The Tale after Rapture Part 3

As per usual I don't own any of this I just thoroughly enjoy the series. Now having played the second game I'll try not to rip it off too much though there will probably be some elements of it in this story. Also I am sorry its been so long a lot of stuff has been going on as of late and I just haven't had the time or the brain power to do this. Hope you enjoy seeing as how this literally just came to me.

I awoke early the next morning once again noticing that Celeste had already risen before me. Though from the feel of it she had been gone for awhile. I arose with my normal ritual of cracking almost every bone in my body with a loud groan and inspecting my scars reminding myself of the horror of Rapture. That reminder being the reason that I didn't use the plasmids anymore unless I had to. I stepped out into the kitchen now forgoing my shower for the moment to see what the girls and Tenenbaum were up to. From the looks of it the girls had kept Tenenbaum up all night with questions but she seemed happy enough to answer all of their questions. I took a seat at the table now smiling as Celeste brought a plate to me now with bacon, sausage, eggs, and toast "Here you go Mr. B. I hope you like it." I smiled and nodded as I looked to the girls "Girls I need to speak with Dr. Tenenbaum now so go on and do your normal chores. Celeste you may stay." The girls sighed in unison with a small pout "Yes Mr. Bubbles." as they went off to their duties. Celeste took a seat to me seeming to take the unspoken command from me that this time was for her to listen and not to talk just yet. I looked up at Tenenbaum as I began to eat "First of all.. How did you get here so quickly? Do you have a new plasmid? And thus have you been splicing even after seeing what it did to everyone else." Tenenbaum nodded slightly with a sigh "I have been splicing. I had to after I fled Rapture if I had wanted to survive. And as far as the new plasmid goes.. No it is not new you just never came across it. It was an experimental plasmid that I ended up completing that allowed its user to give a hard forward push. It was meant as a more offensive version of Telekinesis though I have been using it to travel when the winds are not in my favor. Speaking of which do you have any Eve here? I am unfortunately about out." I nodded lightly continuing to eat "Yes I have Eve. I got a small fortune worth when I left Rapture. Though considering what you have told me it looks like I might have to get some more. I also have some Adam left over if you want to play with it some and perhaps make some old plasmids better or create new ones all together." Tenenbaum merely nodded before turning her attention to Celeste "So your name is Celeste little one?" Celeste nodded lightly and in a cold but polite voice responded "Yes Dr. Tenenbaum." Tenenbaum looked Celeste directly in the eyes now "I see you remember your time in Rapture and do not exactly like me for it. But do believe me Celeste that I did not desire to make you into a little sister. I did so at the bequest of Andrew Ryan or else I would have been killed." Celeste nodded once again and in that same cold voice "Yes I understand Dr. Tenenbaum." I now sat up having finished and deciding to break the tension "Dr. Tenenbaum please come with me. Perhaps before I leave you can toy with the remaining Adam I have left and make me something new."

A week later I stood on the beach now staring out at the calm seas sighing softly wondering what was ahead of me when I heard the soft sound of footsteps behind me. I look back now smiling as I see Celeste who walks up and kisses me lightly on the lips "Hello Mr. B. So what are you going to do? And are you going to take me with you?" I look back out at the sea smiling lightly licking my lips with the sweet taste of Celeste still on them "Well I am going back to Rapture that is definite. And as far as you going with me. I think I will be taking you with me. It might be good to have a former little sister with me. I know you want to save your sisters and you might also be able to help me with saving the new little sisters. Hopefully Rapture hasn't already fallen apart yet. Maybe we can save them before they destroy themselves." Celeste just nodded lightly and kissed my cheek "Well I'm going to go climb into your bed now and try to sleep. Just let me know when we are preparing to leave." I nodded lightly now walking back up to the house now with Celeste heading to the safe room where Dr. Tenenbaum had been working for the past week with the Adam I had left.

I step into the safe room now that had been turned into a temporary work shop for Dr. Tenenbaum. Tenenbaum looked up now with a smile on her face "Ah you have arrived just in time. I have a new plasmid for you to test out. I think that now you will be able to teleport with the Houdini splicers and no longer be at such a disadvantage." I nodded lightly with a small smile always having wished I could teleport with those bastards. I took the vial now as well as an old needle and put this new plasmid into my blood stream crying out in pain as the plasmid hit my system. The first time a new plasmid had been injected in me for years. I finally calmed down and looked up at Tenenbaum "Give me a vial of Eve. Time to test this out." Tenenbaum handed me the vial of Eve which I quickly injected myself with. Now closing my eyes as I slowly got the handle of the new plasmid and imagining my room as the location I wanted to go to. Suddenly with a loud pop I was standing in my room looking at Celeste who had woken up with a start "Mr. B?" I smiled big now "Tenenbaum made me teleport Celeste. I think in the morning we will head out. Now go back to sleep." Celeste nodded rolling on to her side now as I walked back to the safe room and congratulated Tenenbaum on her discovery before going to bed myself.

In the morning I awoke with a small spring in my step kind of excited to be leaving for the first time in a long time and yet sad to leave my girls. I gathered all of them up now smiling "Girls I have to leave for a bit. But Dr. Tenenbaum will be taking of you while I'm away so don't worry." The girls squealed with delight as Tenenbaum looked a little surprised at my decision but went with it knowing that she would have to help the girls while I was away. We all said our goodbyes as me and Celeste promised we would be home soon. We stepped out now to the old submersible that we had come to our home in so long ago. We had made sure to keep it working over the years for just such an occasion as this one. Me and Celeste climbed in and began to go off as the girls and Tenenbaum waved us off. I looked to Celeste knowing that a new adventure was ahead of us. All I could hope was that we would make it there in time and if not then at least come back alive.

As usual sorry for the delay. Hope you enjoy. Give me a little reviewing love just to know whether or not I should keep this little endeavor up.