

Kate Treven is a young woman that moved from the small state of Alabama to Gotham City in search of her art career, but when she finally scored a premiere in the opening of the Wayne Art Museum, she meets the charming Prince of Gotham and her world gets turned upside down.


The morning was loud and busy like always in Gotham. People always had places to be and things to get done, but today one person was in an even bigger hurry than the rest. It was Kate Treven a.k.a me. Today was the grand opening of the Wayne Art Museum and my art was going to be on display. I was trying so hard to be perfect today. I was wearing a black backless dress with black half-inch high boots. I was already tall at 5'7" so why push it? Also I had my dark brown, almost black, hair completely down. It was nice, straight hair but it would never stay in a bun no matter how long it was. I had also exchanged my glasses for contacts so I wouldn't have to hide my chocolate brown eyes. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. I was normal and plain around all of these rich people. I had no prayer to make it through the night with these people. I sighed, wiping off any imaginary lint that was on my dress and walked out of the bathroom.

As I fought my way towards my art, I was stopped by an elderly African American man. He looked to be in his early 50s with his gray hair.

"Excuse me, but would you happen to be Miss Treven?" he asked

"Why yes, how may I help you?" The man smiled at my reply.

"I'm Lucius Fox, C.E.O of Wayne Enterprises. I'm also the man who picked your art to be in this exhibit. I must say, you are quite talented."

"Thank you Mister Fox. I didn't think my art would ever have a chance in a place like this."

"Well I do, and please call me Fox. And would you care to explain what inspired you over a drink?" He gave a warm smile.

"I'd be delighted, Fox."


The museum was packed; everyone was drinking and gossiping over everything. I had greeted many of my guests and now I began looking at the art. Some of the pieces were okay, but when I came to a certain piece it took my breath away. It was him. Both of me. The painting was split down the middle: on the left was me, and on the right was Batman, my alter ego. It shocked me to see this.

"Who made the connection?" I thought.

"Ah, Mr. Wayne, I see that you found a piece you like." I turned to see Fox standing behind me with a woman. The woman had dark brown hair that covered half of he bare back and her chocolate brown eyes lingered on my face before returning to her drink. She was very attractive.

"Who is your friend, Fox?" My eyes did not leave her.

"Oh, this is Miss Treven, the artist who drew this selection." He gestured towards the painting I was just looking at.

"So you painted me?" She looked up at me.

"Yes, she did. Why don't you explain it to Mr. Wayne, Kate?" Fox nudged her.

"Well it's called the Heroes of Gotham. See I believe that both you and the Batman are saving Gotham. Uh, you with your donations and Batman with his protection." She blushed and looked away again.

Before I could answer, Fox interrupted with: "Ah, it's the Coreys. Sorry Kate, but I must go.. Don't worry you're in good hands." He said, and winked at me before leaving.


Oh my God, Fox left me with Mister Wayne, of all people. I'm so nervous, if I do anything wrong now my career is over.

"Miss Treven, would you care to show me more of your art?" I nodded and walked over to my section. " Okay, how did this inspire you?" He pointed to a painting of Wayne Tower."

"That was the first thing I saw in Gotham."

"Literally or figuratively."

"Literally. I fell asleep in the cab on the way into town." He laughed.

"Well, I guess that makes sense. Now who is this?" He pointed to a sketch of Harvey.

"That's Harvey Dent, he is one of my best friends. He begged me to draw him." I gave a little giggle at the memory.

"Oh, so you must be the friend he was telling me about. He said that you were going to my charity for the blind with him."

"Yes, but of course he'll make me get the prettiest girl to talk to him." I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink.

"Now why would he do that when he's already talking to you?" He gave me a very sexy smirk.

"Very humorous, Mister Wayne, but I'm far from that."

"Well, I think otherwise." He led me over to the bar. "So where did you live before you came to Gotham?"

"I lived in a small town in Alabama."

"Really? You don't have an accent."

Yeah, that's what they all say." I took another sip of my drink.


I spent the rest of the evening talking to Kate. She is fascinating to talk to and believed that Batman is a great help to the city. She knew her way in politics and even knew a little about business. She wasn't rich, like all of the other women here. She just had a 'stroke of luck' she said. But that didn't matter; it was her attitude that interested me. She didn't care about what money people had; she cared for what they did with it.

"I wonder if you would like to go with me to get a bite to eat?" I asked.

"I'll have to take a rain check, Mister Wayne. I have plans. I'm sure you can find my number…somewhere." And with that she left.

"Alfred," my trusted butler quickly made his way over to me.

"Yes, Master Bruce?"

"Can you get me information on Miss Kate Treven?"

"I see that she's taken up a bit of your attention, Master Wayne, I'll get right on it."

"Alfred, she's got more than my attention." I answered as I looked over at the painting of me and my alter ego.