Neji let out a grunt as he lifted Asuma's corpse into his arms. Cursing under his breath, he snapped, "Dammit...why the hell do I have to carry the body? He weighs a fuckin' ton!"

Picking up the bloody kitchen knife in between her lithe fingers, Hinata stared at it for about five minutes, completely mesmerized. 'Hmm...I wonder...'


Snapping out of her trance, Hinata quickly followed after Neji, who was being careful not to slip on all the blood as he carried the body. When he finally reached the stairs, Neji decided to make things easier on himself, and he rolled Asuma's body down the steps. It eventually stopped after smacking against the front door from sliding on the blood.

"You have a unique way of transporting corpses..." Hinata joked.

"Whatever," Neji grunted, and then he turned to Hinata, "Did you dispose of all evidence?"

Hinata nodded. "Yup. No fingerprints or anything are left. Of course, I had to leave the woman's corpse just as it was. You know...I just enjoy frightening the populace."

Neji carefully treaded down the stairs and then lifted Asuma's corpse back into his arms again. Glancing over at the kitchen, he said, "...What should we do about that baby thing we tore out of that bitch's stomach?!"

Hinata bit her lip and thought about it. They could use it for extra food, but it wouldn't amount to much compared to a full-grown human body.

"Leave it. Like I said, I enjoy frightening the populace." Hinata replied, walking down the stairs as she spoke.

Sticking his hand in Asuma's pockets, Neji eventually pulled out a set of keys. Tossing them to Hinata, he asked, "I guess what you're looking for is in his car, huh?"

Hinata caught the keys and then opened the front door. She peeked out to make sure there was no one around, and then she slowly stepped outside. It was dark out now, and the soft humming of crickets could be heard in the background. Running over to Asuma's car, Hinata tried about five different keys before she finally unlocked the door.

"It's...it's gotta be in here somewhere...hold on..."

As Hinata leaned far in to search for whatever it was she was looking for, Neji took this moment to stare at his younger cousin's ass and fantasize. 'DAMN...SHE'S REALLY HOT. HER ASS IS SO CURVY AND SOFT-LOOKING, JUST LIKE THE REST OF HER! MAYBE I CAN FUCK HER CORPSE AFTER I KILL HER LATER...YEAH...I'LL DEFINITELY DO THAT...'


Suddenly, Hinata dragged out a large black suitcase from underneath the driver's seat. Placing it on the roof of the car, she used another one of the keys to open it, revealing sets upon sets of documents and blueprints held within. Hinata fumbled through the paper until she finally came across what she was looking for: a set of blueprints for the entire city of Konoha.

"...Blueprints of the city?" Neji asked her.

Hinata nodded, and stared at the blueprints intensely. "Yes. I looked Sarutobi Asuma's records and found out he had a job as one of the main architectural manufacturers, and he had actually been a major help in the construction of the city itself."

Swinging open the trunk of Hinata's car, Neji gently placed Asuma's body inside as he then said, "What exactly do you plan on doing with a bunch of blueprints?"

An evil smirk formed on Hinata's plump lips. "If I told you...you'd say I was crazy."

"I already think you're crazy. Tell me what you've got in that psychotic murderous little mind of yours..." Neji joked.

Chuckling, Hinata wrapped up the blueprints and stuck them in deep between her breasts for safe keeping. Brushing a few strands of hair behind her ear, Hinata said, "I plan on destroying this entire city, of course. Bring all of it...crashing to the ground..."

Neji's eyes widened; he hadn't expected this.

"You see, Neji-itoko," Hinata continued, "This whole place is quite large, but destroy the support holds of only four certain buildings, and you can destroy more than half of the entire city! Those four buildings will collapse, and crush everything in their path. It might not destroy the entire city, as I had exaggerated, but it will definitely cause massive damage that will last for years...and take millions of lives in the process!"

Neji lit a cigarette and stuck it between his teeth. "You don't make a fuckin' ounce of sense. You say it'll destroy the whole city, and then you say it won't destroy the whole city. I don't understand you, Hinata. I just don't fuckin' get you. You...you're a psycho. Seriously. You need to make sense when you speak, or nothing will ever get accomplished. Do you get me?"

Hinata flashed a sweet, innocent smile and replied, "I don't need to make sense, Neji-itoko. If I feel like talking like a complete psycho, I'll talk like a complete psycho. If I feel like torturing some people, I'll torture some people. If I feel like eating some cheese, I'll drink some milk. If I feel like bringing about death...I'll bring death to every fuckin' low-brow shitheaded asswipe who thinks that life is something worth living! I do what I want, when I want. I don't need anyone to question the way I work...got it? Do you understand what I'm trying to say, Neji-itoko?"

Not wanting to get on his insane cousin's bad side, Neji just nodded to show he understood.

While the two murderers climbed into the car, Hinata added, "Also...I need you to purchase the explosive necessary for my plan. I've written down what kind we need on a piece of paper back at my apartment."

"Why can't you do it?" Neji asked.

"I'll...be busy tomorrow."

Without anything else to say, Hinata turned on the ignition and drove the car out of the driveway.

As the car moved onto the highway, Neji was beginning to have second thoughts about his partnership with Hinata...

The next day...

Pein awoke with a throbbing pain in the back of his head. He was still wearing his clothes from the business meeting, even though he was definitely sure he had removed them before he was suddenly knocked out. Oddly enough, he found himself sitting in complete darkness.

"Ugh...what the fuck happened..."

Standing up, he groped around, being careful not to hit into anything, when he finally reached the wall. Slowly, he walked with his left hand against the wall until it finally came in contact with a light switch. Flipping it up, the room was immediately illuminated with light, and it took Pein a moment for his eyes to stop watering.

Looking around, he realized he was in a small green room, with an open door leading out to a hallway. What really caught his eye, though, was an overturned wheelchair...with a trail of blood leading away from it and down the left part of the hall.
