(I do not own Type Moon or any branch or characters related to it)

Chapter 1- Memories

The Holy Grail War was over. All was returned to the way it was, yet Shirou could not shake off the feeling that there was something wrong, something ominous arriving. He could feel it, in his desk at his school. The classroom was filled with all sorts of people, many dressed in the droll brown uniform that mimicked the color of mud. The mud colored suits reminded Shirou of when he was face down in the mud, when the fire had struck, killing his parents in the second to last Grail War. The previous Grail war had its ups and downs, Shirou having met and fallen in love with the warrior Saber, created a strong bond with Rin, but yet Saber had to disappear at the end of the war. With this, Shirou was left incomplete. He had never been as happy as he had usually been. Though he had his usual helpful tendencies at home, the loss of his beloved, the one who he had nearly died for, was a hard loss. He looked down from the blue sky, his eyes saddened by these memories. From the side, Rin looked at him.

"Hey Shirou"

"Oh… Tohsaka. It's you." Shirou looked up to see a curious black haired girl staring straight at him with eyes that were usually piecing, though now tinted with a scent of symapthy.

"So what's the matter with you, Shirou? You look kinda…depressed."

Shirou looked up, trying to maintain a smile. "Oh its nothing, I was just thinking of…" The words failed to get to Shirou.

"Saber…isn't it?" Rin completed for him

"Yes….", he replied, his eyes looking down on the floor.

In the grassy field, a warrior lay in rest, the blue sky acting as the sea in the eternal paradise of Avalon. She had golden blonde hair, her eyes pure as any crystal. The warrior was dressed in an extravagant blue dress which very much matched the sky. As she lay sleeping, the memories of a young man flashed through her mind. The red haired boy who had risked his life countless times for her, even risked death against the king of kings. She couldn't leave him, not yet… Yet she was already gone from him, separated. The memories still rang clearly in her head, but she had lost track and count of how long had passed. Despite this, the memories still were as vivid as the sky.

Two people stood at the edge of the hill as the sun began to rise. It's slow approach signaled a sadness, yet a sense of light and happiness. The golden haired girl turned to the boy with the fiery red hair. Looking into his eyes, she stared at him, her eyes tinged with something that could not be described as sadness. Emotions ran through her. Love, sadness, a sense of longing. In all this, she could only say this, "Shirou…I love you."

The golden haired girl was brought back to her world, as she looked into the clear, silky sky. This was not happiness. It was incomplete and yet the closest thing she could reach out was her memories as she closed her eyes once again.

As she was dreaming, the sky suddenly started to thunder and the very blue sky had began to tint in away from the serene blue. The clouds turned a bloody red, the evil of the clouds seemingly grinning at her.

What magic was this? This was not normal, in the Heaven of Avalon and yet the sky had turned from the sky blue to a red, a red that reminded her of…

The warrior stopped breathing, recognizing all too well what she saw….

"No…It can't be.."the warrior whispered to herself.

The Holy Grail War was starting again…

It was time for the Servants to be called to battle again.

Shirou continuously looked up at the sky. It was beautiful a few seconds ago but now it was turning red as blood. He was not the only one to notice, as nearly the whole school was drawn to the windows to see this supernatural spectacle. Rin was next to him, her eyes wide with fear, as she knew what was to come…

"Shirou…" she whispered

"Yes?' he whispered in turn.

"It's starting again… The Holy Grail War….."