Reviews: Thanks so much to; mimic shalle, kuteluver, Rapunzelle, the Light Shadow, DarkBombayAngel, Taijiya Mizu, dragonfire7654321, ShadowYin-Yang, kit572, SherryBird, grimnessreaper, kaitouahiru, Tenshi of Freedom, Blaze Queenie and ItotallyLoveHim for taking the time to review! Loves hearing from you all very much :3

Hey there! Yep, this is the last chapter; I hope you enjoy reading it! Thanks so much for all the support during these eleven chapters.

Confession on the Most Frustrating Day

Miguel smiles politely as he makes his way through the masses of his fellow bladers, looking for his dual hair enigma. Yes, he can safely say 'his' now, last night definitely cemented that little fact in, and he could not be happier. He's been watching Kai from a distance for ages now, waiting for an opportunity to interact with the half-Russian.

Still, looking for his said boyfriend, who despite having looks that are totally unique, the teen isn't very easy to spot amongst the masses. He's here one minute and gone the next.

Maybe he should start calling him Houdini.

"Hey, Miguel!"

Lifting his head at the sound of his name, Miguel raises an eyebrow when he sees Rick motioning for him to come over a somewhat egotistical look in his expression. Feeling slightly suspicious, Miguel wanders over to him, his brow knotting slightly when he sees a huge and slightly perverse smirk on the American's lips.

"Yeah?" he asks when he reaches him, slightly acknowledging the other American sitting quietly beside him.

"Are you looking for Kai?" Rick asks as he casually leans back in his seat, his arm dangling over the back.

"In fact, I am," Miguel replies, folding his arms over his chest in a defensive posture. "Why?"

Rick's grin widens and looks as if he's ready to say nothing humorous or perverted when Michael suddenly leans across the table and covers his mouth with his hand.

"He's talking to Ray," Michael tells him. "Ray snarled at him this morning and he's gone to find out why."

"Snarled at him?" Miguel repeats, his brow knotting deeper in confusion. Why on earth would Ray do something like that? Sure, he's being acting quite out of character the last few days, but to actually hiss at someone who is only trying to help? That's not on.

"Yeah," Rick says as he slaps Michael's hand away and glares at him before turning to smirk at Miguel once again. "Maybe it's because you kept him awake all night."

Miguel's eyes widen in alarm, a light dusting of pink settling across the bridge of his nose. Ah, so that's the reason why. Hmm, now that makes more sense as the Chinese blader is rooming just next door. He and Kai must have been too caught up in the moment to even consider the teen next door.

What can he say? The intimacy took over their senses.

Suddenly, a surge of protectiveness races through him and Miguel lunges forward, grabbing the American but the collar of his shirt and pulling him close in a threatening manner.

"How many have you told?" he asks him in a low voice, his eyes narrowing in a glare that could only be described as something Kai taught him.

"Er, just Michael," Rick answers, a drop of nervous sweat trickling down his temple to his chin, finding Miguel's possessiveness.

"You won't tell anyone else, will you?" Miguel says, not so much as a question, but as a statement that promises pain if he doesn't say yes.

Rick releases a nervous chuckle. "My lips are sealed."

"Good," Miguel says brightly, dropping Rick back into his seat with a smile on his face. "I'm glad that we had this conversation. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to find my boyfriend. And don't you dare embarrass him."

Rick and Michael blink slowly, stupefied by the whole thing. Miguel turns on his heel and starts walking in the opposite direction.

Michael slowly turns back to Rick and slowly starts to snigger to himself. Soon the sniggers soon turn into chuckles, and before long, side splitting laughter. "You were told off by Miguel!" he exclaims as he begins to hit the table in front of him with his hand. "That's so funny!"

"Hey, shut up!" Rick yells at his teammate, a look of sheer irritation on his face. "How the hell was I suppose to know he would go into full fledge overly-protective boyfriend mode?"

Michael can do nothing but laugh even more, remembering the look of fear on Rick's face when Miguel suddenly grabbed him by the throat. It's a look he will never forget. A look he will never let Rick forget either!


"Do you think Ray has figured it out yet?"

Bryan takes a moment to consider his captain's question for a moment. Suddenly the feeling of utter rage and psychic murderous thoughts projecting their way causes the two Russians to shudder and then stiffen in their seats. "By the sudden drop in room temperature, I'd have to say yes."

Slowly, the two turn around to find a certain dark hair Chinese blader standing a few feet behind them, emitting probably the most powerful and dangerous black aura they have ever felt.

Although the aura is supposed to put fear in them, instead it impresses them.

"You guys…" Ray says slowly, his body shaking with severe tremors, barely suppressing his rage.

"Kitty-cat," Tala greets as he grins in a wolf like fashion. "How are you doing?"

"Been sleeping well?" Bryan enquires, the two blatantly ignoring the danger.

"No, I haven't," Ray replies tersely as he takes one step after the other, slowly and threateningly making his way over to his two tormentors. "And do you know why?"

"No," Tala says as he gives the neko his full attention. "Tells us all your problems."

"Yes," Bryan says, unable to stop the smirk from appearing on his lips. "You know we like to help."

Ray stops just in front of them, his head down so they cannot see his eyes as his body continues to tremble with anger and murderous rage. "All those matchmaking schemes weren't for me, were they?" he not so much as asks, but rather, states as fact.

Tala and Bryan share a look and a smirk before turning their attentions back to Ray. "Ok, the truth," Bryan says with a dramatic sigh. "At first we thought it would be fun to play matchmaker, so to speak."

"But after a confrontation with Miguel," Tala continues as he folds his arms over his chest. "We decided to focus our attention elsewhere."

Ray peers up at them through his veil of black hair, bags clearly seen under his blood shot amber eyes. "By continuing to use me?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Bryan replies bluntly.

"Grr…" Ray growls as he raises his shaking fists in front of him, looking like it's taking all his will power not to try and slug one of the smirking Russians. He would try to go for the both of them if he could.

"Think of it this way," Tala starts as he waves a casual hand in his direction. "It was the least you could have done for Kai. After everything he's done for you and the others."

"I'm not mad that you got Kai and Miguel together," Ray snaps, sounding oddly sincere, but completely irate at the same time. "I'm mad because you used me to do it!"

Tala shrugs carelessly, Bryan sitting next to him completely at ease and looking far too casual for someone as infuriated as Ray to take to. "Hey, sometimes we all have to make sacrifices."

Ray emits another deep throat growl before suddenly straightening and taking a deep breath through his nose. "Now that you have succeeded in your plan to get Kai together with Miguel, that means you'll leave me alone, right?"

"Not necessarily…" Tala replies, the corners of his lips twitching to his infamous wolfy grin.

And Bryan matches that with a sadistic one of his own. "We promised we'd help out, didn't we?"

"Oh no, you don't," Ray snaps, pinning the two with a vicious glare, his lips in a deep frown, his fangs glistening dangerously in the light. He swiftly lunges forward and grabs the two Russian's by the collars of their shirts and pulls them both to their feet, much to either teens' surprise.

"That's it," he snarls like a feral cat, the pupils of his eyes so thin that they can barely be seen. "No more schemes. I'll do it myself! You're the spawn of the devil!" he yells as he throws the two of them back and into their seats before turning on his heel, huffs stiffly and then storms away, the walls and ceiling quivering in his wake.

"Spawn of the devil," Tala repeats as he watches the neko disappear from sight, absentmindedly rubbing his neck. "That's a new one."

Bryan taps his chin in thought, his smirk not faltering the slightest. "I like it."

"Yeah," Tala grins widely. "Me too. We should write it down."

Bryan laughs and shakes his head. "You were right."

"Yep," Tala says smugly. "My plans always work. I knew that if we provoked and anger him enough he would do it himself. This is going to be interesting."

"Do you think he'll really do it, though?" Bryan asks.

"No doubt," Tala replies. "He'll do it just to spite us."


Bounding happily into the breakfast room, Mystel smiles brightly when he receives a chorus of 'Good mornings' from his fellow bladers. Replying with his own salutations, he makes his way over to the breakfast, feeling slightly hungry. However, before he has a chance to reach the table he hears someone call his name in a commanding voice and a moment later, someone grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him outside.

"Hey!" he calls out in surprise as he stumbles over his own feet. "Ray?"

"We need to talk," Ray says, his gaze firm, his lips in a frown.

"Er, ok," Mystel stutters meekly, silently wondering if he's done something wrong to anger the neko. He hopes not. He likes Ray; he's been so nice to him during their stay here.

Pulling him deeper into the gardens, Ray suddenly stops, causing Mystel to crash into the back of him. Ray lets go of the young blonde's wrist and takes a moment to compose himself pinching the bridge of his nose and drawing in several deep breathes through his nose.

"Ray?" Mystel whispers his name softly, worry clearly in his tone. He wrings his hands nervously in front of him as Ray takes a few more deep breathes. "Is there something wrong? Did I do something to upset you? If so…Please tell me what it is so I can apologize for it."

Slowly, Ray turns to face him. He takes a step forward and places his hands on Mystel's shoulders. A small appears on his lips when Mystel blinks up at him, confusion shimmering deep within his bright sky blue eyes. Gently, Ray then lowers his head and presses his lips against Mystel's in a tender kiss.

Feeling Ray's lips against his causes Mystel to freeze to the spot in surprise, his eyes widening ever so slightly in disbelief of what is currently happening. However, a short moment later he lets his eyes slip close and he leans into the kiss, his hands hanging loosely by his sides. One of Ray's hands move from Mystel's shoulder to gently cup his cheek, and tilts his face further towards him so he can deepen the kiss, relishing in the feel of finally pulling the petite blonde into a tender display of affection.

Oh, how he's waited for this moment.

Breaking the kiss, Ray pulls back smiling softly to himself when he sees a dark blush adorning Mystel's cheeks. Slowly, Mystel opens his eyes and blinks ever-so cutely up at him with an expression that is a mixture of hope and confusion. "Ray?"

"I have several confessions to make," Ray says as he keeps his hands on Mystel's shoulder and cheek, holding him still so he doesn't run away. There is no way he's going to let the small blonde get away from him now. "A lot of strange things have been happening lately, haven't they?"

Swallowing thickly, Mystel nods his head, unable to find his voice.

"Being locked in a closet, something trying to trip you, the pottery clay fight and eventually the Empire State building, they all happened because of one thing…," Ray continues, his eyebrow twitching slightly as he remembers. "I got drunk and told Tala and Bryan that I have a huge crush on you."


"They wanted to try and play matchmaker."

Once again, Mystel blinks slowly in confusion. Did he hear right? Bryan and Tala playing matchmaker? Now, that's a scary thought. He shakes his head suddenly, realizing something Ray just said. "You have a crush on me?"

Ray nods. "Yes, I think you're a gorgeous person and I want you to go out with me."

A warm smile of joy appears on Mystel's face as he presses his hands against Ray's chest, leaning forward on his toes the leave a light peck on his lips. "I've got a crush on you to," he says as he pulls back to beam up at him. "I would love to go out with you. Why didn't you just tell me?"

Ray gives him a wry smile as he wraps his arms around Mystel's waist, pulling him against his chest, letting the blonde snuggles under his chin. "Oh, believe me," he mutters. "I've been asking myself the same question. Over and over again."

He then slips his fingers under Mystel's chin and leans forward the gather his lips into another kiss, hoping to make this one more passionate than the last. But the sound of footsteps approaching makes him break the kiss suddenly, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up on end when he spies two very familiar demented heathens amble in.

"See?" Tala says smugly as he walks into the clearing. "I told you out plans would work."

"You just have to be patient," Bryan says as he appears behind his red hair captain and behind him, Kai and Miguel also stepping into the clearing.

"I guess this plan wasn't a complete disaster," Kai says as Miguel wraps an arm around his shoulders and he turns towards him.

Miguel simply smiles. "Doesn't look like it."

With his eyebrow twitching violently, Ray reluctantly removes his arms from his blushing new boyfriend. He takes a deep breath through his nose as he grabs a rather thick tree branch and breaks it off in his hands with one loud crack. Suddenly, he whips around, ready to swing the branch like a baseball bat. "That's it! You're so dead now!"

The two full Russians of the small group immediately stiffen as they eye the tree limb, a sense of fear in their expressions for the first time when they realize that maybe they pushed the Neko just a little bit too far. "Oh, shit!"


"Get back here!" Ray screams in anger as he takes off after the two.

Kai immediately pulls himself out of Miguel's arms to give chase to his Chinese teammate, trying to stop him from doing anything too drastic to his childhood friends. "Ray, calm down!"

"I am calm," Ray snarls back. "I'm just going to shove this stick where the sun doesn't shine!"

"This is how you show your gratitude?" Tala asks over his shoulder.


Watching as Tala and Bryan run away from a stick wielding Ray, who in turn has a feisty enigma on his trail, wanting him to calm down brings a look of pure amusement on Miguel's face. He shakes his head and turns to the other blonde. "It's been an interesting vacation, hasn't it?"

Mystel smiles brightly, watching Ray take a swing at Bryan's head, missing him by only the skin of his teeth. "It sure has."

Tada! The end. Good old Ray. Finally told Mystel how he feels. Yay, I've finished another story! I'm so proud of myself X3

Please review.