Dear Readers,

I'm very sorry to say, but from this point on my writing is being put on hold. I'm going through a lot of things right now and I can't keep up with a lot of things. I know where I wanted my stories to go; I have half written chapters for all of them.

I'm truly am sad about this and I really wish I could balance things out, but for the moment my life is too much of mess to actually do what I want for myself. My parents are being over controlling and breathing down my back for a lot of things. I haven't been able to actually spend time with my boyfriend in over a month.

I will write the stories when I find time, but when I will actually post them I do not know. I'm sorry and I'm sure after I get things cleared up that I will be back to writing and there will be no more late waited updates.

I love you all.

Tori Elaine