Hey guys! Thanks for all the reviews and alerts and favs and all that good stuff!! I'm happy this story is getting lots of love! You guys are great! I decided to thank you all since I never do, when I should! This story has gotten this far with the help of all you!

So, hope you like this chapter!!!


Sasuke shone the light of the flashlight at some of the spots where blood stained the ground. He was only a few feet into the wooded area since he didn't want to stray too far in and get lost.

Suddenly, a twig snapped and echoed into the night air which caused the raven to jump at the sudden sound. He frantically shone the light at where he thought the sound came from.

There was a slight rustling at where the light shone. Sasuke's hand trembled and teeth quivered. He could feel his heart beat erratically as if he had just ran a marathon.

His free hand went to his chest and rubbed it to try and calm himself. A rustling sound came from in front of him again which made his heart pace even faster.

Sasuke wanted to call out incase it was person, but was afraid that it might be someone that would cause him harm.

Another small rustle came from a small distance from the raven.

Sasuke bit his bottom and frowned. He was grown man! He shouldn't be scared!

And so, the raven took in a deep breath of cold air and grit his teeth. He cautiously walked forward, with the knife hidden in his coat.

He shone the light to where he saw some bushes move and walked towards them. Slowly, he moved the top of the bushes to reveal what was hidden.

The raven dropped the knife and walked beside the creature on the ground. It looked like a fox that had been injured. It hissed at the raven as if warning him to stay away. It's orange fur covered in a layer of red at some places.

"It's alright…" The raven extended one hand so the animal would sniff him. As the fox sniffed the limb, it lowered it's head.

Sasuke scooted closer to it and lightly brushed the top of it's fur with his fingertips. He took off his coat and slowly put it over the animal and lightly picked it up. Cringing at the whimpering coming from it as he accidentally brushed against it's wound.

The raven squinted and sighed when he saw the light from the cabin and headed towards it with fox I arms.

As he got closer to the cabin, Sasuke looked at the bundle in his arms. The fox was breathing hard. It's small chest rising and falling quickly, trying to take in air.

He slowly went up the steps as to not the disturb the wounds that the fox had.

When inside, the raven slowly put the fox down, coat and all on the floor. He went to one of the closets and pulled out some spare sheets he had found and picked the fox up and laid it down on them.

He now had a better view of the damage the small animal had received. Upon a closer look. Sasuke noticed the bite marks on it's neck and feet. "Looks like you were attacked by wild animals huh little guy?"

The raven didn't know why, but he couldn't leave the animal to fend for its self out there in the cold. "Better clean these wounds first."

Sasuke went into the kitchen and filled a pot with warm water and went onto the bathroom for the first aid kit he had bought.

After setting the items down on the floor beside the fox, Sasuke took a piece of cloth and dipped it into the water and slowly began to clean the fox's wounds.

He sighed in relief when he discovered that they weren't too deep, but there many of them, that's why the fox had bled so much.

What the problem was it's back leg. It looked like it had somehow broken it and crawled away from it's attackers. Sasuke knew it wouldn't help much, but he bandaged the leg so it wouldn't move the bone around by putting a straight piece of wood on it like a support.

About an hour later, the fox was covered gauzes of where its wounds were. Sasuke sat beside it and tried to offer it pieces of bread, but it wouldn't take them. It would only sniff it and put its head down. It did drink water though.

The raven scratched the back of his head. "Now what do I do?" He sighed and leaned back into the couch and continued to look at the animal.

"You know, now that I think about it. You look like someone I saw not too long ago. It's kind of weird." The fox looked at the human that was talking.

"I mean, the whiskers and eyes for some reason remind me of him. You want to know who I'm talking about?"

The fox moved it's head to the side. "His name's Naruto. I only met him once, though. He's an actual angel and the purest creature I have ever seen." After a few seconds the nation let out a chuckle. "I think I'm going mad already. I mean, I'm talking to a fox in the middle of the night."

Sasuke brought his legs up to his chest. "I want to set him free from his prison and watch him fly freely one day. I…want to save him."

Sasuke put his head down on top of his knees. He closed his eyes as he listened to his own breathing.

"You know where Naruto is?"

Sasuke lifted his head up and looked around. He thought he heard something, but decided to brush it off as his mind fooling with him.

"Human, do you know where Naruto is?"

Sasuke stood up abruptly and looked around. He had definitely not imagined that voice. "Who's there!? Come out where I can see you!"

Sasuke's heart beat quickened and he felt adrenaline glow through his veins.

"Please, do not panic young one. I am no threat, and you have helped me." Sasuke's gaze went to the fox that was sitting up.

"Wh-what's going on?" He looked at the small animal as it looked back. "Are you the one that spoke?"

The fox slowly lowered its head. "Yes, but more importantly, you spoke to me of Naruto."

Sasuke gulped as he looked at the animal. He couldn't help but think this was all a dream. It had to be. There was no way a fox could speak. It wasn't logical.

"Do not fear me. I only wish to ask you about Naruto."

Sasuke was about to say something until he changed his mind. "How do you know Naruto?"

"That is what I wish to ask you." Sasuke noticed that the fox did not open it's mouth as it spoke.

"I was to be the boy's guardian. Unfortunately, he was taken from me as a youngling. I've been searching for him for the last ten years."

Sasuke fell to the floor as he stared at the fox. "What are you?"

The fox laid down, but continued to look at the raven. "I am Kyuubi. I am Naruto's animal guardian."

Sasuke didn't know what to say. Everything was to strange for him to comprehend.


HAHA! I fooled many of you didn't I?! Bet you all thought it was Naruto's blood huh? Well, that would have been too cliché for my taste so nope! Kyuubi has appeared!

Ohoho the plot thickens!!! I hope you guys liked this chapter! I know it was kind of short, sorry about that! But the next one is longer than this so no worries!!!!

OM GOSH!!!! Tomorrow's mah !!!! ….but truth be told…I'm not really all that excited about it….I just like to say it, but I don't really care about it that much. I mean, it's not like it's some life changing ordeal or anything.. It's just another year of my life going by.

And besides, I look like an 11 year old kid….BUT!!! THERE IS SOMETHING FAR GREATER THAN IT BEING MAH B DAY TOMORROW!!

Ehem…I unholynight…am 5 FEET ATLAST!!!!! WHOOOOOOTTTT!!!!

Alright then, now that that's out of my system, I hope you guys liked the chapter! Please REVIEW and give me your thoughts!!!

