Disclaimer : Stephenie Meyer Owns most of these characters! pitty im sure we all want them to be our own

A/N I know its a short chapter some of my other chapters are really short too but i swear ill make up for it later on in other chapters!
Comment! Read and review! you know you want too!

Beautiful disaster

Beautiful disaster

Chapter 1 – New beginning.

Ever since I was little, all I wanted to do was sing. It made me feel complete, like I was missing a part of me, and whenever I sung it was filled. I loved it. So when news got to me that Charlie had recorded me singing while I was getting ready to go out for lunch, I was nervous and angry – Why didn't he come to me first? I couldn't believe he did it!

Worst of all he sent it to Blazer Records – The hugest record label of all time!

"You did what!?" I screamed at him when he told me. "I can't believe you would do this to me! What if they say no! I will be so embarrassed and emotionally scarred for life!" I tripped down the stairs, narrowly missing the wall.

"But Bells – "He half pleaded and started to argue. " – You have such a beautiful singing voice, it would be sad to let it all go to waste. You need to show it to the world." I sighed, feeling defeated.

"When do we find out?" I asked glumly, his face lit up as he smiled.

"1 Week" He grinned sheepishly, He knew this was too much for me.

"A week! I have to wait a whole freakin' week?!"

"It's not that long" His eyes narrowed. "Bella?" He asked, now seeming concerned. "You okay? You're looking a bit. . . Green."
"I'm fine" I lied; I've never been a good liar. He didn't look convinced but he let it go. Leaning my head against the wall for support, I replied.

"Just a little nervous" He just chuckled and walked out the door.

- -1 week later – -

"Bells!" I woke up to Charli calling my name up the stairs. "Bella!? You got mail!" He called up to me again.

I awoke immediately, running down the stairs. Naturally I fell down the bottom one but Charlie caught me again. I blushed and smiled.

"Thank you" I snatched the letter from his hand, still breathless from my run. He muttered something under his breath and I threw him a glance that told him I heard it, but I didn't hear it well. I was too absorbed in the little green letter in my hand to listen, or care. I turned back to him, pulling the letter out of the envelope.

"I can't do it; can you read it for me?" I asked pleadingly. He nodded and took the letter from me.

"Bells" He looked up at me slowly.

Oh No I thought to myself I didn't get it!

(A/N) Ill leave it there but it gets better i swear!!