Authors Note: Please stay tuned…
Yes I am alive. You were probably all wondering what's going with the stories or you might be way past that since it's been a long time. I want to apologize profusely and I can only say I was hit with some very personal issues as well as writers block. I have been trying to update my stories any of them. I was thinking of tackling just one of them at a time and just finishing them. Not sure which one I will start with first. I am still struggling with it and I would appreciate ideas. You can leave reviews if you want with ideas that still keep in theme with the story but move forward. I'd appreciate your help and of course if I use your idea I will most certainly cite and thank you in updated chapter. Again appreciate you reading and taking the time and hope this note finds you well
Gigglegirl89 = D
Ps. Some of you might be seeing this same note if you are reading more than one of my open stories. If you are new to my stories please stay tuned because hopefully something shall be coming in the warmer weeks.