SORYYSORYYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY FOR THE EXTREMELY LATE CHAPTER!!!! I had major writers block and then I went away for a week, but anyways, I'll stop the excuses, cause its my fault so, IM SORRY!

Enjoy the final,last,(crappy) chapter!

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8 months later.

Hinata stood tall infront of a brown box with a robe robe and hat on, holding a microphone.

" And all the times we've all shared, thick or thin, better or worse, it will all take a huge impact on our lives. Each of us helped eachother become who we are today, and who we will be in the near future. But for now, we all will go our seperate ways, and with that, I wish you luck. Thank you!"

By this point in time, every girl was crying and ven a couple of guys.

" I'm going to miss you guys SO much!" cried Ino

Everybody but Sasuke,Sakura,Sai,Gaara,Naruto and Kayume were all traveling around the world for 2 years, gaining ninja experiance and to improve their skills. The other 6, were all attending the ninja univercity here in Konoha, where Temari and Kankuro were already attending.


" WOAH. Ino, its not THAT sad! No need to get all hysterical!" Naruto said

Ino looked offended " What! I didn-"

" Sorry- thats our fault." Itachi said as he approached his little brother.

" All the clapping woke Sayuri up and now shes all cranky" Kaori laughed, shushing the little baby girl she was holding.

" SAYURIIII!!!!!" Naruto screamed " COME TO UNCLE NARUTO!"

Sayuri's face went from a big toothless smile to an enormous frown in seconds " WAHHHHHH" she cried

Hinata smacked Naruto " Naruto! Didnt you just hear her?! Sayuri is cranky, why would you scream in her face!?"

" Sorry Hinata." Naruto said. He picked us Hinata into a huge bear hug and kissed her.

Naruto set her down, and looked at the ground for a while.

" Hinata." Naruto started " I'm going to miss you much!" He said, looking up into her eyes. He was crying. Hinata hugged him and cried as well. The couple walked off.

Kaori brought Sayuri over to Sasuke. A gentile smile appeared on his face.

" Hey you" he smiled as he took the baby from Kaori.

While rocking her back and forth, silencing her cries, itachi commented " I swear, that girl loves her uncle more than her own father..."

Sakura approached Sasuke.

" Congratulations, Sasuke, its a girl!" she joked

Sasuke laughed " Y'know, I have no idea why girls complain about giving birth so much! I mean, ive been injured seriously in battle and I didnt complain as much"

Every girl within hearing distance turned around with fire in their eyes. Kaori didnt have fire in her eyes though, she had a full on blaze, a forest fire, imagine in the worlds biggest oil source spilt all over trees and paper and burn-able things, now multiply that by 10, and thats how big the fire was

" Sasuke. Did you NOT hear me screaming my face off in the hospital? Have you ever been stabbed by a katana? Its about a billion times worse than that. Its like taking your bottom lip and stretching it over to the back of your neck. Its like pushing a watermelon through a hose. EXCEPT THE WATERMELON IS A BABY AND THE HOSE IS YOUR VAGINA." Kaori ranted " But anyways, congratulations on your graduation, and are you going to b e home for dinner tonight?"

" uhh... no?" Sasuke said, dazed by Kaori's rant.

With his eyes glazed over he walked off, " A watermelon, huh?" he said to himself.

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After gradutation, Hinata,Shikamaru,Ino,Neji,Tenten, and even Naruto travelled around the world for aprx 2 years to train, learn and become better ninjas. Naruto didnt need to though, he was planning to go to Konoha's University with Sasuke and the others, but he decided that he would miss Hinata too much.

Sasuke,Sakura,Gaara,Kayume and Sai all went to the Ninja University, right there in Konoha. In their 3rd and final year, they were joined by their other friends and the group was reunited once again.

In the same year, Naruto asked Hinata to be his wife and got married. During their honeymoon, Naruto got Hinata pregnant with a little black haired had the baby right before they graduated from University, and as a gradudation present, Naruto decided to knock her up once again with another beautiful baby girl, with the same coloured hair as her father.

Also during their last year of University, Shikamaru and Temari got pretty close, and 3 years later, they got married. They had a son who was just like Shikamaru, except with blonde hair,becuase poor Shika apparently " Would die living with just a woman for the rest of his life. Troublesome.."

After Sai and Ino graduated, they waited a couple months and got married. A year after that, Ino was pregnant with a dark brown haired boy with his mothers big blue eyes.

2 years after gradutation, Gaara finally decided to pop the question to Kayume. Immediately after that, they had twin red headed girls who were completely oppsite.

Neji and Tenten broke up aftergraduation, but thanks to the help of a persistant Naruto,got back together and soon were happily married. 3 years later, they found a little boy who was orphaned from some rogue ninjas and raised him as their own. They decided that the little boy was enough so they didnt have any children of their own.

Itachi and Kaori had 2 other children after Sayuri. Two little boys, a year apart from eachother. And Moochie, their dog, got pretty friendly with the neighbors dog and a whole litter of puppies.

As for Sasuke and Sakura... A month after grad, Sasuke asked for Sakuras hand in marriage and got married very shortly after.

- --

6 years after gradutaion.

"MOOOOMMY!!!! MOM!" A 5 years old girl yelled at her mother

Sakura turned aorund, facing her daughter. " Yes, Sweetheart?"

" MOM! LOOK WHAT DADDY TAUGHT ME TO DO!" she yelled as she grabbed Sakuras hand and leaded her outside.

The girl did hand seals and soon, fire was shooting out from her mouth.

" Oh honey, I'm so pround of you!" She smiled. " But look at your cheeks, their burnt! Come ehre and I'll fix them up for you."

As Sakura was healing them, Sasuke walked into the room, holding a one year old baby boy's hand.

Sakura stood up. " Hey baby" she smiled, picking up the little boy.

" Hey other baby" Sakura winked as she kissed Sasuke on the lips.

Sasuke smiled and walked over to his dughter, picking her up. " How are your cheeks?"

" They feel fine, mommy healed them."

" Good"

" So Sasuke, how old were you when you learnt that jutsu? 8? " Sakura mocked

" Well excuse me for being such a dumb ass kid" Sasuke laughed

" Daddy, whats a dumb ass?" the five year old asked

Sakura started laughed

Sasuke smiled " Well Sweetie, why dont you find out for yourself. Next time you see Uncle Naruto, go call him that"

" Alright!"

" Okay, dinner time!" Sakura hollared

" Mommy!"

" Yes?"

" I want another sibling!"

" But darling, you just got one!"

" Yeah, but hes a boy! I want a little sister!"

Sasuke stepped in , " Hmm Sakura? What do you think... I wouldnt mind having another little Uchiha running around"

" Hmm.. "

Sasuke leaned into her ear and whispered" Well you wont have time, cause as soon as the kids leave, I'm gonna get down on you, and were gonna go at it so well, that you'll HAVE to be pregnant"

" I doubt that.." Sakura said

" Hmm?" Sasuke asked

" Well I dont think so, becuase I'm pregnant Sasuke, right now"

Sakura smiled and stared up into her husbands eyes. Sasuke smiled a full on smile, and not even his famous ' Uchiha Sexy Smirk' He swooped her up in his arms and kissed her fully on the lips.

" I love you Saku"

" I love you too, Sasu"

And they lived happily ever after, Once upon a time in Konoha

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OKAYOKAYOKAYOKAY IM SOSOSOSOSOOOOO SORRY THAT I HAVNT UPDATED IN LIKE TEN BILLION YEARSSSS! I feel horrible abuot that! Lie honestly, this is the ending chapter, and it sucked and it was short and I want to fucking shoot myself cause of it! JOKES! I'd never commit suicide ;)

But anyways, Thank you to all of you who revieewed and read my story please ( i know I dont deserve it for making yuo wait for this crappy chapter) but review ONE LAST TIME . Thank youu! :)