15 September 2008

Oh look! It's Lynn-chan with another one of her stories. Looks like she just can't stop writing.

Well, this fic is dedicated to a dear reader of mine, cutiesakuno18... I got the idea for this fic from her... tanx for the contribution, dearie...

i hope you guys enjoy this as much as i do...

every time, everyday, everything
moshi hanarete mo boku ga tsunagi tomeru yo
anata wa watashi no tokubetsu na hito
everytime everyday everything
shinjiru yo toki ga tomaranakute mo
unmei nara itsu datte meguri aeru yo ne ?

Love's Obstacles

Chapter 1: The Loss

A million thoughts ran through her head as the rain fall heavily from the sky. From afar, she would just look like a normal school girl caught in the rain. But, no one could see the tears cascading down her cheeks as she walked. No one knows where she is headed to. No one would understand the loss she had experienced.




"Mou, obaachan! That's not fair. You always beat me," Sakuno whined.

Sumire laughed. "Haha. I told you I would reach home faster than you and your bicycle."

Sakuno pouted and folded her arms across her chest. "I don't care. Let's have another round. Let's see who can get to the park faster. My bicycle or your car."

With that, Sakuno scampered to get her bicycle while her grandmother followed suit amusedly.

"On your mark, get set, go!" The 14-year old gave a thumbs up sign signaling her grandmother that it's time to start.

Sakuno pedaled with all her might, determined to beat her grandmother for once.


At the noise, Sakuno brake abruptly and turn towards the source. What she saw broke her heart into a million pieces. Her grandmother's car collided with a tree. Her head was on the steering wheel and blood was oozing out.

One thing ran through her mind. 'What have I done?'

She walked over slowly to her grandmother. "Obaachan? Obaachan, daijobu? Open the window, obaachan!" she shouted as she banged continuously on the side window.

"Obaachan! Please I begged you! Wake up," her voice dropped to a whisper as she fell to her knees, crying her heart out.

She could barely registered anything that had happened around her. All she knew was that she was suddenly brought to the hospital. What hurts her the most then was receiving the news of her grandmother's death.

Everyone had been supportive of her. They even contributed money towards Sumire's funeral. The regulars were always there to cheer her up. Heck, even Ryoma had smiled to her quite often. But, all she felt was loneliness and guilt. She felt that she was the cause of her grandmother's death.



Sakuno looked up into the sky and closed her eyes, letting the tears fall freely. How she wished she was the one who was up there instead of her grandmother.

"Why was it not me?" she whispered into the night sky.


She opened her eyes upon hearing the voice of the one she hadn't seen since god knows when. Anger filled up inside her as she took in the appearance of the other under the rainy night sky.

Every time, everyday, everything
Even if we're apart, I'll connect both of us together again
You are my special person
Every time, everyday, everything
Believe, even if time can't be stopped
If it's fate, we'll always meet each other, right?

Hmm, that didn't turn quite the way i wanted the first chapter to be but it'll do... The romance part will come a little later in the story, oh and cutiesakuno18, please keep the plot a secret... hush hush... lol...

so please read and review if you like the story... Reviews will be greatly appreciated...

Arigatou minna-san...
