I awoke yet again but this time with a better feeling in my body. The bed I now rested on was rough and I could feel the spiky feeling of uncut grass on my back. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and burning wood. I could hear the vampires and wolves in the background, holding in breaths as they waited for movement from me. I twitched my fingers and dramatically opened my eyes. The sky above me was blue, and I saw the clouds passing in the sky. I sat up and looked around.
Jennifer stood by a large pile of burning logs, her mouth angrily set. Claudiena and Tomas looked worried, as they continued to hold their prisons up. Nessie looked as Bella had described her, lifeless and controlled. Her eyes were the dull black of onyx and her pupils continually grew bigger and smaller. I looked next to me; to Bella's body and watched her come to life. Her fingers wiggled as she got the feeling back into them, and she opened her eyes to her surroundings. She sat up and turned to grin sheepishly at me.
I got to my feet and stared at Jennifer. Her eyes narrowed. I'd never thought we'd see you again, Edward. she thought angrily.
"Too bad you never got a chance," I replied, helping Bella to her feet.
Oh please. How can two vampires take down four vampires? You're clearly outnumbered. You might as well let me pinch you so you can renter your world of pain and suffering again.
"That's when you're wrong," I said, before jumping into the air. I flew skillfully through the air, over Jennifer and Jesse's heads, and rolled to the ground in front of Tomas. Tomas stiffened in panic. He couldn't attack me because he was holding back the wolves and Esme, and if he released them, more people would attack him. But before he could make a choice, I tackled him to the ground, pinning his hands behind him. His hold dropped on the wolves and Esme, and they immediately moved to get the feeling back into their bodies. Bella and Jacob exchanged looks and grinned at each other. Following my lead, they jumped into the air and tackled Claudiena to the ground, unleashing the hold on the group in front of the house.
You're making a mistake, Edward. We can still easily take you down.
I turned my head slightly to Jennifer. "Again, you're wrong, Jennifer."
Oh? She grinned sinisterly to me. I heard a growl next to me and turned to see a dozen spheres shoot out of Claudiena's hands before Bella or Jacob could prevent her. The spheres formed into the shapes of bodies, and suddenly a dozen copies of Claudiena stood before me. Each illusion of Claudiena held up its hands and made a dozen copies of Tomas, Jennifer, Jesse, Renesmee, and Jane. They also formed a bunch of new vampires that I had never seen before, but all looked highly dangerous. The illusions turned to look at the group by the woods and the group by the house. They moved into attack. Immediately, the vampires and wolves reacted, snarling and pouncing right back.
Tomas slithered from my grip and rolled to his feet. I jumped up as well and, almost in unison, we jumped up and pounced at each other. Claudiena also broke free from Jacob and Bella, and they started fighting next to us. Tomas was skilled with his moves; each attack of frozen movements missing me by a few inches each time I dodged. Each move I made missed him by a few inches as well.
Alice and Jasper fought Jesse and Nessie in the middle of the new battlefield. Jesse showed his true strength of his mind powers, picking up large rocks with his mind to smash into Jasper, and creating the small black monsters that had once imprisoned me. Alice was having a tough time with Nessie because as much as she wanted to attack her, she couldn't because it was still Nessie, only controlled by Jesse. The only thing Alice could do was dodging as fast as she could.
It was an image that no vampire would believe was possible unless they saw it with their own eyes: The Volturi working together with vampires and the werewolves. Rosalie, Emmett, and Carlisle were working on the illusions with the werewolves attacking as well. Most of the Volturi were double-teaming against a group of illusions, with the exception of two vampires. Aro watched, but showed no intention of joining in. He could have helped with the pouncing and the ripping but just stood by the sidelines. Jane, who supposedly belonged to Liberty now, stood quietly, almost entertained by the battles around her. Although each illusion possessed the powers of the real Liberty clan, with one punch to any part of the body, the illusion would disappear, making it easy to kill them. The only downside to the illusions was that each time an illusion died, the copies of Claudiena would create another one.
As Tomas held up his hands to throw another frozen attack to me, I rolled down and hid behind a rock. That's when a reminder suddenly rang off in my mind. If I blocked Tomas's hands, he couldn't attack me anymore. And as I hid there behind the rock, I realized something that I hadn't seen before. Each member of Liberty had a power that required that they have access to their hands. That was their true weakness: without their hands, they were useless and weak!
Hiding, now are we? The bug on the top of the rock froze, and I rolled out from behind the rock and to my feet. Tomas was pressing his hands together, charging one big attack. I peeked quickly over Tomas's shoulder and saw back porch of the house. A container of garbage bags sat by the ledge of it. An idea popped into my head and I looked back to Tomas. Tomas threw the frozen attack to me, but I ran to my right and kept running towards the porch. Where we going now? Tomas thought, as he started to chase me.
It would have been easier to reach the porch if the area between where I had fought and the porch were clear. I ran around battle after battle, trying hard to avoid any attacks that missed its target or any attack meant for me by one of the illusions. When I finally reached the porch, I ran straight for the bag and fumbled with the opening seal. Tomas was right on my trail, jumping over the heads of the battling to land in a rolling crouch in front of me. The bag pulled loose and I jumped, somersaulting over his head to land behind him. Before he could freeze me, I jammed the bag over his hands, yanking the ties into place. Tomas laughed darkly. A garbage bag? You place a garbage bag over my hands and think that this will hold me?
"Indeed I do," I said quietly, showing him the container that held the bags. On it, in large bold letters were the words REFLECTIVE PLASTIC. "If you try and freeze me," I said, "you will instead freeze yourself."
Tomas narrowed his eyes and snarled at me, rolling his lips up slightly to reveal his sharp white teeth. I pushed him slightly of the porch and kept kicking until he was under the deck. "You should stay under there, unless you want to get hurt." I suggested, running back to the battle with the container of bags in my hands.
Bella and Jacob were having increasing difficulty with Claudiena. Claudiena quickly formed illusions of hideous, monstrous creatures that attacked Bella and Jacob as they tried to attack her. A white gorilla-like creature took a swipe at Bella, who rolled away just in time but bumped into a creature that resembled a hawk and a horse put together. Jacob pounced at a rhino that had octopus legs and ripped angrily at its sides. I slipped quietly behind Claudiena, who was too obsessed with creating new creatures to notice me. I pulled the bag out from the container and yanked it around her hands. The creatures instantly disappeared, dropping Jacob to the ground ripping at the air and Bella protecting herself from the blow from the white gorilla creature that never came. I pulled at the ties, and Claudiena scrunched up her face in fury. She tried to make another illusion creature, but then screamed in pain when the plastic reflected the blow back at her.
Bella and Jacob ran to me, curious to know what had caused the sudden destruction of Claudiena's creatures. I told them my theory and showed them the bags. That's actually pretty bright, Jacob commented. If we can get the bags onto Jennifer, we can try to force Jesse to call of his forces, get Nessie back, and make them back up and go home. "That's the point," I said to Jacob.
Claudiena's screams of pain sounded again as she tried to make something to set her free. An illusion of her shot a beam at us, trying to help. I lifted Claudiena and placed her facedown on Jacob's back. "Bring her under the deck as fast as you can," I said, "Tomas is also there. If we want to talk to them later, we're going to need her in one piece." Gotcha. I leaned down to Claudiena. "Hold on tight," I hissed into her ear before Jacob ran off. "Let's go," I said to Bella and we raced off to find Jennifer.
Although everyone had joined into the fighting, Jennifer had not. When I first started to battle Tomas, I noticed that Jennifer had cartwheeled backwards once and had disappeared into the woods. This puzzled and amused me slightly, for I knew that the vampire who could kill with one touch was hiding out in the woods. As I ran with Bella into the woods, I listened into the thoughts of everyone, trying to find Jennifer's thoughts among many.
This is would be fun if it weren't so serious as well! Emmett was enjoying himself, pouncing and attacking the illusions that only needed a flick of the finger to disappear.
Hey Edward! How are we doing? Seth thought as he tackled an illusion of Claudiena before it could attack him.
Have to get to a phone so I can contact Fiora…Where is the next damn house?! Huh…what do we have here?
"Bella," I said, nudging her, "She's at our house."
The run there was aggressive and fast. I listened closely and heard the door of the cottage close as Jennifer stepped inside. As we pulled ourselves to a stop in front of the house, Bella began to mumble under her breath. "Breaking into our house…She'd better not take anything except for those silk or satin dresses…Yeah, I don't care about those…"
I carefully turned the knob of house and we stepped inside. The house was still and nothing seemed out of place. I listened quietly to the sounds of the pipes running through the house and the sound of bugs from outside. Then I heard the pressing of numbers coming from Bella and my room. Bella heard it too and narrowed her eyes. We began to creep towards the room, listening to the conversation.
Hello? Who's this?
"Fiora, it's me."
Oh, hey Jennifer. Is it time to move into attack?
"We've already advanced to that. I need you to get Tasha, Kianna, Kenneth, and Omar and get here now."
No problem. If you don't mind us taking the chopper, we'll be there in maybe a half hour.
"Not a half hour, Fiora. We will probably have surrendered by then and we'll be taken down by the foolish members of the Volturi."
Umm…okay, if we run and don't get into traffic, we should be there in maybe… fifteen minutes.
"Good. See you later." Jennifer was in our sights now, sitting by the
built-in closet. She had her back turned and was shutting off the phone that I had hidden in the closet; it was supposed to be a surprise gift for Bella. Bella took the bag from me. I raised my eyebrows and she gave me a pleading look. I shrugged and moved over so she could advance. She slipped the bag over Jennifer's hands and yanked the ties of it. Jennifer didn't struggle and instead looked calmly up to us. "I have more on their way," she said, "So you might as well prepare for round two."
"That's what you think," I said, pulling her to her feet.
When we arrived back to the battlefield, most of the illusions were gone. The werewolves had taken down all of the illusions of Claudiena, and the rest slowly began to come down. Jesse was still not giving up, summoning the black monsters to try to attack whoever got in his way. But more people were turning to battle him, for the illusions quickly disappeared and soon, Jesse and his creatures were all that were left. Jasper had handed his battle over to Emmett and was helping Alice hold down Nessie, who struggled under their grip.
Jesse turned and saw Jennifer calmly walking to the field. She mouthed something to him, and he reluctantly waved his hands over his monsters, which quickly turned to nothingness. Nessie stopped struggling and instead blinked, her eyes returning chocolate brown and her pupils dilating back to a more normal size.
After fetching Claudiena and Tomas from under the deck, we stood them on the hill, next to the now dying flames of the fire. "You have tried to defeat us," Aro said to Jennifer, leaning down so his face was in hers, "Yet you failed. What do you have to say?"
Jennifer cocked her head and looked up to Aro. "As I said to Edward," she replied coolly, "More forces are on their way. Why bother threatening us when you should be preparing for the upcoming attackers?"
Everyone exchanged looks. Edward, is this true? Esme asked in her mind. I nodded and she sighed. Alice had zoned off as she looked into the future, and when she refocused her eyes, she nodded in agreement with me. "I see five new vampires on the horizon. They come to talk though, not to fight."
"That's what you think," Jesse mumbled under his breath.
Aro ignored them and turned to Caius and Marcus. "What do you think we should do to them?"
"I say we kill them," Caius suggested.
"I agree," Carlisle mumbled under his breath.
"They have caused us all pain and threaten us all," I said as Sam.
"Very well. If there are no witnesses or objections, we will proceed to sentence them." Silence answered Aro's words. "Very well then. The coven of Liberty is sentenced to…"
"Wait!" a voice called.
We stopped and looked around, all wondering who had said that.
"We're here to witness for Liberty and we object!" another voice added.
I turned and saw five figures standing on the hill next to the woods, their long coats swishing after them from the wind. "You're here to testify?" Aro asked the figure standing in the front of the pack.
The figures raced down the hill, at an inhuman speed, to stand in front of us. They were all pale skinned, with topaz colored eyes. "I am Fiora," introduced the leader of the pack. "This is Tasha, Kianna, Kenneth, and Omar. And yes, we're here to testify."
As Fiora finished speaking, Bella tensed next to me.
Round two was about to begin.
UPDATE The second story is here! Moonrise is told in the perspective of Bella and my own original character, Fiora, who's the leader of the coven that's coming to witness (no Edward this time). Enjoy! -Geneth