AN: Hello, my darling readers, I'm back! I still don't own the characters, unfortunately. This is prompt 19 - "grey".

The first thing I noticed about Scorpius Malfoy was his eyes. A chilling silver-grey, they seemed to look straight through me. We were on the platform at King's Cross, saying goodbye to our parents and loading our trunks onto the Hogwarts Express.

"Make sure you beat him in everything, Rosie," were my dad's parting words.

On the train, I walked up and down the carriages until I spotted him again. He was sitting alone; no doubt the Malfoy reputation had preceded him. I knew what it was like to have expectations heaped upon your shoulders since the day you were born - as the daughter of two war heroes, I was expected to do something equally great. My parents were actually responsible for saving Draco Malfoy's life, during the infamous Battle of Hogwarts, even though they'd been fighting on opposite sides. Scorpius, I knew, was expected to be as evil as his grandfather, Lucius, had been. That was, I'm sure, difficult for an eleven-year-old to accept.

If I was meant to do great things, I figured I could start by putting the past behind me, where it belonged, and offering friendship to Scorpius Malfoy. He was going to need a friend.

I opened the door to his compartment, causing him to look up from his book.

"Have you come to ask about my family and the war, like everyone else?" He sounded tired of the subject.

"No. The war is the last thing I want to talk about. Hi, I'm Rose Weasley."

He grinned at that. "The first person to be civil to me is a Weasley? There's something funny about that. I'm Scorpius."

AN: You know the score by now, surely?