Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me.

Chapter 1

Two pleasant weeks had passed since Tsukushi's impromptu wedding, where Yuuki had stood in a turquoise dress acting as her friend's maid of honor. It made Yuuki feel ashamed to admit it, even to herself, but she was envious of Tsukushi. Despite the suffering that her friend had to go through, at least she'd somehow managed to endure it and attain the unconditional love of a man that would go to the ends of the earth for her. Yuuki was not so lucky in that way, she'd never been in a serious relationship before and her brief time with Nakatsuka was proof of the fact that she was unable to keep a man. It was during the two weeks after Tsukushi's wedding that she'd been thinking a lot about her feelings for F4's playboy Nishikado Soujiroh. She had hoped to tell him at some point that she was hopelessly in love with him but he was always busy, he never had enough time for her. She'd tried to tell him at several of his book signings but was unsuccessful. He seemed to always be in a hurry every time she arrived at the scene and he would flee from her like a mouse would from a cat.

Holding her feelings in was proving to be tough. She needed to move on with her life and she knew that she could only attain some form of closure if she heard the response to her confession of her feelings for him from his own mouth. She was no fool; she knew he wasn't interested in her, why should he have any reason to be? She was not attractive, nor did she have an indispensible amount of money. She was just plain and simple Yuuki but she needed him to tell her, it was for the sake of her heart, mind and soul that she needed to hear him say to her himself that he wasn't interested in her. She hadn't spoken to him in a few days; the last time she'd called him for a chat their conversation had lasted a total of fifty seven seconds. She sighed and stared accusingly at her cell phone on her desk as if trying to burn a hole through it. She had been staring at the wretched piece of technology before her for a good three minutes when the computerized version of Pachabell's Cannon in D broke through her thoughts.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Yuuki-chan?" came the voice of the very person that she had been thinking about.

"Nishikado-san?" she asked feeling the butterflies flutter in her stomach.

"Yuuki-chan I was wondering if you were free at the moment? I feel like talking to someone and nobody else is free so I thought I might call you" he said.

"Yes Nishikado-san I'm free at the moment where would you like me to meet you?" she asked feeling almost giddy with excitement.

Ten minutes later found Yuuki walking up the steps of the very building that she had shown Soujiroh Sara's message from. He was already there and waiting for her when she arrived.

"Yuuki-chan" he greeted her with a smile.

"Hello Nishikado-san" she replied with a bright smile.

"Sorry to have called you out here so last minute Yuki-chan" he said.

"Oh it's no problem" she replied waving her hand to dismiss his apology.

"You're really too good to me Yuuki-chan" he said with a laugh.

"Nishikado-san…" she said hesitantly.

"I have something to tell you" he said looking quite serious.

"Ok sure" she replied, her confession could wait.

"I'm going to get married" he exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air.

"Married?" she asked feeling like a bomb had dropped in her stomach.

"Yes, after Tsukasa's wedding, my parents decided that it was time for me to get married. So they found me a girl. She's the heir to Toyogo industries. They have companies all over the world and they manufacture steel. Although I'm not really a one woman type of guy, but maybe it's for the best" he replied. "After all I am the Nishikado heir so I should be doing what's best for my family and I feel surprisingly ok with this. It might actually be a good thing".

"Yes" she replied willing her tears not to fall. "Congratulations Nishikado-san".

"You have to help me Yuuki-chan; I don't know the first thing about getting married and all the preparations that need to be done. I know you're really good at designing and planning so it would be good if you could help with the decorations and the dress" he replied.

Yuuki nodded "I would love to help" she replied swallowing the lump that had risen in her throat. She tuned out over his babble and felt like a knife was slicing at her body with each word that he spoke. She could only smile politely and nod, it was what he expected of her and such was her nature.

An hour later, after wandering around aimlessly, she returned home. The house was empty; her parents would be back late. She went into the kitchen to find dinner waiting for her but she wasn't hungry. What she really felt in the mood for was a nice hot shower, something to help relieve her heartache.

She stripped out of her clothes and was about to climb into the warm bath that she'd run for herself when the phone rang. Putting on her robe, she answered the phone.


"Yuki?" drifted a familiar and comforting voice over the phone.

"Nee-chan?" Yuuki asked and a smile graced her features.

"Yuuki thank god you answered. For a moment I was afraid, I thought it might be mama. How are you? Instead of replying to your e-mail I thought I might call you instead".

"But nee-chan, this phone call must be expensive for you" Yuuki said looking worried.

"It's nothing" Yuuki's elder sister said dismissively. "I'm more concerned about you".

"Me? I'm fine nee-chan" Yuuki replied.

"Don't lie to me. I can hear the sadness in your voice. What has he done now?" Reiko Matsuoka asked. Her tone had become a little defensive and yet it was filled with concern for her beloved sister.

"Nothing really, he didn't do anything except for the fact that he's going to get married" Yuuki replied woefully.

"What? The baka is going to get married?" Reiko asked with obvious shock. "I thought he was a no commitment sort of guy?"

"Well apparently not" Yuuki replied. "His parents have chosen a girl for him. Ever since Nishikado-san lost his first love, he hasn't found anyone else that can take her place. I guess he doesn't care, maybe he doesn't believe in love anymore" she remarked. "He's actually ok with it".

"Anyway Yuuki I think its time that you forget him. He's only going to cause you more pain. That kind of guy always does. It's better to be with someone who loves you that to be with someone you love, ok? By the way just to change topic a little, I sent the designs of the dresses that you gave me to a boutique here and they love it. They would like you to work for them, if you're still interested" she said. "They've already e-mailed you the job offer".

"Of course I'm still interested" she exclaimed "but New York is so far away, I'm not really comfortable about leaving Japan" she replied.

"But Yuuki, the change will be good for you" Reiko insisted. "You can stay with me and Mimura"- There was the sound of a car pulling in the driveway and Yuuki froze.

"Sorry nee-chan, it seems mama and papa are back. I'll talk to you some other time. If they find out I've been talking to you, they'll hit the roof" Yuuki whispered, cutting Reiko off. "Take care nee-chan and send my regards to Mimura-san".

Yuuki heard the key turn in the lock and seconds later her mother's face came into view. "Oh Yuuki, you're back already? Have you eaten dinner?"

"Yes mama don't worry about me, I've already eaten something" she replied and her mother smiled affectionately at her, stroking her hair.

"Are you sure you've eaten?" Her father asked from behind her mother. "You look a little unwell Yuuki, is everything ok?" he asked in concern and she smiled and nodded.

A little while later, Yuuki flopped down tiredly onto her bed. Her parents were always concerned about her. They'd been focusing almost all their attention on her since Reiko had eloped with Mimura. Reiko had been the one whom her parents had pinned all their hopes on. Reiko was brilliant, beautiful and to top it all she had an incredible personality. She was pleasant to be around and many proposals had come for her. Yuuki's parents had been exceptionally thrilled when owner of a chain of hotels, Aibe Sho, had come knocking on their door to ask for Reiko's hand. Aibe Sho was exactly the kind of man that Yuuki's parents wanted their daughter to marry. He was a few years older than Reiko but he was absurdly wealthy and thus would be able to go give her anything she wanted. But Reiko had a secret that she never told anyone except Yuuki, and it was that she was already in love with a boy named Daiso Mimura. He was her senior by one year, in his fourth year of university, the same one that Reiko herself was studying in. Although Mimura did Economics and Business management, by chance he had met Reiko who was a law student at the time and fate had thrown them together. Yuuki remembered it clearly, the day that Reiko left their house, vowing never to return till her parents accepted Mimura. It happened on the day of her sister's arranged engagement to Aibe Sho.

Everyone had gathered in the hall of Aibe Sho's hotel and they were all mingling about, proclaiming the compatibility of Matsuoka Reiko and Aibe Sho. Reiko who was supposed to be getting her hair and make up done was meant to make her entrance soon. Five minutes had passed then fifteen minutes, then half an hour and then finally an hour but Reiko was a no show. Her dressing room was bare and the make up artist had said that Reiko had excused herself an hour ago wanting to go to the toilet but she had not returned since. The Matsuoka family had suffered a great humiliation that night. Yuuki would never forget how her father got down on his knees and begged Aibe Sho for forgiveness on Reiko's behalf and she didn't think her father forgot it either. Yuuki returned home with her parents later that night to find a letter on her table. It stated that Reiko had eloped with Mimura and they were moving to New York because Mimura had gotten a job posting there. Yuuki had automatically forgiven Reiko after reading the letter. After all, all this occurred around the time when Yuuki was still in high school and had recently broken up with Nakatsuka. If Reiko could find love and happiness, then Yuuki was happy for her. But ever since that night, Reiko was dead in the eyes of Yuuki's parents. They never spoke about Reiko, nor did they keep in contact with her. As far as her parents were concerned, Yuuki was their only child.

Perhaps due to what happened with her sister caused Yuuki to be in love with the idea of love. She wanted to receive the same undying love that both her sister and Tsukushi had. Yuuki buried her face in her pillow, if only she wasn't so hopelessly devoted to Nishikado Soujiroh, she might be able to find another guy who might actually like her.

A few nights later, Yuuki had been invited by Akira to go to a new club opening. It was some club called club Intoxica and Yuuki had initially decided not to attend the function but Akira had called her at least twenty more times since his initial call to make sure that she was going to attend. She signed and pulled her coat around her. Something about this club gave her the chills. Akira got up from his seat between two older women and greeted her warmly.

"Yuuki-chan you made it" he exclaimed.

"Yeah I did" she replied.

"Come, take a seat" he said taking her by the arm and leading her to their private room".

It was upon her entrance that she noticed Soujiroh sitting at a private booth with at least ten women surrounding him. Yuuki cringed inwardly as he began to kiss one of the women's neck, it was always like this. He always seemed to choose any other woman, literally, except for her.

"Yuuki-chan?" he asked looking at her when he'd finished "what are you doing here?"

"I invited her" Akira cut in from behind her.

"Ah ok" Soujiroh replied dismissively and diverted his attention back to the woman beside him. "Oh where are my manners, would you like to join us Yuuki-chan?" he asked turning from his arm candy to look at Yuuki. He didn't even seem genuine in his invitation for her to join him. He couldn't even fake it. He couldn't even mean what he said. All he wanted to do was get back to the bimbos next to him.

Yuuki heard her sister's voice float into her head. I think its time that you forget him. He's only going to cause you more pain. That kind of guy always does. It's better to be with someone who loves you than to be with someone you love.

Soujiroh didn't love her. Her nee-chan was right; being with someone who didn't love you was more agonizing than a slow torturous death. Plus he was going to get married soon; she had no right to love an almost married man. She felt something inside her snap. It was probably due to the years she had wasted chasing after unrequited love. It didn't matter that he didn't love her but he had no right to treat her like she was a piece of dirt or a doormat. "No Nishikado-san" she said with the courage that she could muster.

"Eh?" he asked looking at her like she'd grown an extra head, or maybe he always looked at her that way.

"I don't want to join you. Why should I join you when all you've ever done is hurt me? You say you're not interested in me yet you call me out and talk to me. You want me to help you with your wedding. You lead me on and then you shoot me down, it's like I'm some kind of rag doll that you toss aside every time you find a Barbie. I'm sick of this! No more, I'm not going to be hurt anymore" she exclaimed and without waiting for a reply she turned on her heels and walked away, leaving behind a very confused playboy.

"Yuuki-chan wait!" a voice called from behind her but she didn't slow her pace. The footsteps behind her quickened, and it wasn't long before the owner of the voice caught up to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder and she stopped in her tracks. "Yuuki-chan" he panted. She whirled around to face him.

"Akira-san?" she asked looking in bewilderment at the man before her.

"Yuu-Yuuki-chan" he panted.

"Why are you following me?" she asked.

"I just wanted to make sure you're ok, what was all that back there?" he asked pointing in the direction of the club.

"I guess I was just sick and tired of being his doormat" she replied truthfully. "He asked me to help him with the wedding preparations you know, and then he looks at me like I don't exist. I gave him everything and now I have nothing left to give. No more Akira-san, I'm not going to take it anymore" she replied.

"What are you going to do Yuuki-chan?" Akira asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm going to go away, far away from here. I'll go to America and live with my sister there" she replied.

"But Yuuki-chan, you've only just graduated from university don't you want to get a job here?"

"I've already got a job offer from a boutique in New York, they like my designs and they want me to work for them" she replied.

"You know Yuuki-chan leaving Japan may not necessarily be the best solution to this problem. You know the saying absence makes the heart grow fonder?" he asked.

"No Akira-san you got it all wrong" she said looking at him.

"Eh?" he asked.

She smiled at him sadly "out of sight, out of mind".

"Yuuki are you sure?" her father asked that night while they were having dinner. She'd told her parents about the job offer that she'd received, careful to leave out any mention of her sister.

"Yes I'm sure" she replied.

"But where will you live?" her mother asked looking in concern at her daughter.

"Don't worry mama, I've already got a place to stay and everything so I'll be fine" she replied.

"You did a degree in business management Yuuki so why the sudden change to designing?" her father asked.

"I've always liked designing papa, it means a great deal to me that I can design something to make other people look beautiful and feel beautiful" she replied thinking of the many times that she herself had not felt beautiful. She didn't dare tell her parents that she would be staying with Reiko and her husband. That would surely kill them.

"Alright then Yuuki, if you're sure" her father sighed and she smiled. "We'd better get you a ticket then".

"It's alright papa, I've already bought myself a ticket" she said looking a little nervous. "I used my savings and bought it".

"You really are serious about this aren't you?" her father asked looking at her carefully. "Did something happen to cause you to want to go to New York?" he asked.

"No papa, I just feel like I need to move on in my life. I want to explore the world and see what's beyond Japan" she said dictating what she'd written on a piece of paper earlier in her room.

"So you've already got a ticket?" her mother asked.

"Yes mama, I'm leaving in seven days" she replied.

"Seven days?" her mother exclaimed. "It's very soon".

"Yes, it's when my new job starts" she replied.

"Anyway regardless of where you go, your mother and I will always be proud of you Yuuki" her father said. She smiled sadly, leaving them behind would be painful but it would be more bearable than the pain caused by Soujiroh if she stayed.

Akira was in the car on the way to a family meeting when his cell phone rang. "Moshi moshi" he asked.

"Akira-san, are you busy at the moment?" came the voice on the other line.

"Yuuki-chan?" he asked wondering why she was calling him. Even though they were friends, Yuuki and he were not as 'close' as Soujiroh and her. "No I'm not busy at the moment, is anything wrong?"

"No Akira-san I just wanted to talk to you" she replied.

"I'm going for a meeting at the moment but I'm free after six, do you want to meet for dinner?" he asked.

"Sure" she replied "let's meet at Café Momo around six thirty?"

"Alright" he replied "see you then".

When Akira made it to Café Momo later that evening Yuuki was already seated at a table. She got up from her seat and smiled when she saw him and he couldn't help but smile. She had one of those smiles that seemed contagious. She bowed slightly when she saw him.

"Akira-san" she said "how are you?"

"I'm good Yuuki-chan and yourself?" he asked as he sat down opposite her.

"I'm ok at the moment but I'll be better in a couple of days" she replied.

He looked at her feeling slightly puzzled "Yuuki-chan?"

"Akira-san, I wanted to talk to you because I wanted to tell you that I'm going to New York in three days" she said and Akira could only stare at her. He presumed he must look like goldfish.

"Th-three days?" he asked wondering if he'd heard her right.

"Yes, I wanted to thank you for being good to me Akira-san" she said with a smile "although we've never been close or anything, you've always been nice to me" she replied.

"Yuuki-chan, three days is such a short time" he said "are you sure you want to go so soon? What about your parents" he asked.

"I've already spoken to them, they've given me their blessings to go" she replied. "I've already got a job there and I'm staying with my sister and her husband while I work".

"What about Tsukushi?" he asked "have you told her?"

"Yes I told both her and Domyouji-san yesterday when I visited them. They were both quite unhappy that I was moving away but they agreed that maybe it was best that I went for a while. I am going to miss Tsukushi the most but Domyouji-san said that he and Tsukushi would be going to New York for his business so they would see me fairly often" she replied. "Hanazawa Rui-san also stopped by for a while to chat with Domyouji-san so he was informed of me going too. The only person I hadn't informed yet was you" she said with a smile. And Nishikado-san a voice in the back of her head whispered cruelly.

"Well one thing is for sure, no one is going to bother you in New York" Akira told her. "I'll send a picture of you to my father's men there, you'll be alright. They'll see to it that no one harms you" he replied.

"Thank you Akira-san you're too kind" she said.

"Although Yuuki-chan I really want to ask, is your decision to move because of Soujiroh?" he asked.

"Yes and no. I was already given the job offer but what has been happening with me and Nishikado-san encouraged me a bit more to make the decision. I need to move on with my life Akira-san, you and I both know that I've spent too long pining over Nishikado-san" she replied and Akira smiled. "So please don't tell him, I really don't want him to know. Everyone else has promised that they won't mention keeping in touch with me, so I'm begging you to keep this from him".

"I won't tell him Yuuki-chan, I'll let him realize how much he'll miss you on his own" Akira replied.

"Thank you Akira-san" Yuuki replied "I'm really grateful to you".

"This might just be a good change for you Yuuki-chan, here's to a happy future for you" he said raising his wine glass. She beamed at him and they clinked their wine glasses together.

On the day of her departure, Yuuki looked around her room for the last time. It was time to say goodbye. Her parents were waiting for her at the front door looking solemn.

"Sorry we're not coming to send you off to the airport Yuuki but you know how your mother and I hate goodbyes" her father said and Yuuki glanced at her mother who was sobbing into a handkerchief.

"Mama, I'll be back before you know it" she comforted hugging her mother.

"How are you going to go to the airport?" Yuuki's father asked.

"Akira-san and the others are sending me off" she replied and a few seconds later a long black limo pulled into the driveway, or rather half of the driveway.

Akira got out of the limo and walked up to Yuuki and her parents. "Hello" he said with a slight bow "I'm Yuuki-chan's friend Mimasaka Akira".

"Thank you for sending our Yuuki off, Akira-san" Yuuki's father said.

"Its no problem sir" Akira replied "we should be going or Yuuki-chan might miss her flight" he said and picked up her bag for her.

After a last teary goodbye to her parents, Akira touched her lightly on her arm and led her to the limo. "Don't cry Yuuki-chan" he soothed gently "you'll see your parents soon". He handed her his handkerchief. She accepted it gratefully and wiped her tears with it.

"Where are the others?" she asked.

"They said they'll meet us at the air port" Akira replied.

"You didn't have to send me to the airport Akira-san I could have taken a taxi" she said.

"Nonsense Yuuki-chan, it's my pleasure to send you to the air port. Please I insist" he said.

"Thank you Akira-san, for all your help" she said and he smiled broadly.

"Its nothing Yuuki-chan. I'm glad to be able to help" he replied.

They met Tsukushi, Tsukasa and Rui at the air port. Tsukushi was a little upset and Tsukasa was making fun of her.

"What are you crying for baka? We're going to see Yuuki-chan in a month anyway" he insisted on informing his wife.

"You stupid Domyouji!" she exclaimed, "I'll miss Yuuki, she's my best friend. Its like how you missed Hanazawa Rui when he left for Paris" Tsukushi shot back.

"How can you call me stupid Domyouji? You're married to me now so you're a Domyouji too, so if you call me stupid then you're actually calling yourself stupid. Baka". Yuuki sighed, she was quite used to their little lover's spats but at the same time she was going to miss them.

Hanazawa Rui was standing behind the couple observing them quietly with a small amused smile on his face. He looked up and his eyes met Yuuki's and he smiled at her. Walking over to her he extended his hand "good luck Yuuki-chan, I hope you find happiness wherever you go" he said and with a smile on her face, she shook the hand offered to her.

"Yuuki-chan" Akira said coming forward as they stood before the departure gate. "Keep in touch yes? Call me if you ever need anything or if anyone is bothering you" he said.

"Thank you Akira-san" she said.

"Take care Yuuki-chan" he said and in a surprising move he hugged her gently.

Tsukasa came next "be careful eh Yuuki-chan? My Makino here will have a heart attack if anything happened to you".

"Thank you Domyouji-san" she replied with a slight bow.

"And call us if there is any trouble at all ok?" he asked and she nodded her head smiling slightly.

"Yuuki" Tsukushi said pushing past her husband and rushing forward "take care of yourself ok? And call me often, don't forget! If you can't call me write to me, or e-mail me.

"Hai" Yuuki replied feeling her voice break suddenly as her friend crushed her in an almighty hug. Akira reached out and patted Yuuki's head soothingly.

"I'd better go" Yuuki said as she pulled away from her best friend.

"Take care Yuuki" Tsukushi shouted after her as she walked through the departure gates.

She waved at the four of them until she couldn't see them anymore and her heart ached. Tears welled in her eyes but she blinked them away. No, there would be no crying anymore. She would only be smiling from now on! She was going to America, to a new job, a new place and a new life.

Soujiroh was seated in his usual VIP booth in Club Intoxica. He was surrounded by many beautiful women who were at his beck and call and yet there was no smile on his face. In fact he had a crease in his forehead from frowning. He stared at his cell phone that he'd placed on his table earlier. It had been two weeks since Yuuki had stormed out of the club after giving him a tongue lashing and he hadn't heard from her since. It was usually she who called him and they would meet and then she wouldn't bother him for a while and then he'd call her after a few days. But this time was different; she hadn't called him at all, not even a miserable text message. Even if he didn't speak to her, she usually sent him at least a dozen text messages a day so why wasn't his phone even buzzing? Akira on the other hand had been busy with his phone the entire night. He even ignored the women that were throwing themselves at him for a stupid phone call. Soujiroh craned his neck to try to listen to Akira's conversation.

"Have you settled in nicely?" he asked. "Good, that's nice to hear and how is the new job coming along? Really? That's great! Thank you, my sisters would definitely appreciate that, anyway I've got to go now but I'll call you the same time tomorrow?" he asked and bidding whoever it was on the other line goodbye, he snapped his phone shut.

Soujiroh watched as Akira made his way to the booth that only contained Tsukasa and Tsukushi. He couldn't hear what Akira was saying to the couple but from their reactions it must have been something good because Tsukasa grinned and Tsukushi beamed happily. Tsukushi's happy smile reminded Soujiroh of Yuuki. The way she would beam happily when he saw her. He glanced back at his phone again. Maybe he should call her. Just to check up and see if she was alright but he shouldn't call her now. It was after all two in the morning and she might be sleeping, he could wait a couple of hours.

Soujiroh had just finished breakfast at home and he was lounging around lazily. He looked at the huge grandfather clock in the hall. It was nine in the morning. She should be awake by now he thought to himself. He dialed the number he knew by heart and waited.

"Greetings the number you have called has been disconnected" came the mechanical voice of the telephone operator.

"What?" he asked "this can't be right". He dialed the number again.

"Greetings the number you have called has been disconnected". He dialed the number ten more times but it still produced the same result.

Yuuki's number had been disconnected. How could that be? Everyone she knew called her by that number. Maybe he should ask Tsukushi. He dialed Tsukasa's number.

"Hello Tsukasa" Soujiroh greeted.

"Hah! Soujiroh" Tsukasa exclaimed.

"Tsukasa I was wondering if I could speak to Tsukushi-chan for a minute. It's about Yuuki-chan. Her phone number seems to be disconnected".

"Oh I see" Tsukasa said clearing his throat. "Just hold on" he said and then Soujiroh heard him yell for his wife. "Oi Makino! Its Soujiroh, he wants to talk to you about Yuuki-chan".

"Err…hello Soujiroh-san" she greeted.

"What happened to Yuuki-chan's phone number? Why can't I reach her?" he asked.

"I think she's getting a new number but maybe you shouldn't call her Soujiroh-san. I think the last person she wants to hear from is you" she replied. "Anyway Soujiroh-san I have to go now Domyouji is calling, bye" she said and hastily hung up.

"That wasn't very helpful at all" he said out aloud. Why wouldn't Yuuki want to speak to him? He hadn't done anything, right?

Half an hour later Soujiroh found himself standing outside the Matsuoka residence. He rang the doorbell. He could just envision her in his mind, answering the door with her usual mega watt smile that would light up her face but that vision faded as her father answered the door.

"Yes?" the older man asked politely "can I help you?"

Soujiroh bowed slightly "hello sir, my name is Nishikado Soujiroh, I'm friends with Yuuki-chan and I was wondering if I could speak to her for a minute".

Yuuki's father looked at him strangely. "Didn't Yuuki tell you?" he asked.

"Tell me?" Soujiroh asked looking confused.

"She has gone to New York" he replied.

"New York? On a holiday?" Soujiroh asked.

"No she received a job offer and she accepted, so that's why she's gone" her father replied.

"Oh, no she didn't tell me that" Soujiroh said back pedaling slowly. "Thank you sir" he said and walked back to his bike that was parked at the end of the driveway.

Yuuki had gone to America? How could that be? She actually left? Why didn't Tsukushi say anything? Was that who Akira had been talking to in the club? Why didn't Yuuki tell him? Did he really hurt her that badly that she'd leave the country because of him? Did everyone actually know that Yuuki had left except himself? This should actually be a good thing, a voice in the back of his mine reasoned. Now you can live your life in peace without her running behind you and bugging you senseless. Yes Soujiroh reasoned with himself it was a good thing that Yuuki was gone. Now he could actually carry on his like as though he'd never met her. But then why did he feel like something was missing?

Author's note

This is my first Soujiroh/Yuuki fic so please excuse the crappiness. I'm just going with the idea that's in my head. I usually write Smallville and harry potter fics so this is a new area for me. I hope you enjoyed it anyway. I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as possible.

Next chapter preview

Mama can I get a lollypop? The little girl asked looking at her mother with big expressive eyes.

"Oh alright" Yuki agreed. "But only one ok?"

"Thank you mama you're the best" the little girl replied happily.