UltraTerror, Part Eight:

By Snazzo

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In the lab Jimmy turned to Sheen and asked "Sheen, do you still carry a copy of Ultralord Verses Robofiend Mega Battle in your pocket?"

"Of course!" Sheen answered and whipped out the CD-ROM.

"Excellent! Put it in the Neutronic Game Pyramid." Sheen did so and Jimmy sat down at his computer and began to type furiously.

After two minutes Sheen said "Uh, Jimmy, I hate to rush you but we only have a half hour to save the world. What exactly are you doing?"

"Do you remember how I sent you into the video game?"

"Do I? Man, that was awesome! That was one of the most memorable days of my life! Let's do it again!"

"No time Sheen!" Jimmy said. "I'm reversing the phase inducers and the flux capacitor on the transference pad. I'm going to bring Ultralord out of the video game to help us! If Ultralord can't beat Ultralord, no one can!"

Sheen's jaw dropped in amazement and his eye twitched. "Jimmy! You genius! I'll get to meet TWO Ultralords in one day! Three if you count the Ultrabot!"

"Activate Game Pyramid ... now!" Jimmy pushed the enter button, the lights in the lab dimmed, the Game Pyramid glowed, began to smoke, then exploded. When the dust cleared, there stood Ultralord.

"Ultralord!" Sheen gasped.

"Sheen! Don't faint!" Jimmy said. "We don't have any smelling salts here!"

"Greetings Sheen!" Ultralord said.

"You know my name?"

"Of course! You helped me defeat Robofiend. Ultralord telepathy! Besides, this young man just called you Sheen."

"Ultralord," Jimmy began "I don't have a lot of time to explain ..."

"No need to explain Jimmy!" Ultralord said. "The vile Professor Calamitous is threatening your fair city with a dastardly robotic Ultralord that's nigh invincible!"

Jimmy looked startled. "How did you know that?"

"Telepathy Jimmy!" Sheen explained. "Ultralord knows everything! Like you, kinda."

"Come, Battle Buddies, there's no time to waste!" Ultralord said.

"Sheen," Jimmy said, "here, take this. My burping cola for Carl. It'll give him even more power than Sam's heavy seltzer."

"You got it Jimmy!"

* * * *

Jimmy, Sheen and Ultralord returned to the scene of the battle. Libby was firing force bolts, Goddard was circling the robot's head firing his Sonic Disrupter, and Carl was burping. Cindy flew down to them.

"Cindy!" Jimmy cried. "What happened?"

Cindy had a black eye. "I was too slow, that's what happened. The Ultrabot smacked me and I hit a school bus. I'm pretty strong but not invulnerable, apparently. You should have worked on that when you were doing your genetic engineering!"

"Does it hurt?" Jimmy asked.

"Of course it hurts Neutron!" Cindy said. "Where on earth did you get this Ultralord?"

"He's from my Neutronic Game Cube," Jimmy said. "I hope he can help us."

"Greetings, Cindy," Ultralord said. "I'll start by helping you. Here, let me use my Ultralord Hands of Healing upon you." Ultralord touched Cindy's black eye, his hand glowed blue, and the black eye disappeared.

Cindy touched her eye. "Wow. Thanks, Ultralord."

The Ultrafans noticed Ultralord too. "Look! Another Ultralord!" one shouted.

"That makes two Ultralords in one day!" another said. "Three if you count that giant one!"

"I haven't died but I've gone to heaven!" a third Ultrafan cried in joy.

"Hey, that's my line," Carl said.

"Gather around quickly, Battle Buddies," Ultralord said. The N-Men, and Goddard, gathered around. Libby threw up a force field around them. "We've got to concentrate our powers to bring that Ultrabot down. Hit it in the head with everything you've got, all at once. That's the control center and that's where Professor Calamitous is hiding. Cindy, use your heat beam and concentrate like you never have before. Libby, the biggest force bolt you can muster. Carl, a super belch. Jimmy, a power punch. Goddard, hit it with everything you've got."

Goddard gave a questioning sort of bark.

"Yes, everything Goddard," Ultralord said.

"And what am I supposed to do?" Sheen asked. "I can't even hit it in the ankles, its flying in the air now!"

"Here, Battle Buddy." Ultralord made a movement with his hand, and pulled a sword from thin air. He handed it to Sheen.

Sheen gasped and took the sword in his trembling hands. Again his eye twitched. "Your Ultrasword?"

"Yes, Sheen," Ultralord said.

Sheen saluted. "I shall strive to uphold the Ultralord tradition!"

"Sheen, give Carl the burping cola!" Jimmy said. Sheen did so. "Remember, Carl, focus your burp!"

"All right, Battle Buddies, let's make Professor Calamitous rue the day he decided to mock Ultralord!" Ultralord said.

"I don't know what 'rue' means," Sheen said "but I'm all for it!"

"N-Men!" Jimmy shouted. "And Goddard. Attack!"

Libby dropped the force field and they sprang into action. Cindy, Goddard, and Ultralord flew into the air. Libby held out her hands in front of her and began to form a gigantic force bolt. Sheen aimed the Ultrasword. Jimmy sprinted down the street so he could get a good running jump. Carl drank down the burping cola.

"What's this?" the Ultrabot said. "Another Ultralord? I shall dispose of you, vile impostor!"

"You're the only impostor here, Calamitous!" the real Ultralord said, and let go with his Ultraforce blast. Cindy fired her heat vision, Libby let go her force bolt, and Carl burped. A massive array of weapons came out of Goddard and fired all at once. Jimmy can running down the street, leapt into the air, and drove his fist into the Ultrabot's skull. Sheen pointed the Ultrasword at the Ultrabot and a green beam of Ultrapower shot upwards.

Carl's burp sent a shockwave radiating outwards. The cars in the parking lot were blasted into the air and the light poles came tumbling down. The heat of Cindy's heat vision singed the posters on the convention center's walls. All of Goddard's weapons firing at once made the air throb with energy. Jimmy's blow sounded like a bomb going off. Libby's force bolt made the ground tremble and the Ultrapower and Ultrablast etched permanent shadows into the ground beneath the Ultrabot.

General Abercrombie was standing in the distance, watching the battle with binoculars. "Great Googly Moogly!" he cried.

The Ultrabot's head was torn completely off. It shot upwards high into the air. The headless body came falling out of the sky, landing with a huge crash that shook the ground. The head came down seconds later, creating a crater in the pavement.

Goddard, Cindy, and Ultralord landed.

"Is it dead Jimmy?" Carl asked.

They all looked into the smoldering crater. The body nearby seemed quite lifeless. Goddard barked and lifted up his head, revealing his chest screen. "Power levels critical!" flashed on his screen.

"Goddard firing everything at once almost drained his battery!" Jimmy said. "Go home, boy, and plug yourself in. I'll see you in a little while." Goddard barked, his ears began to spin, and he flew off.

After a moment Professor Calamitous came crawling out of the crater, waving a small white flag. His glasses were broken. Ultralord stepped over and lifted him up.

"Let that be a lesson to you, Calamitous," Ultralord said, "never tamper with the might of Ultralord!"

The Ultrafans erupted into a cheer.

"Wow! Ultralord! That was better than awesome!" Sheen said.

"Defeated again Calamitous," Jimmy said. At the same time he began to shrink, turning from an abnormally large orange creature into a small boy with an abnormally large head.

"I'll get you one day, Jimmy Neutron!" Calamitous vowed. "You haven't heard the last of Professor Finbarr Calamitous! One day I shall rule Retroville! And sometime after that, I'm not too sure how long, it could be a few weeks, maybe a few months, the world!"

General Abercrombie and the remaining tanks approached. "General," Jimmy said "arrest that mad scientist!"

Ultralord handed Calamitous over to General Abercrombie. "Thank you N-Men!" the general said.

"All in a day's work for the N-Men," Carl told him.

The crowd cheered and applauded again. "The N-Men?" an Ultrafan asked. "Who the heck are the N-Men?"

"Man, what an incredible day!" Sheen exclaimed.

"Incredible?" Cindy asked. "You dork! Half of Retroville got destroyed. And I got a black eye besides!"

The cars in the parking lot were strewn about, many of them overturned, most of them with shattered glass. The school bus Cindy had hit sat near, it's roof crushed. Smoke rose from different parts of the city and fire truck sirens sounded in the distance. Bricks and debris littered the street.

"Retroville is always getting destroyed," Sheen said. "Jimmy Neutron lives here! Besides, Robofiend has destroyed Ultra City 126 times and it always bounces back the next episode."

Cindy rolled her eyes.

Some Ultrafans came forward. "Can I have your autograph?" one of them asked. Ultralord signed their books. Then they turned to Carl. "Can I have your autograph too?"

"My autograph?" Carl asked, astounded.

"Yeah! You were awesome dude! That was a fight I'll never forget! I mean, you actually knocked Ultralord across the city! No one has ever managed to do that!"

Carl signed the book "Carl Wheezer, Burp Boy." Cindy, Libby, Sheen and Jimmy soon found that their autographs were wanted as well.

"This is so flattering!" Cindy said, blushing.

"You guys clearly aren't the Fearsome Five," an Ultrafan said, "but that fight will go down in Ultralord history! I was recording it on my cell phone, I've already posted it on the Ultralord web site. And I know I'm not the only one! Just wait until we get the news footage from those choppers!"

"Cool," Sheen said. "That's my site!"

"Your site?" the fan asked. "You mean, your 'UltrafanOne?' The creator of ?"

"He's got a lot of free time on his hands," Cindy explained.

"Dude, I've gotta shake your hand," the fan said, and did so. "I'm 'Battlerage34.' I spend practically all my online time on ."

"Oh wow, Battlerage," Sheen said, "you do some awesome fan art! I've got your drawing of the Battle of Wynchester Five as my wallpaper." Sheen soon found himself surrounded by fans, shaking his hand, taking his picture, and again asking for his autograph.

"Man," a fan told Sheen "you should have held a seminar at this Ultracon. I would have paid to hear you speak."

Cindy looked dumbfounded.

"Sheen!" Jimmy said. "You're famous!"

"Ultralord!" Sheen suddenly said. "What's happening to you?"

Ultralord was becoming transparent. You could see through him.

"I'm sorry Sheen," Jimmy explained. "Ultralord is made of unstable photons. He is a video game after all. I knew he wasn't going to last long, I just hoped he could last long enough to defeat Calamitous."

"Goodbye, Ultrafans!" Ultralord said as he continued to fade. "Goodbye N-Men! Sheen, my number one fan. Keep fighting the good fight!"

"Goodbye Ultralord!" Sheen said with tears in his eyes. Then Ultralord faded out of existence.

Sheen and the N-Men continued to sign autographs and pose for pictures for a good half hour. The crowd gradually drifted back into the convention center. Then an announcement came over the public address system. "Attention Ultrafans! This has been the most exciting Ultracon ever held! Sadly the light is fading, and with the roof gone, we have no lights. So we're going to have to close the Con early. We will be having our last event, the raffle, in five minutes."

"Ooo! The raffle!" Sheen exclaimed. "Let's go, guys. I feel lucky today!"

"I've had enough Ultralord to last a lifetime," Cindy said. "I don't want to go back in."

"Come on Cindy," Libby said. "The day's almost over and I know you've enjoyed it, except for the black eye. Besides, if you win I'm sure you can sell the prize for big bucks."

Cindy's eyes lit up. "I'm in!"

They entered the convention center and joined the crowd in front of the stage. After a few minutes the master of ceremonies came on the stage and the crowd hushed. They pulled up a huge tumbler of names and he reached inside and pulled out a name. "Ladies and Gentlemen and Ultrafans, the winner for third place, a CD signed by all the members of the Mighty Disciples of Ultralord is ... Donald "Throatwarbler" Mangrove! Of Bolton, England!"

Everyone applauded, including Sheen, though he was disappointed. Donald Mangrove came onto the stage, shook the hands of the Mighty Disciples of Ultralord, received his prize, paused for a picture, then left.

"And now the second place prize, an autographed framed picture of Ultralord, goes to Sarah Felton of Muncie, Indiana!"

Again everyone applauded. Sarah walked up to the stage. The framed picture was enormous, almost life size, and she had trouble carrying it but she was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. The photographer took her picture and she returned to the crowd.

"Now, Ultrafans, the winner of first prize, an authentic Ultralord mask used in the series from episode one, Ultralord, Defender of the Galaxy, to episode 463, Ultralord and the Case of the Vanishing Mixed-Up Giant Wombats, and worn by Ultralord himself - includes a certificate of authenticity - the winner is ... Libby Folfax of Retroville, Texas!"

The crowd applauded while Jimmy and the gang gasped.

"Wow, Libby, congratulations!" Carl said.

Libby looked stunned.

"Just what you always wanted, eh?" Cindy asked, grinning.

Sheen was in awe. Libby made her way through the crowd and up onto the stage. She took the mask into her hands and smiled for the camera. "Put it on!" someone shouted. Libby, like the rest of them, had left her first mask and her Ultracon bag at Jimmy's lab for safekeeping. She put the mask on, the crowd cheered, and the photographer took another picture.

Libby returned to the gang, wearing her mask.

"Ultrafans," the announcer said, "that officially concludes this Ultracon! I hope you all had a great time. Until next time, Love, Valor, Ultralord!" The crowd echoed the phrase, and began to disperse, chatting away.

"Man I am never going to forget that Ultracon as long as live!" an Ultrafan said.

"We should hold all our Ultracons in Retroville," a second said. "If they promise to have great battles and mondo destruction every time!"

Sheen gazed at Libby with longing, moreso than he usually did. Libby smiled at him.

An Ultrafan came up to them. "Hey kid," he said "I'll give you a $100 for that mask!"

"A $100?" another fan said. "You cheapskate! I'll give you a $1000!"

Cindy gasped. "Do it, Libby, do it! Think of how many CDs you could buy with that!"

"Sorry, guys, the mask isn't for sale for any price," Libby said.

"Well, it didn't hurt to try," the first fan said.

"Good choice, kid," a third Ultrafan said. "That mask is destined to be a memento well worth keeping."

"Oh, I'm not going to keep it," Libby said. She took the mask off and handed it to Sheen. "For you, Sheen."

Sheen's hands trembled. Unlike the other plastic masks, this mask was made of purple titanium with genuine silver accents. "Libby!" Sheen said. "Are you serious?"

"Of course I am, Sheen." Libby said, smiling.

Sheen fell to a knee and kissed Libby's hand. Cindy rolled her eyes. Sheen stood up and put the mask on. "Didn't I tell you guys," he said "When we first came in? Wasn't this was the most exciting day of our lives!"

"It sure was," Carl agreed. "To think, complete strangers wanted Burp Boy's autograph! Wait 'til I tell my mom!"

"It was cool being Special Girl again," Cindy agreed. "Despite the black eye."

"Enough with the black eye!"

"And I always love it when we kick a bad guy's butt," Cindy finished.

"Well I'm just glad we defeated Calamitous!" Jimmy said. "And the new N-Men packets worked so well. There was a chance the genetic formula went wrong and we'd all mutate into mutant three-headed zombies."

"Now you tell us Neutron!" Cindy said.

"And the most exciting part of all," Sheen said, "was this is the perfect opportunity to kiss my chicky baby here." And he kissed Libby on the lips.

"Oh gross!" Carl said.

Cindy gasped. "Libby! Do something!"

"Okay," Libby said, and gave Sheen a quick kiss back.

Cindy and Jimmy looked at each other, then turned away with their tongues sticking out. "Libby! You're acting so weird today!" Cindy said again.

"Libby, you're more exciting than Ultralord ever was," Sheen told her.

"Thanks, Sheen," Libby said.

"Except for episode number 879, the season ending cliffhanger, Ultralord and the Malevolent Keith Maniac." Sheen sighed with the memory of it. "Boy, now that was exciting!"

Libby laughed and put her hand on Sheen's shoulder. "You need to learn to quit while you're ahead, Sheen, but that's still sweet. In a geeky kind of way."

The End

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And that's it ladies and gentlemen. Thank you ever so much for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it.

As always, comments and reviews very much welcome and very much appreciated.

Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good night.