Ok everyone I deeply apologize for the wait I got so cuaght up in school which resulted is some mager writers block, and not to colorguard (witch was totally wrerth cause WE WON STATE BICHES!!!! XD ) lol sorry we just competed Saterday so I'm still not down from my high.

Anyway major thanks to one of my best friends Envy13 she has been helping me edit my whole story, Love ya Becky!! Do you feel special cause you should! j/k

And much love goes out to of my wonderful reviewers and those who have added me to thier storie and author alert. An I promise to try and get the next chapter out faster i already have the main events for the next few chapters planed out its just a matter of getting it writen out.

Oh by the way there is some slight lemonyness but not much, I am going to make you guys wait for the real one, Muhahahaha. And I know I'm supposed "If you are under 18 blah blah blah" but persoanly I don't give a shit! I started reading this crap when I was 13 so its not like i really care so enjoy!

Alright on with chapter 3!!! (FINALY)

Kagome's point of view:

The wind whooshed by me as we raced through the forest. Inuyasha was enjoying himself; he seemed to have forgotten about the fact that we needed to be back at the village soon to make arrangements for the wedding. But I wasn't complaining I wasn't eager to go back to the village just yet knowing that Sesshoumaru was there, I couldn't face him just yet it would be to painful.

"Hang on tight Kagome!!" Inuyasha yelled over his shoulder, just before launching himself up into the trees. I squealed as tree branches bushed past us and I hugged myself closer to him to keep from getting scratched up to bad. Then suddenly the air cleared and I opened my eyes a beautiful valley bellow and a mountain range off in the distance. Inuyasha landed on the edge of the cliff that over looked the valley and set me down.

"Do you like it?" He asked eagerly, as I walked close to the edge to gaze upon Mother Nature's own personal work of art.

"Like it, I love!" I said staring in utter awe.

"I'm glad you do." Inuyasha said stepping closer to me and rested his hand on my shoulder. "I found this place not to long after the final battle; I used to come out here a lot to think."

"What did you think about?" I asked idly, turning my head to the side to see him better.

"A lot of things, the past, all my mistakes…"

"You must have a lot to think about then." I joked and he chuckled.

"And I thought about you." He stated flatly. "I thought about you a lot, everyday, actually. I didn't want to leave you that day three years ago." He said staring off into the distance with a soft thoughtful expression on his face.

"What do you mean you left me? I thought the well called you back." My voice was barely above of whisper. He looked down at me his golden eyes burning into mine, right though to my soul.

'Those eyes…' So much like his eyes with that serious look, an image of Sesshoumaru flashed in my mind. 'Stop thinking about him!' I yelled in my head.

"I know that I'm not the only person that needs you, your family needed you too, and…" he sighed "and you have no idea how much it killed me to leave you there, and not bring you home with me!" His voice was soft but strong, and I couldn't look away. I was looking into his burning gaze. We stayed like that staring into each others eye for what seemed lie an eternity, before he finally looked away, and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

'Why? Why after all this time? Why does he choose now to tell me how he feels?' My mind was reeling from what he had said and I all I could wonder was why. Why now? Why couldn't he tell me when it actually meant something to me? Now all I felt when I looked at him was guilt! Guilt for how I had betrayed him, guilt for how much it would hurt him if he ever found out. But no mater what I couldn't bring myself to regret what I had done, what we had done. The only thing I truly regretted was falling in love with Sesshoumaru. For he could never love me back.

We stayed there for several more moments in silence, for which I was thankful, just staring out over the countryside. My mind was racing for an excuse to get away, scrolling though a list of thing I needed to do that day, but everything I thought of I knew he would just say that it could wait, or somebody else would take care of it.

His hand that was previously resting on my shoulder was now running up and down the length of my arm, and his touch had never felt so… foreign. It didn't feel right and I didn't like it, I continued searching through my mind.

'Aw ha!' I turned to face Inuyasha once more. "Inuyasha we need to head back to the village, I promised to help Kaede pick some herbs and get started on restocking out medicine supply." He wasn't looking at me but I could tell by the look on his face that he was annoyed, we hadn't gotten much alone time and even though this had started out nice I just couldn't stand to be alone with him right now.

"You don't mind do you? The supply is running really low and it is best if we get it out of the way now." His face softened a bit I got him there! I noticed that if I had to do something for the general welfare of the village he tried not to get in my way.

"No it's fine, besides if need to get started on our hut if we want it to be ready in time for the our wedding night." He had lowered his head so that his lips were close to my ear; his voice had dropped to a low husky whisper and the arm that had rubbing my arm slipped to my waist as he pulled me closer to him. I could feel his hot breath on my face and a shiver run down my spine. At that moment all I wanted to do was push him away, this didn't feel right and I hated it!

It didn't take us long to get back to the village, thankfully when we got there Inuyasha took off to work on the hut the hut. He wouldn't tell me where he was going to build it only that he wanted it to be a surprise. He left me in front Kaede's hut, we probably wouldn't see each other until that evening, and I watched him leave. Launching himself into the air and speeding off into the direction where most of the men when to chop lumbar. I slumped against the side of the hut and took a deep breath.

'Thank kami he's gone,' I thought relived, 'I really need some time to think.'

But first things first, I extended my senses and concentrated, feeling everything around me. I could feel most of the villagers, except those in the field, I focused harder I wasn't looking for humans. The more I focused the more the demon auras apparent and the human ones faded. Inuyasha's was fluttering somewhere on the edge of my senses, Shippo was out of the village training today, Kiara was somewhere nearby, and then there was Sesshoumaru's. His aura was so massive it bore down on you with enough weight to crush a bull elephant.

'Hmm, where is he?' my eye brows came closer together as I focused harder on him. 'He is close by but not in the immediate area.' I sighed and relaxed my senses Rin's aura was faint which meant she was probably with him, which in turn was good news for me because that meant that I could probably avoid seeing him.

Opening my eyes to the blinding sun I took a long beep breath and turned to go into the hut. As I walked into the hut the strong smell of miso soup hit my nose.

"Hello Kaede!" I said happily, she always has a way of calming me down when I'm around her.

"Aw hello child! Did ye have a good outing with Inuyasha?" she asked turning and smiling warmly at me before turning her attention back to the soup.

"Yes I did we talked and her took me to a spot he usually goes to think. It was quit beautiful actually, it was on a cliff over looking the country side.
" I said causally on the elevated step next to Kaede.

"That's nice, he has changed a great deal since ye have been away and he missed ye terribly even if he rarely says it allowed." She said still stirring the soup.

"Yeah I know." I hugged my knees closer to my chest and rested my chin on them and just stared out the window. I figured it was time to make sure Rin was with Sesshoumaru and see if it was possible to avoid and still attend to my duties that day.

"Hey Kaede Inuyasha and I saw Sesshoumaru when we where talking earlier and it looked like he was heading toward the village."

"Aw, yes he came to visit Rin. He has not been by in almost a month." My heart skipped a beat.

"Oh so he comes by often?" I asked. I was thankful that I was that I was able to keep the nervousness out of my voice.

"Yes the longest he has ever stayed away was two moon cycles and that was because, according to him, there was a meeting of the lords." This wasn't good I would be seeing him once a month if not more. Just knowing I would be seeing him this often was almost too much to bear, I still love him! I'm not trying to be dramatic, I loved Inuyasha but what I felt for Sesshoumaru was so much more... every word, every touch, every kiss. I couldn't put into words what I felt for him.

'I can't be here right now I need to leave!' I stood and dusted myself off.

"Do you know where they went?" I voice wavered a bit.

"The river by the water fall I believe. Why do ye ask?"

"Oh no reason. I'm going to pick herbs." My voice didn't sound right.

'Damnit!' I cursed myself.

"Are ye sure Kagome? The stew will be done soon."

"No it's ok, I'm not hungry and besides we need to replenish our stock." I grabber one of the baskets that was by the door, but as I was about to leave Kaede got up and walked over to me.

"Are ye sure Kagome?" she asked in a worried tone and placed the back of her hand on my cheek, "Ye look pale." I grabbed her hand and pulled it away from my face.

"No it's ok I'm fine, really." We stayed in an awkward an awkward silence for a moment before I decided it was time to go. "Well I better get going if I want to finish early, bye!" I waved and hurried out of there as quickly as possible.

I made my way to the field that lay at the edge of the opposite side of the village it was plentiful in the herbs we needed, and was also conveniently far from the river. As I walked I allowed my mind to wonder, I was thinking about my time with Sesshoumaru, the nights we shared, and everything I could never have. One particular meeting seemed to be replaying like a broken record in my mind.



"OH SESHOUMARU!!!" Kagome screamed upon her release, tossing her head back in complete ecstasy. Sesshoumaru grunted and buried his head in the crock of her neck as she arched into him, her long legs rapped firmly around his waist and hugged him closer as they road out their climax together as their bodies began to relax and their frantic breathing slowed. Sesshoumaru was in shock that he had actually broken a sweat. He was not one to sweat under any circumstance, ever! But tonight he had and it was strange to think that something as trifling as sex had made him sweat.

He pulled back a bit to look at Kagome, she was drenched in sweat, her bangs sticking to her forehead, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes half lidded as she gazed up at him. Her right arm was draped loosely around is neck as her other hand rested on his shoulder which was currently supporting his wait.

'Beautiful...' he thought as he lowered his head to capture her lips in a passionate kiss, his beast was practically purring in agreement.

Kagome was in heaven of all the times she hand been with Sesshoumaru he had never taken her like this it was incredible and his kiss was so demanding, there was just no other word for it. She was slowly coming down from her high they had been at it for two hours at least and she was exhausted! The only thing that could ruin this moment is the fact that she had to get back to the group soon, but the thing was she didn't want to; all she wanted to do was stay here with Sesshoumaru.

When Sesshoumaru pulled back from the kiss Kagome reclined her head back on his pelt, which he had placed there for her comfort. She tried to relax, her body was trembling and her breath shaky, and just a few moments ago she thought she was going to explode from pleasure! As she tried to regain control of her body Sesshoumaru contented himself with suckling on her plus point.

'I don't want to leave I want to stay here forever with you.' Kagome thought bitterly as she hugged him tighter to her.

"I need to leave soon." She stated calmly and Sesshoumaru paused from his place on her neck. This was what he loathed the most, her leaving so soon. He pulled out of her and rolled over to the side and pulled her close.

'Bother can wait! I want to enjoy her presence more before she returns to him.' His beast had become quit fond of the miko and hated to let her go. Kagome rested her head on his chest and snuggled close, and Sesshoumaru rapped his pelt around her to protect her from the cool night air. This was something he enjoyed greatly, though he couldn't fathom why, he enjoyed spending time with her. Often they would lie together after sex and talk or just enjoy each other's company.

"It's such a lovely night isn't it?" She asked casually.

"Indeed it is." He replied in his stoic tone.

The sky was bright with stars and the cool night air was a welcome relief from the trying past few days they had had. They were laying by a hot spring tonight, when ever they met there was always a body of water somewhere so they could wash up before they returned to their perspective groups.

"How is Rin doing?" The day before they had defeated Sounga the sword of supreme conquest. Everyone in the two groups had been literally feet away from the mouth of hell and poor Rin nearly met death again at the hands of Takemaru of Setsuna. Kagome had put herself at great risk by leaving the protective barrier that Siya had put and trying to get the two thickheaded brothers to work together. The battle had ended with the reappearance of Lord Inu no Tashio's sprit as he left some final parting words for his sons.

"She is still a bit shell shocked but better then expected for someone her age." He said matter-of-factly. Honestly he was quit was quit proud of Rin, she acted bravely in the face of danger and her happy disposition was hardly disturbed by yesterdays events.

"That's good." Kagome had been very worried about her and wanted to make sure she was okay. "If she needs anything just let me know."

"And what could she possibly need that I could not provide myself." He teased. He knew her big heart it was one of the qualities he enjoyed most about, she always wanted to help others with no care for her own needs. But that did not mean he did not enjoy teasing her about it, infact he did it often, especially when that little spite fire in her came out, he found it quit amusing!

His voice had taken on a lighter tone so she knew he was teasing her, she didn't know why he liked it so much. "Moral support, I know you're not big on the feels." She said nonchalantly.


"See what I mean?"

"Oh I assure you I have feelings but this Sesshoumaru simply sees no point in showing them." He said, which of course was true there was no point in showing one's feels it is merely a weakness. At this Kagome rolled her eyes.

"Your hopeless." She said sitting up and stretching. She was about to get up but Sesshoumaru rapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back.

"Of what nonsense do you speak?" He demanded a little annoyed. Kagome turned her head to the side to look at him she wore a serious face.

"It's not a weakness to hind your feelings I mean yeah it's not good to wear them on your sleeve either, but you don't have to wear a mask all the time." She wanted to see how he felt about a lot of things but knew it was not her place to ask and even if it was he would never tell her. She gave him a soft smile before turning away to look at the stars.

'Our bitch is strange, but what she says does hold some truth. It may do us good to take her advice from time to time.' His beast said lazily.

'Perhaps but not on this matte, look wear feelings got father.'

'He did not appear unhappy when he reappeared, and he has been trying to guide us as well as brother.'

'Guide us to what?'

'Of that I am not sure.'

"Sesshoumaru I have go leave it is getting late and I still need to bathe." Kagome pulled him out of his conversation with his beast. He sat up and looked down at her and she rested her head on his shoulder and looked up into his stunning golden gaze, which she loved.

"Very well let us go then and perhaps I shall take you once more before you depart." Kagome giggled and lifted her head to kiss him one more time.

"You are terrible, you know that?" She asked playfully.

"I know not of what you speak." He teased, before he flashed one his rare smiles that always left her breathless before he leaned down to capture her lips once more.


Kagome's Point of View

That was the night I first realized I had feelings for Sesshoumaru in a way I wish it had never happened just so I could spare myself this hurt, but if I had the chance to do it over again I wouldn't change a thing just so I could be with him again. Yes I fell and I fell hard and it only took a few weeks before I realized that I was head over heels in love with him. The saddest part was I would never find anyone because no one was him, so I was choosing the closest person to him.

I was sitting in the t field now, it was wide and open, it was bordered on one side by the tree line of the forest and on the other side was the village. My basket was barely half full but I didn't really care I was enjoying the silence, the children were off doing chores and most of the adults were either out in the fields farming or trying to find something productive to do around their home or the village.

"Tell me my little miko, what? After everything he has done to you, what would prevail you to accept him?"

This chapter was alittle difficult becuase there is so much i want you all to see about Seshoumaru and Kagome's relationship, so I finaly decided that next few chapters will fave a flashback showing little by little how thier strickly sex relationship turns into love. I may not have Inuyahsa finding out for another 2 or 3 chapters, remeber people I am working with a two week time period before Kagme and Inuyasha's wedding, so theres still plenty of room for jelousy, romancing, and a good old fashion brotherly beat down! The closest it may get to the wedding is a few days if that, but I'm still not sure.

I also made a Sesshoumaru and Kagome chatroom the link is on my profile so co check it out i should be on to night and the rest of the week i look forward to talking you all on there!! =D

Once again I am so sorry about the wait so enjoy! And i love you more if you review!! =)