The shocked mother looked at her newly transfigured daughter I pure agony she yet again whispered "What have you done? This isn't right…No…"

"I know this is hard for you to swallow…"

"Tinagira where!?!?! Where? Did I go wrong how!? I just want this nightmare to end!"

She couldn't help but look at her mother with her saddest eyes and knelt down and started to say "Listen I understand…"


Giratina looked at the frenzied mom and said "Yes I do."

"What?" She said with a funny tone knowing that she could have a common bond with this thing.

"Well when I was little my mother was…abused by my father…and she went away with my father for long periods of time and she'd come back crying and badly scarred. I feared for them greatly. But they kept saying that they loved each other. That was a lie. On day she went and never came back. Physically she did but not mentally. She walked around the mansion with a dead stare as in a trance. I started to get nervous and decided to ask her. She didn't respond she never did. And one day she just disappeared without a trace. I haven't seen her since." Just them a downpour of tears flowed down his cheeks. "I miss her so much…"

Apparently her maternal instincts kicked in and her mom couldn't help but hug the crying boy. "So I guess I'll leave them…" She then left without another word.

That night Daiki and Yukiko went out to see if anything happened in the NextWorld so Takahiro and Hakumei we left alone. Sitting one the bed no daring to speak. Sitting back to back the light of the waning gibbous bathed them with a soft white light. Faint laughter wafts downstairs from the television. But in her room all time stands still as the world rushes around them. Eventually Takahiro put his hand on Hakumei's and says "I sorry about everything…your mom and…and…EVERYTHING I'm sorry I screwed up you entire life just for my stupid quest. I should of never—"

"Takahiro everything you have done might of not of been pleasant but you gave me the most important thing…Life."

"Life? What do you mean?"

"I mean before I had nothing to live for, I was constant mood of misery and depression it wasn't worth anything. But then I met you. You gave me something to live for. Even more important you gave me a friend."

"Thank Haku that makes me feel better, a lot better all my life people like hell, called me a waste of space and energy. But you gave me hope that someone Is still out there who believes in me…the only one who ever did that besides you was…mother…"

"Why do you truly love your mother? Some much you can't mention her without crying?"

"Because she was the only one who had any hope for me at all. My father hated her for that. So he…he…took care of…her…"

"It's ok Tak really we're all going through hard times. I know but we can't lose hope…never…besides they can take away everything else but they can't take away hope. Only we can do that. If we choose to…" Just them she got very sleepy and fell asleep in his embrace saying "They can never take away our hope." So he fell asleep as well.

In the morning Hakumei woke up and groggily walked to the bathroom splashing cold water on her face instead of a Giratina looking at her human face and a human body with NO wings was just as it was 2 days ago. "TAKAHIRO!"

He came half running and stumbling and cried "What!? Good God! What happened to your face your body everything?!"

"I don't know what?!"

"Tinagira! Please be quiet! And come down for breakfast!"

"Ok mum! I'll explain later."

She ran downstairs with her ONE set of legs and cried "Mom look I'm back!"

"Oh Tinagira! You are back! I'm so happy my prayers have been answered and you can go to school today!"

"Awe mom do I have to?"

"Yes Tinagira you have to. You look normal."

She went to school and sat at her usual seat wondering what had happened seeing she hadn't been there for a least 3 days. A familiar voice cut thought the air no one else as The Anna May "So Tinagira what now a kingdom to save? Your little threat was impressive but I'm no longer afraid of you. Beside inside you a scared little girl hiding behind a weak little shell. You run away from your problems not stand up to 'em."

No Anna May your wrong I'm the one who battled Arceus leader of the NextWorld, me who indured the pain of bulling, me who suffered the pain of transformation and the stress of running with deathly fear of terror…

She then felt her heart pounding and she lost all track of the teacher teaching and felt dizzy. But she did see her nails start to get yellow-gold color. (Uh oh)

"? May I please go to the lav I feel really dizzy."

She approved and she spirited out of the classroom. Locking herself into the stall, then rest of her body transformed like before. She could barely fit and very very nervous that she would stay like this. About 15 minutes later she calmed down and slowly turned back. Now panting she went back to class and no one said a word.

On the ride home Anna May exclaimed "Hey Tinagira! Why'd you stay so long in the lav? Got ya period?"

Just as she was walking she wished she would just trip and fall and leave her alone. Just them she fell into the dirty bus floor. She couldn't help but smile and look out the window secretly happy. Because she made her trip.

She got home and slammed the door half out of terror and happiness.

"Takahiro I changed today during class."

"You did?!"

"Yeah and that is when I got really mad! Are they related?"

"Probably powers are almost always associated with emotions."



"I'm never going back to school. Ever."


"Yes, after the turn of events I can never return to the normal world an expect myself to live normally I've seen to much and know to much. I feel uncomfortable and misaligned all the time. And besides I just want the world to get of my back."

"Well I hate to break it to you but…Welcome to the world of the renegades!"


"Doesn't mean anything it's just something I call myself sometimes."

"So seeing that school is no longer a distraction how are we going to defeat your father Tak?"

He fell silent and just looked out of the window, at the 3:00 cold, cloudy, January sky.