
I sat at my desk waiting for Haley to come back from the director with the layout plans. Why the hell I let her go see the all so single boss, I haven't a clue. So of course this meant I had to do all the busy work by myself. I sighed and rested my head in my hands. Is it just me or have I been doing this a lot lately? It all started when the Prince of Gotham showed up at her doorstep. I snorted at the thought of hearing a narrator say that, but suddenly groaned remembering what had happened last night.

"Why am I such an open book?" I mumbled into my hands.

"It's your eyes," I looked up to see Harvey leaning on the now opened door frame. " they are just so open and caring, that they can't hide anything. Plus you crack so easily under pressure."

"Well let's hope Haley cracks just as easily. I am getting really tired of her not locking the doors." He laughs and sits in one of the vacant chairs in front of my desk.

"So when where you gonna tell me about you and Bruce Wayne?" He said putting on his cop face.

"I was hoping when we where about to engulf in the flames of hell and I would just suddenly say 'Oh by the way I'm going on a date with Bruce Wayne.' then you be like 'What!' and the flames consume us, the end." He glares at me, and I avoiding his gaze start riffling through the paper on my desk. "Believe me Harv I he is one of my proudest dates I have gone out with."

"Fine, whatever you say just as long as your not seeing him again." I bit my lower lip not meeting his eyes.

"You're not dammit, Kate, If you don't like him then why are you dating him?"

"We made a deal."

"O' hell what have you gotten yourself into. What is so Important that you have to date the player of Gotham, well tell me?"

"I get a BumbleBeeCamaro." I said quickly hoping he wouldn't catch it.

"What!" Unfortunately I'm never that lucky. "You're doing this for a damn 's next sex for a Yacht."

"Don't be stupid I don't need a Yacht."

"Kate." He warned.

"Harvey I can take care of myself," I paused looking away from him again, at the picture frame on my desk. It was a picture of us when we first moved to Gotham. "you of all people should know that."

"Kate, I didn't, I..." His voice automatically became softer.

"It's fine Harvey we just didn't make it," I took his hand in mine. "but look on the bright side. At least we are still friends." I tried hard to cover the pain I felt with a smile, which he returned. We both knew we where no where near happy as we faked to be.

"I miss you, Kate. We never see each other anymore."

"Yeah well being in charge of this place doesn't give you much time off."

"Yep, your dream job finally happened." he look around the office.

"Oh please you where here when I got the job."

"Yeah, you can't exactly forget your happy dance." He winced jokingly.

"Oh shut up."I let go of his hand,now noticing how long I had been holding his hand. He looked a little disappointed when I let go but he immediately smiled and rose from the chair.

"Well I got to go, Kate. It's been great talking to you."

Talking?" I gave him a blank look. "I thought you where cussing me out." He sighed.

"Really Kate you need to be more careful." I stood up and embraced him before he went. "You are killing me you know."

"What do you mean?" I looked up at him.

"Kate, I need you now more than ever."

"Harvey, you always have me around." I said confused.

"Kate, you don't get I-" He was cut off when Haley walks into the room.

"Kate, I got the layout approved even the-" She stopped seeing Harvey and I. "O' hi Harvey, sorry I'll come back later."

"No it is alright I'm leaving." He kisses the top of my head before letting go. "I see you later." He then hurries out the door before either of us can say goodbye.

"So what was that about?" Haley immediately started questioning.

"I don't know," Seeing she was about to ask another question, I sent her to the front desk to finish her busy work. Making sure to mix up some folders giving me time to think.

I once again sat back in my very inviting desk chair, glancing every so often at the picture frame. What had Harvey wanted to tell me before he left? Why did he need me he had Rachel now anyways. Why couldn't it be easy like it was before...

4 years ago

Kate sat on a bench in the middle of the 's University courtyard, little did she know that she had an admire watching her from his group of friends. He mesmerized by her beautiful dark brown hair that was gently swaying in the wind. His friends often tried to get his attention but failed horribly as he ignored them only to make his way to the dark hair beauty on the bench. When he got closer he was able to see she was study old roman democracy.

"Ah Cesar what a man huh?" He said to get her attention.

"Sure if you like ruthless men that sit high on their pedestals." She said not looking up at him.

Ah well as a matter of fact I don't but still you got to admire the guys spirit." She then closed the book, turning around to look at him.

"Listen what do you want I'm really busy so please if this is any type of dare,or bet please get it over with." Harvey was taken a back by her sudden lashing out, but quickly recovered.

"Actually this isn't a dare or a bet, unless you count the one I made with myself."

"And it would be?" Kate crossed her arms over her chest waiting for the witty comeback he had.

"Oh that your eyes would be very pretty,and they are." He said smiling at her. Kate's face automatically softened into a surprised look. "My name is Dent, Harvey Dent, I like politics, Power Rangers and Italian food. And I was wondering if you would like to get some of that Italian food with me sometime."

"Kate Treven, I like painting, Transformers,and ice cream. And I would like to get some Italian food with you sometime, too."

"Alright so how about now?" She let out a small laugh, before agreeing.

2 years later

Kate is sitting in the middle of an new apartment, sorting threw some picture frames. Harvey comes up behind her and kneels down to see the picture frame she had in her was the the one they took in front of the Statue of Liberty. Harvey had his arms wrapped Kate's Waist in the photo both of them smiling at each other happy.

"I love this picture,so much." Kate says breaking the silence.

"I do to." Harvey snuggles his face into her neck, making her giggle a little.

"Harvey stop we haven't unpacked everything yet." She tried to escaped his grasp, failing like usually.

"Unpacking him I thought breaking in the apartment comes first, but if you want something to unpack here's a box I wouldn't mind unpacking." He pulls out a Trojan box from his toiletries box.

"You damn pervert, stop -" before she could finish her protest Harvey's tantalizing mouth captures her, making her lose any will she had against him. "Fine but you better help."

"Believe me Kate I want to help you unpack especially those." He said pointing at he her under garments box, but before she could protest he pounced distracting her for a good couple of hour.

AN/ I'm so sorry it has taken me forever to update I had the worst writer's block ever hope this chapter makes up for it a little. I am back and I will keep this going! BTW I was right about the new batman movie the Riddler will be in it Buwhahahah! O h and sorry for Harvey's potty mouth he is starting to show his other side if you know what I mean! ;)