize the woman's voice. "Miss. Davis, this is Mrs. Copeland from the Adoption Agency. I heard that recently you took care of a baby named Angie?" "Yes. What is this about?" Brooke said hoping nothing happened to Angie. She loved that little girl so much. "Well, Miss. Davis, if you are still wanting to adopt there is a five year old little girl here who was just brought in two days ago. We understand that you did a very good job taking care and loving little Angie. This little girl is named Hannah. She has been through a lot for her young age." "What do you mean?" Brooke asked kinda of regretting it. She wanted another kid but she just wasn't sure anymore if she could give another little girl the love she had. She couldn't even give it to herself. "I would really like to talk to you in person. Say tomorrow at around twelve if you want?" Mrs. Copeland asked hopefully. Brooke didn't know if she was making the right decision but it was worth the try. "Sure. I'll be there." "Thank you so much, Miss. Davis. See you then. Goodbye." Mrs. Copeland hung up. Brooke put down the phone and was suddenly unsure if she did the right thing. She walked into her bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. Her bruises were fading, so they should be easy to cover up. She was scared to know Hannah's story, but even more scared for Hannah to know her's. It was the next day. Brooke drove up to the adoption agency place. When she got out she looked around at all the kids running around playing. Oh to be young again. Brooke opens the door and walks in. "Hi. I'm here to see Mrs. Copeland. I'm Brooke Davis." "Oh. Miss. Davis, we've been waiting for you. Right this way." the cheery woman said to Brooke. It kinda made Brooke want to slap her. The woman brought her into Mrs. Copeland's office she assumed. "Ms. Copeland? Brooke Davis is here." A tall skinny woman looks up at Brooke and smiles. Brooke hoped to God this woman was not as cheery as the other one. "Brooke Davis. Hi." She puts out her hand for Brooke to take and she does. "Sit down please." Brooke does what she is told and waits for her to keep going. "From what we can tell you did a great job with little Angie." "I had loved that little girl like she was my own." Brooke smiled at the thought of Angie. "That's exactly what I wanted to here." Mrs. Copeland smiles at her. "For a five year old Hannah has been down a long road. Her mother died when she was three. She took an overdose of pills and left poor Hannah alone until a neighbor smelled something and went to check out the place. He found Hannah laying in the corner and her mother dead. Hannah looked like she had not ate for a week." Brooke did not want to hear anymore. She just wanted to see the little girl and take her home. "He brought her to social services where she has been in and out of foster homes for two years. We were unaware of the abuse she was getting while she was there until we found the bruises and cuts all over her body." Brooke was horrified. How could someone hurt a little girl or any one for that matter. "She doesn't have any other family?" Brooke asked. "Well, no one has came to claim her since her mother's death. What do you think, Miss.Davis? Would you like to meet her?" "Absolutely." Brooke answered way to fast for her to even realize. They walked outside the building where all the kids were playing. "There she is." Mrs. Copeland pointed out. Brooke looked over and seen a small little girl, who didn't even look five, sitting on a bench attempting to read a book. Brooke smiled. She was beautiful. She had long brown wavy hair. She was way to skinny for Brooke's liking. She didn't look healthy. She had on white capris with a pink lacy spaghetti strap shirt. "She's beautiful." Brooke told Mrs. Copeland. "You can go talk to her." "Thank you." Brooke smiled and walked over to the little girl. As Brooke got close she seen small bruises on the girl's arm. She even seen that she had a cut lip like her. This is going to be hard Brooke thought. She sat next to the little girl. Hannah looked up and smiled at Brooke. Brooke's heart melted just then. She had a beautiful smile with dimples. "Hi. I'm Brooke." "My name is Hannah." Hannah pointed her finger at Brooke's lip. "You have a cut like mine." She said like it was nothing. Brooke couldn't believe everything this little girl had been through she still kept a smile on her face. "What are you reading?" Brooke laughed thinking about Lucas. He would be all smiles if he seen this girl reading at her age. "It's called Are You My Mother? A bird can't find his mother." Hannah said plain and simple. Brooke stared at her for a second. She couldn't let this little girl who seemed so happy even through everything she's been through go out to someone else who just might not treat her right. "Are you here to take me away?" Hannah asked looking back up at Brooke, who just stared at her in awe. "Not if you don't want me to." "Do you have kids?" "No, I don't." "Why not?" Hannah asked curiously. "Well, I don't know. I don't have a husband first of all. Plus, I have a pretty big business and that took me away from a lot of things." Brooke said forgetting she was talking to a five year old, but Hannah seemed to understand. "Oh. You're really pretty." Brooke smiled at how random Hannah was. First she was talking about kids now she was saying she was pretty. "Thank you. So are you." Brooke and Hannah talked for a couple hours. Until Brooke was set that she definitely wanted this little girl in her life. They both probably needed eachother. After their conversation Brooke said her goodbye to Hannah and walked back over to Mrs. Copeland. "I want her." Brooke said excitely. "I see she made quite an impact on you." Mrs. Copeland smiles at Brooke. "How long until I can get her?" Brooke asked. "Well, I have to draw up the papers, but if you come back tomorrow you can take Hannah. We will however have her under foster care in your home, but after three months if she is happy and you are happy and everything is good, then we will consider letting you adopt her." Mrs. Copeland says to Brooke. "I'll be back tomorrow. Thanks so much." "You're welcome, Miss Davis." Brooke couldn't believe she was going to have another kid to take care of, but this time this one talked. She wasn't sure if she would be able to handle it, but she sure as hell would try. She would need help though. So, this meant she had to call her friends. Overall Brooke was suddenly happy again. The minute she sat and talked with Hannah she fell in love with her. Now she needed to shop.