Jurassic Park IV: Raptors Unite

It's been nearly 30 years since Jurassic Park III, and a team of researchers and bounty hunters are sent to investigate a trail of disappearances around a ring of islands.

But there's a lot more than palm trees and tropical fauna residing thereā€¦

A New Discovery

Almost 30 years have passed since the events that happened on Isle Sorna and things have been going a lot better since the last rampage. Several species of dinosaurs have began to die out during the winters and food is beginning to get relatively scarce. There weren't any more dinosaurs on either islands and as far as they were concerned, InGen was finished. After the numerous incidents that have happened over the past years, their stocks began to crash and they went bankrupt. All the employees were fired or dead. There's was nothing else to worry about. ...If that were true, then how come a few weeks ago some tourists went missing while vacationing on some Caribbean island? What made it even more odd was that the patrol officers and CSI personnel went missing also...and one of them last reported seeing some "thing" in the distance before his radio went dead. Realizing that the public might be in danger, a clandestine faction of the government sent bounty hunters and professors to investigate. It was one o'clock in the morning and everyone was on board a military ferry boat with jeeps on it.

"So a couple tourists disappear on an uninhabited island. That doesn't mean it had something to do with dinosaurs or some monster attacking people and eating everyone." said Arnold, one of the chief bounty hunters.

"That doesn't deny it either, Arnold. Besides, we just need to investigate for a couple of hours. If we don't find anything, we can just pack our bags and leave." said Hakar, one of the junior professors.

"What do we do when we get there?"

"You're the bounty hunter; you tell me." said another professor.

The leader of the hunters, Kyle Drix, walked onto the deck and asked, "Is there a problem here?"

"I'm just trying to make sure we're not about walk in an uninhabited area with a half-assed plan, that's all." said Arnold.

"We got guns with us, we got intelligent professors with us. We just need to investigate the islands and find the missing tourists. How is that half-assed?"

"I'm just saying there could be...y'know..."

Two of the bounty hunters sighed heavily. One of the professors chuckled.

"Thirty years ago. Almost 30 years ago since a velociraptor or T. Rex or stegosaurus has been seen. InGen has crashed Arnold, and no other company has repeated their mistakes. Why is it so hard for people to believe that there are no more dinosaurs?!"

"He's right Arnold. Unless you see a footprint or some spiky reptile with gigantic claws that's the same height as you, THEN you can get scared." said Jaz, another mercenary.

"I'm not scared."

"Yeah, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yeah, you are."


"Yeah, you are."

"We can argue whether Arnold is scared or not after we reach the islands, alright?!" shouted Gyness, the leader of the professors.

"Yeah, yeah..."

Two hours later...

"Okay! Now that we're here, what do we do now?" asked Arnold.

One of the professors sighed.

"You've never been bounty hunting have you?" asked Jaz.

"We're gonna split up and look for any survivors or signs of life. Jaz?"

"Yes sir."

"You, Gyness, and Hakar take that island over there. Arnold and Jason, you come with me." said Drix.

"What about us?" asked Ren, one of the female professors.

"You guys go straight ahead and take that island. We'll all rendezvous at 0600."


"You really think some dinosaur is on this island?" asked Hakar.

"It's impossible. The last dinosaur sighting was 30 years ago by Alan Grant and some family looking for their kid. Everyone else that was with them died." said Gyness.

"Hey, whatever happened to Alan anyway?" asked Jaz.

"Cancer got to him. He's dead."

"Damn it. I really wanted to meet that guy! It'd be cool to interview a guy who saw live dinosaurs twice!"

Hakar grunted and fell in a pile of mud.

"What the hell...?"

Hakar looked down at the hole he tripped over, but it wasn't exactly a hole he stepped in...

"Oh, my God..."

"That's a footprint--"

"Let's not jump to conclusions people. It could be some other very large reptile creature." said Jaz.

"Like what?"


"Where's that map you got of this island?" asked Jason.

Kyle dug in his pocket and pulled out a wrinkled map, unfolding it to its full size.


Kyle took out a flashlight and shined it on the map.

"Okay, so we're here on Isle...Del Vino?"

"No, this is Isle Rizwar. Isle Del Vino is that way. ...I think." said Arnold.

Kyle sighed exasperatedly.

"Can't we get those jeeps from the boat and just drive around this island?" asked Jason.

"No. If we do that, we might crash into a tree and I don't want to pay half a million dollars to fix some stupid jeep."

"If you say so."

"How much farther till we get to the center of the island?" asked Jonny, another bounty hunter.

"Couple miles." said Ren.

Ryck started to groan and swat flies away from his face.

"How come you guys aren't attracting flies and beetles?!"

"Because we wash our hair every week and actually shower everyday." said Ren.

"Hey! I showered last night...or was it two nights ago...?"

"No, I think you mean last Thursday." said Alice.

"...I can't remember when I showered last."

"Did you guys just hear some low growling?" asked Jonny.


"I'm telling you, I smell something!" said Jason.

"Please don't talk like that, I already haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon!" said Kyle.

"It smells delicious man! It's right above that hill!"

Jason rushed toward the hill and suddenly muttered, "Aw, man!!"

"What? I thought you said it was delicious!" said Arnold.

Kyle and Arnold ran above the hill and both muttered, "Aw, man!"

"I don't know how a rotting dinosaur corpse smells delicious, but..." said Jason.

"Wait, WHAT?!" yelled Kyle.

They suddenly realized they were looking at a dead velociraptor.

"Okay, let's look on the good side: it's already dead so we've nothing to worry about right?"

"Yeah...but why is there a huge bite taken out from its back?"