Hope you enjoy reading this fanfic! (:

If you read my other stories I'm apologize that I haven't updated that yet. I am almost done writing the Evil Experiment fanfic on my profile. Also, my other story regret. Hopefully this story will be able to keep you busy for at least a day or until I update my other story. I will try to update as soon as possible. Thanks! (:

Bella POV: Chapter 1

Being a new transfer student is one thing. Being a famous pop singer is a completely different thing. I sighed. My name's Bella by my singer name is Luna. Standing outside my new high school, ready to start. My mother never agreed but this time I finally made her say yes. I've really wanted to have a regular high school life. The press wouldn't agree either but I told them I wouldn't sing anymore if they didn't at least let me go to a normal high school. Enough of the boring part. I walked quickly to the main office to get my schedule and all that stuff you do when you first transfer. This wig was being very annoying right now. Ugh. All the kids were staring at me. I hated being the center of attention even though I'm used to it. It just practically annoys me to death.

"Hello, my name is Bella Swan. I'm a new transfer student." I smiled warmly at the administrator. She just stared at me. Then finally realized that she was, she snapped out of it.

"O-oh yes. Umm.here is your schedule and a paper of info about the activities and all. You are very pretty. You could be a model." she said, zoning out again at the last part.

"Thank you very much." I told her. Then I just walked away. People stared at me. I had a model's body and very dark brown eyes. My wig color was black and very long. Obviously my real hair is the color brown. I sighed. This better be a good day or I'll go crazy. I knocked on my classroom door and the teacher had wide-eyes when he saw me.

"Hello. My name is Bella Swan. I'm a new transfer student." I repeated. I smiled warmly once again, and get this. The teacher blushed. What a perv.

"Ah. Yes. P-Please come in," he stuttered a bit. As I walked through the door the classroom went completely silent. The teacher, Mr. Barnes, explained, "We have a new student today. Please welcome her to this school."

"Hi. My name is Bella Swan. "I explained, ignoring all the stares from most of the guys and glares from the girls. I went and sat by a very pale girl with black spiky hair. She smiled at me. I smiled back. Mr. Barnes continued the lesson about Ancient History. Class went by so slowly. (A/N: I'm not going to explain all the boring parts of school classes but on with the story!)

Lunch came by. The girl I met in Mr. Barnes class, is named Alice. Alice was bouncing up and down, literally, and asking me to sit with her.

"You can also meet my family, Bella!" she exclaimed.

"Okay, but first, calm down." I told her. She was just too hyper. We walked together in the lunchroom and when we got our lunches, Alice practically dragged me all the way to a table filled with pale people.

"This is Bella, the new student obviously." I rolled my eyes when Alice said that.

"Hello." I said. My attention landed on a guy with messy bronze hair and piercing green eyes. Alice dragged me out of my thoughts when she grabbed my arm and forced me into the seat right next to the bronze haired person, while she sat on my other side.

"Bella, this is Edward and that's Rosalie with the blond hair and next to her is Emmett. Also my main is Jasper here." She introduced me to everyone.

"Hello, nice to meet you." Edward greeted me and heard many quiet hello's from the family. Alice whispered into my ear, "He's single." I blushed and looked down, while Alice giggled. We all ate our lunches silently after that.

"Hey, you look familiar somehow. Umm..I think the singer name Luna, right Edward?" Alice looked at me suspiciously. Uh oh. Edward nodded, staring at me intently making me look down again.

Emmett boomed, "Yeah! She does!"

"Uh..n-no, I'm not. Uhm..people say I do but I'm not really." I said stuttering a bit while shaking me head. Everyone at the table stared at me making me feel like a freak. "You sure?" Alice asked suspiciousl. I nodded, probably just a bit too fast. Alice frowned, hating to be wrong. Before I could say anything to keep her from thinking about Luna Edward said,"Maybe you could come hang out with us." I just stared at him like an idiot.

"Really?" I asked, the shockness in my voice not quite hidden.

"Yeah, you should come over, Bella! We can go shopping together and do your make up. Go to clubs and parties…"Alice continued on, me already ignoring her.

"You really should, Bella!" Emmett said, his voice sounding cheerful. Rosalie and Jasper obviously agreed.

"Umm..if I might. I have to check my schedule and stuff…" I explained quietly. Edward raised his eyebrows at me, not expecting me to say that.

"Well, okay then. Maybe you could also join Alice and I to a shopping day." Rosalie suggested . "I mean if you have enough time."

"Okay, I'll try to make some time to be able to hang out with you guys." Right then the bell rang to signal that lunch was over. I got up and dumped my tray. I went toward my next class but before I said, "I'll talk to you later Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, and Alice." I yelled toward them and some people even stopped to stare at me with wide-eyes. They must be popular in this school, I thought. While I was walking toward my next class, a guy was starting to talk to me.

"Hey, your hot. Wanna go out some time?" a guy with blondish brown hair with blue eyes. I think he was in my English class. I sighed. This was going to be a very long day.

Hope this story is okay! I'm not very good but hopefully you will like it and review!

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Thanks you very much! (: