Summary: There are two sides to every story. These are the tales of the children who were transformed, manipulated, and forsaken, and of the people who made them that way.

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters. Any OCs mentioned, however, are mine.

Queen's Quornor: I've wanted to know the specifics of the various Jenova Project experiments for quite some time now, beyond what the games tell us. Problem is, if anybody has written something like that down, it doesn't exist on the Net. And the stuff that might give me a better idea of what went on only seems to exist in Japan. So, I said to myself, why not work it out yourself? This was originally just going to be Genesis, Angeal, and Sephiroth, but I'm extending it to include Weiss and Nero, too. They meet the criteria, after all.

Genesis: Written in Blood

When Gast first recovered Jenova, we all saw her as a stepping-stone in human evolution. Here was an Ancient, a member of that mystical race that died out centuries ago; with its cells, we could recreate them, or strengthen humanity to the point that they met, matched, and surpassed the Ancients!

But first, we needed human subjects. Adults were all well and good, but what we truly needed were unborn fetuses. We needed to perfect xenogenesis in their bodies, if we wanted to create true Ancients. Morality was useless in the pursuit of science. If you allow concern for your subjects to get in your way, then you will accomplish nothing.

I hypothesized that it was better in the long run to work up to injecting Jenova cells into a human fetus. Better to modify the cells and create a hybrid specimen first, to study how much stronger it was than a human before studying a fully Ancient specimen and comparing the results between the two and a human subject. Thus I proposed an experiment with my research partner, Gillian: she would take the cells into her body, and undergo xenogenesis. Then we would use her cells to create a hybrid, using a volunteered fetus. Two of the lab technicians had agreed to comply once Phase 1 of Project G was complete. Following xenogenesis in Gillian, they would provide us with a viable fetus.

Phase 1 was completed without incident, and the experiment was stalled until the female technician became pregnant. Once it was confirmed that she was pregnant, the embryo was removed from its mother and installed within an artificial uterus I had created. We had to wait until it was clear that the embryo had survived the transfer, and then it was injected with cells harvested from Gillian. I watched the subject's development from the transparent window I had installed in the uterus, straining to catch a glimpse of anything unusual.

It was during this time that I chose the subject's name: Genesis, 'the beginning'. Hojo was carrying on his own project in Nibelheim, but his experiment would not succeed, particularly not since he was allowing the subject's mother to carry it rather than removing it for closer monitoring. My experiment would mark the dawn of a new era of scientific discovery, and an eventual career as the Head of the Scientific Department. The subject's birth would be evolution, its development the pure definition of humanity's return to its roots. And from this subject would come the blueprints to recreating the Ancients in our day and age!

But as I watched, day after day, nothing unusual occurred. The fetus delivered normally, and at the end of the gestation period I was left with a completely normal male infant.

Project S had also delivered results: a male child with a cap of silver hair. Hojo had already sent reports to the main labs at Shinra, crowing about how his subject was already displaying traits unlike anything observed in human infants. My subject, however, had yet to show any clear difference from his human counterparts. Despite the changes observed in Gillian, the lack of evidence in Genesis eventually led to further funding for Hojo and less for me. At last it was decided that those involved with Project G were to be removed to a small village outside of Midgar.

I was outraged. This was supposed to be the experiment to end all experiments! My greatest experiment! The next stage in human evolution! And they were just throwing him away like some second-rate scientist's failed test subject!

But then it occurred to me that perhaps this isolation was precisely what Genesis needed to prove that he was different. In Banora, I could monitor his development more closely than was possible at Shinra. Furthermore, growing up in a small village would allow me to study his social development, something Hojo had deemed unimportant in his project. Yet another way to show how I was the superior scientist!

Genesis was returned to his biological parents, who were given the highest status in the village for their part in the experiment. Initially the position was offered to Gillian, but she refused it, choosing instead to live in poverty with another lab technician, even while pregnant with my child. So Mr. Rhapsodos eagerly accepted the position as the village landlord, and with his wife began to raise their son.

Genesis was different. He proved that as time passed and his superior intellect began to emerge, his physical abilities developing at a faster rate than those of normal human children. The only comparable child was the child I had sired on Gillian, Angeal, who displayed similar development. Their social growth was disappointingly devoid of information; as far as personality and personal interactions, they were no different from any other child. There was one odd development in Genesis, however. He seemed slightly unstable, prone to violent outbursts at random moments. Sometimes he would go months without an episode, but then there would be one every other day. At such moments, Angeal was the only person capable of calming him. I tried to calculate any correlation between these outbursts, but none of my theories proved valid. I was left with the conclusion that Genesis kept so much emotion bottled up inside his mind that it sometimes overflowed, resulting in him lashing out any everybody around him for a brief time. All of us in Banora learned that it was better to let his rage play itself out rather than interfere; he was very capable of dealing grevious damage to normal humans.

He plans to join SOLDIER soon, along with Angeal. I am certain that his intellect and power will launch him to the top in no time, and once he has proven his superiority to Hojo's subject, I will be promoted to the position of Head of the Science Department. Hojo is a second-rate scientist, unfit for the position. It will belong to me!

It is only a matter of time now. The beginning is already here. The rest of the story will follow in due course. I must be patient.

They all betrayed me. Every last one of them. My parents, Hollander, the villagers... From the very moment of my conception, they betrayed me.

Those experiments could have killed me. My demise would have mattered nothing to them. They would have merely waited until another fetus was available, then tried again. Over and over again, until something survived. It just happened to succeed the first time, and produced me.

A monster. A man-made mockery of life. An abomination.

They wanted to create an Ancient. Instead they produced me, a monster neither human nor Ancient. I trusted them, and they betrayed me. Again and again and again. Why should they protect a monster like me?

Three friends go to war. One is captured, another flees, and the third goes on to become a hero. Three friends... But who is to be the hero? Angeal would flee, I know. He is a useful tool because of his loyalty to me, and the way his honor allows me to manipulate him, but he would not confront his fate head-on. Then who is left to be captured? Who would become the hero?

Sephiroth is the hero, as far as his many admirers are concerned. But what if he was the one captured? I could be the hero in his place, destroying my oppressors and purifying this world.

I am a monster. I am dying, day by day. But that does not mean that I will die alone and forgotten. I will make my mark upon this world by destroying Shinra and uncovering the 'gift of the goddess'. When I find it, the degradation will be stopped and I will be a hero. Sephiroth is already captured, in a sense; he is a pawn of the Shinra dogs, and even if he breaks those chains he will fall prey to a more powerful master. Angeal will flee his fate.

We will reveal the final act of Loveless with our flesh and blood. Those traitors who molded me will serve as ink, this world as paper. And if I should die, this world goes with me.

It deserves nothing less.