Title: New World New Rules

Title: New World New Rules

Author Notes

This story is the sequel to Defender Guyver

I would like to thank George for checking spelling and grammar.

Now we go on with the story.

Deep in the black void, where no light could escape, a lone figure curled in a fetal position, gathers its strength for that one chance to escape. Metallic orbs on the side of its head swivel back and fourth, searching for that one chance. The Metallic orbs slide to a halt, there not far from its location is a graviton shift. In a matter of seconds, it calculates the chance of success. Its host is weak and will not last much longer if its stays in the void. Draining all its reserves, it breaches the barrier.

In a lush green forest, a sudden concussion stirred the air and startled the animals inciting a thunderous stampede. Birds took flight, seeking escape from the unexpected intrusion. In the middle of a twenty-meter wide crater, a lone figure stands on the crystallized earth.

In the town about three miles south of the incident, the townspeople were in a state of shock. The barracks goes on high alert. People are taking shelter in their homes. In the elaborate throne, room of the temple sits a beautiful woman surrounded by lioness statues and ornate tapestry. She is dressed in white silk with gold trimming. Two large lionesses lay on either side of the throne. Two women, each with a metal lioness helmet and a staff, stands guard.

A woman dressed in a white cotton gown, a red tunic with black trim and an elaborate gold embroidered lioness head in the center of the tunic enters the throne room. She kneels before the woman on the throne with her head down, and waits for Bastet to acknowledge her.

"You may speak."

The woman raises her head. "Thank you Lady Bastet, we have encountered a massive energy spike north of our location. We sent out two scouts to find out what happened."

Bastet lowers her head, reaches over to pet the lioness on the right hand side of the throne, then raising her head she look directly at the page. "Have the scouts bring anything that they find back with them, I need to know if this was an attack or some thing else all together. You may go now." The page stands, bows toward Bastet, and leaves with haste to inform the scouts of Bastet's orders.

Two and a half hours later the two scouts are kneeling in front of Bastet. The head scout is a heavy muscular man, while the subordinate is lean and athletic. The head scout bows deeply to the floor and begins to speak. "Lady Bastet, please forgive us. We did not bring the child we found at the location of this disturbance to you. The child was undressed and having trouble breathing. We also saw what looked like burns to her back. Therefore, after we determined that it was safe to move the child, we gathered her up, and hurried back. We left her with the Barracks apothecary." Bastet's eyes flash a brilliant golden light. Causing the trackers to flinch, she points to the subordinate scout.

"I want you to take twenty scouts to the disturbance, then you will search for any signs what and who caused it." The subordinate leaves to implement Bastet's orders. Bastet then turns her focus to lead scout. "I want a full report now!"

The lead scout salutes to Bastet. "We were assigned to check on the disturbance, based on the last readings we traveled north on foot. After about an hour, we had still found no sign of an attacking force. Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at a crater that was twenty meters wide and fifteen meters deep. It looked to be like a polished stone. The trees around the crater looked to have sustained no damage. At the bottom of the crater, a child lay on the ground with what looked like a demon looking down upon her. The demon was purple with gray orbs all over it. It had what looked like two shields attached to its back. The demon did not move from the spot. By the time, we made our way down to the child the demon sank into the ground leaving the child alone. On first inspection of the child, she was asleep with no clothes. Her breathing labored and her skin was hot to the touch. I gathered her up and my subordinate followed us covering our tracks. We placed the child in the care of the Barracks apothecary."

Bastet's mood changed almost instantaneously from neutral to serious. She sits down to consider the report. "Listen carefully. I would like you to bring the apothecary and the child before me. Then you're to join the other scouts without delay." Bastet watches the head scout leave. While she is in deep thought, the apothecary arrives with two assistants carrying the child. Bastet leans forward to get a better view of the child. The child looks to be ten to thirteen years old, with snow-white hair. Her emaciated frame shows signs of dehydration and starvation. "So how is the child doing?" Bastet asks the apothecary.

Stroking his gray beard the apothecary gives his assessment on the child. "Lady Bastet; I have done all I can for the child. I have applied an herbal balm to help her breathing, but if the child does not wake up soon then I am afraid that she will join her ancestors soon."

Bastet looks up from the girl toward the apothecary. "I will take care of the girl from now on. You may come back tomorrow to reexamine the child." The apothecary bows to Bastet and leaves along with his assistants. Turning to the two guards, "I want both of you to put the child in the sarcophagus."

Bastet stands at the head of the sarcophagus watching as the two guards lower the child in. The guards step back as the sarcophagus closes. Bastet turns to leave when a bright flash of light occurs. Looking back at the sarcophagus a look of horror etches her face. The side panel exploded away exposing the crystal power matrix. All the crystals send off sparks before they shatter. Rushing over to the sarcophagus Bastet pries the lid open then pulls the child from the still sparking remains of the sarcophagus.

With the child cradled in her arms, Bastet carries the child to her room. Bastet gently laid the child on her bead. "I refuse to let another child suffer like …. Little one, I have one option left. The other lords will not help and my shuttle will take too long. That means the Chopa'aye is the only choice. The Tau'ri is the only ones I know that might help you. Please hold on a little longer." Rising off the bed, Bastet leaves the room.

It's almost noon as Bastet and ten of her scouts enter the downed mother ship formerly named Bastet's Pride. Bastet and the scouts salvage every part of the communication system and transmitter array that still works. They are taking it all to the Chopa'aye to be jury-rigged to form a crude radio transmitter and hopefully receiver. As night falls, Bastet dials the Tau'ri planet. Once the Chopa'aye is open, Bastet begins broadcasting. "I am Lady Bastet; I am calling the Tau'ri because I have found a child with severe dehydration and starvation. I have not the means to cure this child. I am asking for medical help for the child. Pleases hurry." Bastet waits for a reply. Not receiving one, Bastet tries again to send the message but this time the transmitter dies as she is sends the message. Bastet turns to the scouts. "Clear up this junk. In addition, I want a scout watching the Chopa'aye, in case the Tau'ri sends help. You are to meet the Tau'ri with open arms; then guide the Tau'ri along with the apothecary to me." The scouts salute and begin cleaning up the dead communication unit.

Walking slowly to the temple Bastet ponders the situation. "I might have to break my word by implanting child with a Goa'uld larva. Will it accept the child, and save her or will it kill them both?" She set that thought to the side in case the Tau'ri did not respond.

Bastet just arrived at the summit of the temple. A scout sees her and addresses her, "Lady Bastet, we searched and found nothing but animal tracks, but we did disable a number of dangerous poaching traps."

Bastet nods to the scouts. "I see. Were the poaching traps linked to the girl in any way?"

The scout shakes her head. "They were all old, rusted and most likely abandoned."

"Ok, I want all the scouts to return. I hope that we will have visitors soon. I want every one at their best." Excusing the scout Bastet makes her way to check on the child.

The Priestess that Bastet assigned to care for the child was sitting by the bed applying a damp cloth to help reduce the fever.

Collapsing in the chair Bastet massages her head. Looking at the child Bastet begins to sniffle. "He would be about your age, wouldn't he?" Not wanting to disturb Bastet the Priestess continues working quietly. "I lost my only child. It took three years to get to that planet by shuttle with nearly all that time in the sarcophagus. When I arrived, I found a thriving planet, far more advanced than I thought it should be. Setting the shuttle down on a small island chain called Japan; I began scouting out the area. I wanted to establish what happened to Ra, but all my attempts failed. The System Lords are now a myth to them.

Depressed I visited a local tavern. The rest of the night is hazy. I awoke the next day still in loves embrace. I pulled away from him, than I yanked the sheet of the bed and wrapped it around me. He still did not wake up. I picked him up and in fit of anger; I threw him out the window. Somewhat satisfied with my self I set out to wash up. That is when I saw a silver band on one of my fingers. I later found out what that ring represented.

It was a little over three months; I became ill all of sudden. Not knowing the cause, I used the sarcophagus to heal me. The next morning I became ill again, this time in public place. A woman helped me to one of their hospitals. The apothecaries gather to work. They asked me all kinds of questions to determine the symptoms. When he wanted to draw my blood to run some tests, I nearly killed him. If the woman had not accompanied me, I probably would have. The doctor returned with the results in about an hour. Let us say I did not take it well. Later at the woman's house, I think her name is Tendo or some thing, she asked how I was going to tell my husband. When I looked confused, she pointed to the silver band on my finger.

Later that day, I returned to the house where I awoke with that man. I knocked on the door but no one answered, I turned to leave when he entered through the front gates. Beaten with an inch of his life and yet as soon his eyes saw me, he bowed at the waist and asked for forgiveness. I told him right there that I was with his child. He took it as any man would. He fainted; I picked him up and proceeded into the house.

For the next six months, I stayed at that house. It was a strain on my patience and my funds. Than came the birth of my child. It was wonderful and painful at the same time. They have a custom that the mother holds the father hand. I broke every bone in his hand, and swore that he would never lay a hand on me again. Looking in my baby's eyes is like looking at a clear blue sky. Therefore, I named him Ra.

The next four years were nothing but absolute bliss. Only to change a couple days after Ra's fourth birthday, I awoke to make breakfast for Ra and found him missing, with a note on the bed saying that I was soft, that I spoiled Ranma. I broke down, I had not moved for the whole day, just cried while in Ra's room. The next day anger and rage filled me. I leveled the house, literally. The day after, I started the five years search for my missing baby and the one who took him. During that time, I would find leads to their whereabouts, but they dried out fast.

Those years are the worst that I have ever faced in my life. Even still I grieve for leaving that planet with out him." Completely drained, Bastet crawls in to bed next to the child and falls asleep.

The priestess douses the all the lamps except for one small one on the desk were she begins to write Bastet's story down while keeping an eye on the child.

Just as the sun is cresting the mountains, the Chopa'aye activates, startling the drowsy scout. She watches as what looks like small metal cart emerging from the Chopa'aye. It rolls to a stop on the platform. Walking carefully up to it the scout starts to examine it. While the scout was occupied with the unknown object, she failed to notice the five people that stepped through the Chopa'aye.

Jack O'Neill notices the young woman dressed in a form fitting leather armor examining the M.O.U.F. "Excuse me, are you the one that called for help?"

Startled by the voices behind, her she turns around quickly falling into a crouch and hissing at her opponents. One of the men steps forward with his arms raised. The scout realizes that they might be the Tau'ri. Standing up fully she introduces herself. "I am Sheba of Bastet's Pride. I will escort you to the temple were the child lies."

The three men gather the equipment. The blond woman walks up to the scout and introduces every one. "Hi Sheba I am Coronel Samantha Carter." Sam points to the brown haired woman, "That is Doctor Janet Fraiser." Sam points to the dark skinned man, "that is Teal'c." Sam point to brown haired man with glasses "that is Daniel Jackson." Sam finely point to a salt and pepper haired man "That is Coronel Jack O'Neill."

They start there way to the temple with one stop to pick up the apothecary. They arrive at the apothecary's shop. Pounding on his door, Sheba tries to get his attention. An aged sticks his head out of the second story window screams at the person making so much noise in the morning. "Do you know I'm trying to sleep up here?"

Sheba, looking up at him, yells right back. "Don't give me that, I haven't slept all night. Jillion you are to accompany the Tau'ri and me to see Lady Bastet. Now move it; or else you'll have to explain to Lady Bastet why we are late."