This is a little one shot from a strangers view from Shippo. Shippo meets Kagome on the metro.

Chance Meeting

I hate my life. My life sucks.

Another day of not fitting in, in a school I don't like. Feeling inadequate on an extremely hot, sticky day.

Worst kinds of days to be taking the metro. Sitting, wallowing in grumpiness, I do not notice the door opening I was too busy being grumpy, wallowing in my own self pity, listening to My Chemical Romance and Three Days Grace loud.

I was plugged into my Ipod, then my earphones stopped working. I was really grumpy. I was grumpy because I had a fight with my family the morning, grumpy because I had a fight with my best friend in the afternoon. All in all an 'uber' super crappy day.

The doors open to reveal people i don't see. The seat on my left is free, the one closest to the window. The mere brush against my feet made me irritated and as I looked I see a woman (I don't quite catch her face), the metro that had departed had suddenly lurched to a stop, making me almost fall off my seat and the woman who had brushed against me to occupy the empty seat, she fell forward, almost in my lap. As the train was moving again and everyone had recovered. The woman gave a soft laugh and apologized for being clumsy. I turned around and looked at her.

She was no one of importance, dressed like every other woman taking the subway. Her shoes were plain, a normal pair of ill fitted jeans with a plain shirt covered by a baggy sweater. No jewellery.

Then, looking at her face. The puffiness around her missing eyebrows , lashes and eyelids, the sickly pallor of her skin was what struck me first. She had a scarf, tied around her head to hide her baldness. She obviously had cancer.

But that was not what struck me the most. What had magically dissipated all negative feelings…was her smile….as corny as that sounds. It was not a big smile, or a small, inadequate smile. It was a normal smile, a genuine one accompanied by soft laughter. A peaceful smile, showing just a bit of teeth, the checks bunched up. There was a tiny crinkle around her eyes that held my gaze. This woman seemed serene, completely calm and happy. Why wouldn't she be? Looking at her, I felt the smallest twinge of guilt. I didn't know her but only by that smile. A smile that said a thousand words. A smile that spoke of love, and of being supported.

She had a lovely smile

Tell me what you guys all think.