Disclaimer: I don't own the Power Rangers

Hogday Afternoon Part2

Meanwhile back in the Command Centre. Mark and Alpha were working on a device to try and get some water out of the cloud.

"We found some water." Young Tommy said

"That's the first good news we've had." Alpha said

"You were right Alpha it was in the Command Center's Earthquake readiness kit." Young Joey said

"We better get going." Young Tommy said

"Right." Young Joey said

"I'll have Kimberly and Laura meet you there." Alpha said

The two nodded then teleported away.

"I hope this device works." Billy said

"Same here." Alpha said

Meanwhile back at the Swimming pool Joey and Tommy teleported down. The two ran over to the Alien Rangers and gave Delphine and Aurico a drink.

"We need a lot more water." Young Joey said

"Don't worry we'll figure something out I hope." Young Tommy said

Meanwhile back in Zedd's Castle.

"Ha those puny Rangers won't be able to help them." Rita said

"You said it those Alien Rangers need a lot more water then that." Zedd said

Meanwhile back in Hawaii Jason was walking along when a Power Sword appeared in the tree next to him. Jason pulled the sword out of the tree. Then looked around and saw the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger walk up.

"I was wondering when you'd show up." Jason said

"Well sorry to keep you waiting." The Red Ranger said

Jason then threw the sword at the Red Ranger. The Red Ranger caught the Sword and looked at Jason

"It's not my style to use other people's weapons." Jason said

"Very well but you shall lose." The Red Ranger said

"Sorry but that's your job." Jason said

The Red Ranger then charged at Jason. Then the two started fighting each other. Meanwhile back at the Swimming Pool Kimberly and Laura showed up with a wagon full of water.

"We got more water." Young Kimberly said

"Good we need all the water we can get." Young Tommy said

The kid Rangers then gave the water to the Aquations.

"There not doing so well. Young Kimberly said

"Come on Mark they need that rain" Young Tommy thought.

Meanwhile back in the Command Centre Mark finished the device.

"Ok Alpha, get me a vision of the cloud." Mark said

"Right." Alpha said

Mark then fired at the vision of the Cloud in the Viewing Globe. Meanwhile back at the Swimming pool it started to rain.

"Yes it's raining." Young Tommy said

"Much better." Delphine said

Just then the rain stopped

"No the rain stopped." Young Joey said

"It is enough to finish what we started." Aurico said

"Careful you guys aren't fully re-hydrated yet." Young Laura said

"It's Morphin time." Delphine said

"Rangers of Aquitar we need full Power." All five Alien Rangers said

Meanwhile in the city the Alien Rangers showed up.

"You just don't know when to quit." Hydro hog said

"Yeah never." Aurico said

The Alien Rangers started fighting the Hydro Hog. But were losing the battle. Meanwhile back in Zedd's Castle.

"How about we make the bacon grow?" Rita asked

"Not a bad idea." Zedd said

"Make our monster grow." Zedd and Rita said crossing staffs.

Meanwhile back in the City. Hydro Hog grew thirty stories tall.

"Hey look at me." Hydro Hog said

"We need Shogun Megazord Power." The Five Alien Rangers said

Just then the five Shogun Zords showed up and combined together to create the Shogun Megazord. Then the Shogun Megazord powered up it's flame Saber and tried to strike Hydro Hog but Hydro Hog caught the sword.

"I don't think so Alien Rangers." Hydro Hog said

Hydro Hog then threw the Shogun Megazord to the ground. Meanwhile under the Command Centre. Goldar and Rito were flipping out over the detonation device

"How do we stop this thing?" Rito asked

"I don't know." Goldar said

Meanwhile back in the Command Centre the four kid Rangers and Mark looked on.

"They need help." Young Tommy said

"I know." Young Kimberly said

"Zordon I need to help them." Mark said

"I agree but be careful." Zordon said

"I'll try." Mark said

"Good luck." Young Kimberly said

"It's Morphin Time." Mark said

"Blue Wolf." Mark called

Back in the city Mark showed up.

"I hope this works. Ninja Falcon Zord." Mark said

Mark then held up his power coin and it fired a white beam into the sky and the Falcon Zord of Pheados showed up. Mark then hopped inside the Falcon Zord.

"Hey Hydro Hog time for you to eat Rockets." Mark said

Just then Mark got the Falcon Zord to fire the rockets out of the tips of its wings.

"You'll pay for that." Hydro Hog said

"Shogun Falcon Megazord." Mark said

Just then the Pheados Falcon Zord combined with the Shogun Megazord to create the Shogun Falcon Megazord.

"You five ok?" Mark asked

"Yes thank you." Delphine said

"Let's get rid of this water hog then you five can re-hydrate." Mark said

"Right." The five Alien Rangers said

"Shogun Falcon Megazord Fire." Mark said

Just then the Shogun Falcon Megazord fired not rockets but six colored beams that turned into the six Sacred Animals that struck and destroyed Hydro Hog.

"Thank you." Corcus said

"No thanks needed Corcus just go and re-hydrate." Mark said

The Alien Rangers teleported back to the lake while Mark teleported back to the Command Centre. Back in the Command Centre Mark teleported in and powered down.

"Great job." Young Laura said

"But how did you call the Falcon Zord?" Young Tommy asked

"I figure since my powers were different I'd give it a shot and it worked." Mark said

"It wasn't that Mark. It's because the Wolf Guardian is able to use the other five Ninjas zords as his own." Zordon thought.

"Well right now we have another thing to worry about." Mark said

"Right. We need to find Jason." Young Joey said

"Exactly." Mark said

"I'll try and find out where he got sent too." Alpha said

"I hope he's ok." Young Kimberly said

"He will be." Mark said

Meanwhile back in Hawaii Jason was fighting the Red Ranger. Just then the Red Ranger knocked Jason to the ground and held his sword.

"Why don't you just give up Jason?" The Red Ranger asked

"Because that is something I'll never do." Jason said

"Then it's over you passed the test." The Red Ranger said as he put his sword in his other hand and held out his left hand.

"What?" Jason asked as he grabbed the Red Ranger's left hand

"Myself and the White Falcon Rangers needed to see if you were still capable of being leader of the team and to that end we had to test you. When I disappear you will turn back into a kid." The Red Ranger said as he helped Jason up

"Ok." Jason said

"You have done well Jason. But there is an enemy coming that is stronger then Rita and Zedd. You must be careful." The Red Ranger said

"Got yah." Jason said

The Red Ranger disappeared and Jason turned back into a Kid. Jason then noticed the Zeo Crystal where the Red Ranger had been standing. Jason picked it up and a Red Surge of energy went through him. Meanwhile back in the Command Centre

"I found Jason." Alpha said

Mark and the kid rangers looked at the Viewing Globe to see Jason holding the final Zeo Crystal.

"Yes he's got the final Crystal." Young Tommy said

"Alright we can finally return to our normal ages." Young Joey said

"Well done Jason. You past Lupine and Valin's fights." Mark thought.

"You ok Mark?" Young Kimberly asked

"I'm proud of each and everyone of you. All five of you past your tests that the Sacred Animals set for you." Mark said

"What?" Young Tommy asked

"Joey met up with Rach, Kimberly met up with Baka, Laura met up with Ursa, Tommy met up with Marlon and Jason had to fight Lupine as the White Falcon Ranger and Valin as the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger." Mark said

"Oh. How do you know this?" Young Laura asked

"Because Lupine told me his plan." Mark said

The kids nodded. Meanwhile back in Hawaii. Jason smiled and held his crystal up and teleported away. Back in the Command Centre Jason teleported in.

"Jason your back." Young Kimberly said

"Yeah I am. Here you go Mark." Young Jason said as he held out the Crystal

Mark then grabbed the crystal.

"Now Mark you must put all the Zeo Crystals in order." Zordon said

"Right." Mark said

Mark then placed the final Zeo Crystal in its place and the whole device started spinning fast and everyone went to the ground. Meanwhile back under the Command Centre Rito and Goldar both thought the device was going off. Meanwhile back in Zedd's Castle.

"Well looks like the Zeo Crystal is back together." Rita said

"Now to let Goldar and Rito know so they can grab it." Zedd said

Meanwhile in the park Bulk and Skull returned to there normal ages so did everyone one in the world. Meanwhile back in the Command Centre the five Ranger kids returned to being teens.

"We're back to normal." Tommy said

"You did it Mark." Joey said

"It's great to have you guys back." Mark said

"You ok?" Jason asked Kimberly

"I am now." Kimberly said as she hugged Jason

Jason smiled and hugged back. The others awed.

"Come on guys we've got some friends to say goodbye too." Mark said

"Right. We'll do that in person." Jason said as he and Kimberly let go of each other

"Let's go." Kimberly said

The Rangers then teleported away. Meanwhile back under the Command Centre.

"The device didn't go off." Rito said

"I hate waiting." Goldar said

"You said it." Rito said

Meanwhile back at the lake. The Rangers teleported down.

"Tommy is that you?" Delphine asked

"Yeah it's me." Tommy said

"Thank you so much for your help." Joey said

"We should thank you. You have taught us so much about your planet." Aurico said

"And it would have been the same if the situation was in reverse." Tideus said

"Yes it would." Kimberly said

"Thank you Mark for helping us get rid of Hydro Hog." Corcus said

"You don't have to thank me I'm just glad I was able to help." Mark said

"We must leave now." Delphine said

"Yes you must return to your planet to get well." Joey said

"If you ever need help just contact us." Jason said

"We will." Corcus said

"Good bye Rangers of Earth." Delphine said

"Good bye Rangers of Aquitar." Tommy said

The Alien Rangers then teleported away. Meanwhile back under the Command Centre.

"Goldar Rito go get the Zeo Crystal." Rita said in voice.

"Finally lets go." Rito said

"Right." Goldar said

Meanwhile in the Command Center Goldar and Rito teleported in.

"Intruder alert." Alpha said

"Goldar Rito I order you too leave." Zordon said

"We were just on our way out." Goldar said

"Yeah and with the Zeo Crystal." Rito said as Goldar picked it up.

The two teleported out. Just then the Rangers teleported in.

"What happened?" Jason asked

"Rito and Goldar took the Zeo Crystal." Alpha said

"Oh no." Kimberly said

Just then the device went off and the Command Center started blowing up.

"What's going on?" Tommy asked

"Rito and Goldar must have planted a detonation device right under the Command Centre." Mark said

"Rangers you must evacuate." Zordon said

"We can't leave you." Joey said

"We have no choice." Mark said

"But…" Jason started

"No buts about it we have to leave." Mark said

Mark then pressed the teleportation and the six rangers' teleported out of the Command Centre. Outside the Command Centre the Rangers teleported down and watched the Command Centre blow up.

"No this can't be happening." Mark said

"Zordon. Alpha." Kimberly said

"Do you think they survived?" Laura asked

"I don't know." Tommy said

"Jason you ok?" Mark asked

"Yeah it's just I've been going to that place for three years it was like a second home." Jason said

"I know what you mean." Tommy said

The Rangers all looked on worried about Zordon.

End of Hogday Afternoon Part2

End of Heroes from another dimension Part2 to be continued in Zeo Rangers Heroes from another Dimension.