Well Shagged

It had taken a great deal of Jazz's best reasoning and persistence to convince Optimus that he needed to take time to himself and unwind every once in awhile. With the amount of stress he was harboring, it simply wasn't healthy - and, of course, Jazz made it perfectly clear that he was more than willing to help correct that problem. Prime had been excessively difficult. Jazz wasn't sure if there was some sense of protocol that made him uneasy - or if their commander really was just that shy.

Needless to say, when Optimus finally did relent and allow Jazz to proceed as he desired, the reaction was not quite what he expected. Optimus was reserved and hesitant at first, if not a little awkward. Though, Jazz's touch quickly began to change that. It was truly clear how long it had been since Optimus had this kind of contact when each little caress and kiss earned arches and shuddering moans.

All it had taken was a brush of Jazz's glossa against the windshield wipers on his chest for Optimus' reserved resolve to finally snap. Prime was pinning him hard against the berth before Jazz could even register that their position had been flipped. Engines revved loudly, the vibrations drawing out a surprised moan from Jazz's vocalizer. Optimus muffled the sound with his lips, his glossa exploring Jazz's mouth hungrily and without restraint.

Solar cycle after solar cycle of pent-up emotion was released in one overwhelming burst of passion. Optimus moved over him in a fever, finding every seam and sensitive connection in the saboteur's body and exploiting them with his hands and glossa. Overloads rocked through Jazz's frame over and over until his mind wasn't clear enough to keep track of exactly how many there had been. The final straw had been when Prime's mouth closed over a sensor horn on his helm and sucked. Jazz cried out what must have been Optimus' name before off-lining from sheer sensation.

When he came to, Prime was seated beside him - and his nervousness had returned. Optimus stroked Jazz's hand distractedly, optics averting from his. "Forgive me if I got... carried away," he said sheepishly.

Jazz was too tired and high from the lingering pleasure to do much more than chuckle and shake his head. Optimus still shifted awkwardly, but continued. "You were right that I needed to... relax." His hand squeezed Jazz's warmly. "I don't know how to thank you."

Jazz made a content noise and somehow worked up the energy to move. He crawled into Optimus' lap, engines purring. "Just tell me that you'll do that again next time."