A/N: Hiya! Just a short little ficlet to cure my and, maybe, your Janto needs. Hope you think its okay.

Disclaimer: I own nothing at all.

Dedication: For Grace, who was so nice to me when I needed it.

Word count: 268 (I was aiming for 100! Bad me)


There were so many things about Ianto Jones that people might find annoying.

The way he tucked his napkin into his collar.

The way he muttered stuff in Welsh behind your back when you didn't do your paperwork.

The way that, when Jack swept everything off his desk so he could have his wicked way with Ianto on his desk, he just frowned and tidied it back up again.

The way that he was so prudish when it came to talking about sex.

The way that, even during sex, Ianto stopped to fold their clothes.

And he folded his socks!

But Jack didn't mind these things.

With Ianto's napkin otherwise employed, Jack could lick any sauce smudges from Ianto's fingers and lips.

And not talking about sex meant that Jack could be as tender as he liked during 'love making' and the rest of the team would never know.

And after Ianto finished tidying Jack's desk, he would push Jack against a wall and snog him senseless to apologise for the wait.

The same when Jack was kept waiting because of the folding.

And having neatly folded clothes that he could wear again meant Ianto stayed in bed for an extra half hour because he didn't have to go home and change. Which either led to more snuggle time or Ianto being pounded into the mattress again.

And, okay, Jack would admit that he couldn't think of a good reason for the folding the socks thing to be okay, other than the fact that Ianto did it and everything about Ianto, annoying or not, was okay with him.


A/N: Not great, but hopefully cute. I would love to get some feedback.