Disclaimer: I do not own Sky High or any related characters. This was written out of enjoyment of the series, and no profit is being made.

Ships: (Friendship) Warren&Ethan
Spoilers: The movie (Obviously xD)
Warnings: None.
Notes: Done for a request meme on El-Jay. 8)


"Hey, Popsicle."

The boy in orange flinched, keeling over on top of his textbook as though punched. Warren patted the kid on the back once before sitting next to him on the steps. "Relax Ethan, it's me."

He straightened slightly, adjusting his glasses. "H-hey, Warren."

The older super raised dark eyebrows at him. "Any reason why you're so jumpy today? Or was it just the nickname?"

"Uh... nickname, I guess?" Ethan's voice squeaked at the end of his sentence, immediately arousing Warren's suspicions further. Ethan had been the first of Will's sidekick buddies to welcome him whole-heartedly into the group. He had stopped squeaking after the first week Warren had become number six.

Warren thought this all out in silence, tilting his head to get a better look at the textbook in Ethan's lap. Unit test on Mad Science, maybe?

He reached out and slipped the book through Ethan's arms. As soon as his hand touched not glossy textbook paper, but rougher material he knew what he was holding.

A sketchbook. And in it were the most amazing designs of superhero uniforms he had ever laid eyes on.

He was vaguely aware of Ethan watching him nervously, as though he were one of Mr. Medulla's fragile heat rays. But he couldn't stop drinking up these pencil sketches. He turned a page (gently, this obviously meant a lot to Ethan), and inhaled quickly.

He was looking at a sketch of Layla. An older Layla. Sketched in green and red pencil and a superhero. Beside it was a note: "Mother Nature?"

And there was Will: red, blue, white. No possible super name for him. The double page spread was full of other sketches of the two of them. Sometimes younger (there was Layla in that skirt she wore yesterday), sometimes older. Sometimes together.

Warren turned the page, and his heart nearly stopped.

He was there. And he was older, just like Layla and Will. He was wearing a long black trench coat. The sketches were all in dark charcoal shades, with red speckled throughout.

"You're sorta... an inspiration," Ethan mumbled.

He had to be careful not to set the book on fire in the emotion that swept over him.

He was really friends with these people. They really saw him as part of their group. They weren't just keeping him around as a bodyguard.

He gave it back to the artist beside him. "You should show these to the rest of the guys."

Ethan looked at him incredulously. "Really? You think they'd-"

"They'd love them. I know I do."

Ethan smiled. "Thanks Warren."

A smile fought its way onto his face. "Thank you."

AN. I really hope I can find this movie in a store somewhere and buy it someday. It's so dorky, I love it. And I love Warren being friends with the other five kids.