The Fantasy in Reality

Disclaimer: I am not Hart Hanson or Kathy Reichs.

Rating: The least M-ish M so far.

Pairing: Brennan/Booth

A/N: Sorry for taking so long, but I had a touch of writer's block and a deluge of work at school. Here's the next chapter, with plenty of Parker fluff. Please review!

Temperance Brennan was warm.

Being warm in bed wasn't a new thing for her, though. It was logical that one would be warm when wrapped up in bed sheets. The heat radiated by her body was prevented from escaping, giving her the feeling of warmth. In truth, her average body temperature hadn't risen, but her mind perceived that she was warmer than she would be if there wasn't another human body wrapped around her.

Wait. What?

Sleepily, Temperance turned her head. Yes, there was definitely another person in bed with her. She was lying on her side, the other spooning her. Judging from the size of the hand on her stomach, he was an adult male.

Feeling slightly more awake, she wriggled a little so she could properly see her companion's face. As she turned, her mind registered several important facts.

He was naked. She was almost naked.

And he was Booth.

Oh thank god. Breathing a sigh of relief, the memories rushed back. Her masturbating. Her crying. Her masturbating Booth.

Her partner's eyes were still closed, breaths deep and even. He looked so peaceful. Temperance drew closer, feeling his warm breath on her cheek. She slid her arms around him, feeling the reassuring weight of his body. Closing her eyes, she let herself be lulled to sleep by the rhythmic expansion and contraction of his chest…

Abruptly, Temperance was awakened as the bedroom door was opened.

"Bones?" Parker asked tentatively, poking his head into the room. "Are you awake yet?"

Hastily, she checked to see if she was covered up. "Parker! Um, I am now. What do you need?"

"Where's Daddy?"

Temperance was suddenly aware of how very, very, very naked they both were. "He's—um—he's right here, Parker." Beside her, Booth stirred. Nervously, she tried to shake him awake.

The young boy opened the door a little wider so he could see. "Daddy?"

Grunting, Booth propped himself up on his elbows. "Parker?"

Throwing the door wide open, Parker ran into the room. To Temperance's horror, he jumped onto the foot of the bed. Instinctively, she clutched the sheets to her body in case they were yanked away. Luckily, Parker didn't throw himself onto the two adults. Instead, he started jumping up and down, making the bed bounce beneath them.

"Wake up sleepy heads! It's Saturday! That means waffles for breakfast!" Gleefully, he waved his arms around as he bounced from one corner of the bed to the other, somehow avoiding stepping on the two pairs of feet hidden beneath the covers.

"Parker!" Booth said loudly, voice deeper than usual, "You're going to break Bones' bed if you keep doing that."

Chagrined, Parker dropped down to the floor. "Come on, Daddy. We have to make Bones some waffles! Do you want waffles, Bones?" He looked expectantly at her.

Temperance felt her cheeks redden. "Um—yes?" she said meekly, shooting Booth a pleading look. Luckily, he seemed to have recognized their predicament.

"Did you brush your teeth yet?"

Parker looked alarmed. "Oh no! I'll go do that! Then we can start cooking!" He rushed off.

Booth took the opportunity to lunge for the door. After locking it, he turned wearily back to Temperance. A moment passed before they both began to laugh. In his nude glory, he returned to the bed and crawled on top of her.

"So," he chuckled, hugging her through the sheet, "I'm guessing I forgot to lock the door last night."

"That was mortifying," Temperance muttered, running her hands down to his buttocks. She nuzzled his neck. "At least he didn't realize we were naked."

"Actually, Bones, only one of us is naked." Booth pulled back and whipped the bed sheet away from her body, making her gasp. "You still have this…" Running a hand over her panties, he kissed her.

Temperance moaned into his mouth, wrapping her legs around him. She felt her desire grow as they languidly explored the other's mouth, touching as much bare skin as they could. They were interrupted, however, by a bang on the door.

"Daddy! Bones! Come help me make waffles!"

The two adults broke apart. "Okay, Parker. We'll be right there!" Booth yelled.

Temperance pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. "You know," she whispered, "I like Parker, but I can't wait till he goes home."

Booth gave a low laugh that sent vibrations through her body. "Me too, Bones. Me too." Abruptly, he scooped her up, eliciting a squeak of surprise. Setting her on her feet, he gave her a push. "Go put on some pajamas and we can make some breakfast."

The nightshirt had dried overnight, wrinkled patches indicating where Booth's semen had been. Temperance tossed it into the hamper as Booth found his pajamas and put them on. She donned her usual set of pajamas, as well as a silky, dark green robe. Together, she and Booth left the bedroom.

The cooking phase of breakfast passed by quickly. Parker insisted that Temperance enjoy her coffee while the two men did all the work. The batter was mostly mixed by Parker, while the cooking was done by Booth. The elder Booth, however, didn't miss out on lecturing the junior Booth about the dangers of using a hot stove. She shook her head. Protective alpha male.

Soon, a pile of steaming waffles was set in front of her. After a quick prayer, they began eating. Temperance raised an eyebrow at the enthusiasm with which the two boys attacked their food.

"So, Bones," Parker said, "what do you want to do today?"

Temperance frowned. "Um, well… I was planning to work on my book…"

Booth sent her disapproving look. Parker looked scandalized. "But Bones! It's Saturday and I'm here visiting you and Daddy! We have to do something fun!" He looked to his father as if asking him for help.

Booth patted his son's shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry, Parker. I'm sure we can convince her to have a little fun."

At that moment, a phone rang. Booth left the table to answer his cell phone, leaving her alone with Parker.

"We can do anything, Bones. Watch a movie… play in the park… oh! I have this new science kit for making silly putty…"

Booth came back, handing his phone to his son. "Here, Bub. It's your mom." Parker scampered off to talk in privacy. Her partner returned to eating.

"So," Booth said, stabbing another piece of waffle with his fork, "are we going to be able to make you do anything fun today, or are you just going to do more work?"

"Well," Temperance said lowly, "I thought last night was fun. Perhaps we can do some more of that."

He made a pained face. "Bad news, Bones. Rebecca just called and said her flight was diverted to Hawaii. So Parker has to stay another night."

"Oh." She sat back in her seat. "So no sex tonight?"

"Sorry. Not unless you want to explain the birds and the bees to Parker already." He gave her an apologetic look.

"That's okay. I can wait." Temperance studied his face for a minute. "Do you think we're going too fast?"

"Too fast?" Booth echoed. "You mean our relationship?"

"Well, yeah," she said uncertainly, "I mean, we were just partners yesterday, and look how everything's changed."

"Bones," he set down his fork, "we've never been just partners. Okay, maybe when we first met. But we've been good friends for a long time now. And you can't say that last night was a bad change."

"I guess not," she murmured. "But we haven't even dated. What if you find out something about me that you don't like?"

He put a hand to her cheek. "You don't think three years of hanging around each other is enough for me to get to know you? Besides, I think I know you pretty well, and… I've already decided that I like you."

"That's sweet," she whispered. Leaning forward, she let him pull her into a kiss over the top of their plates.

"Ewww, guys." Parker's voice startled the two adults apart. "That's disgusting." He plopped back down in his seat, giving his father a look. "Daddy, you're not going to kiss Bones all the time, are you?"

"Maybe…" Booth said teasingly, grinning between the two of them.

Parker squirmed. "But why? It's soooo embarrassing."

"Maybe cause Daddy looooves Bones?" He ruffled Parker's hair.

Temperance's eyes widened. "You love me?" she blurted.

Parker gave her a deploring look. "Of course, Bones. It's so icky."

"Yeah, Bones." Booth smiled at her. "I love you."

She wasn't sure what to say, but a kiss seemed an appropriate response. For the second time, their lips met over breakfast. Contented warmth filled her chest, and her heart beat faster in response. They both made noises of delight at the new found meaning of their kiss.

For Parker, however, the kiss seemed to be the last straw. "Yuck. You guys can't keep kissing if you want to hang out with me. I'm going to go watch cartoons." Abandoning his plate, he flounced into the living room.

The two partners laughed.

"Well," Booth murmured, "do you want to watch some cartoons?"

"Sure. I guess we shouldn't make Parker feel left out."

Standing, Booth held out his hand. Temperance took it, and together, they left the kitchen.