The sky was broken by a weak glimpse of misty light from the breaking day. Everything was so slow and dreary.

Mr Todd hated this prolonged existence. He was always painfully aware of the melancholia which swallowed him up.

He was slumped in his chair, razors clenched in his pale hands. There was a part of him that wanted nothing more than to love again. He feared he would drown in livid oblivion.

This insomnia he experienced was agonizing. He was not asleep, nor awake, and his thoughts were a spinning blur. He flipped the razors in and out of their silver exterior. He blacked out every now and then from weariness. Yet at times he felt perfectly awake in his dreams.

He closed his eyes and tried to envision something good. But his vision remained dark. He sighed and held one of his razors up to his face. It was still gloomy in this trance his mind was caught in but he gazed back at the shiny blade. In an instant of weakness, he pressed the blade to his face and felt cold-

At that moment Mrs Lovett walked in to find Mr Todd sitting on the floor against the stained wall, blood pouring down his face. He looked content. At first Mrs Lovett thought he had just gone on a murderous fling until she soon noticed the long gash opening up his cheek. She gasped and blinked her eyes firmly.
"What happened love?! You know how sharp those blades are!"

Normally he would've yelled at her to leave, but his faint head was too far from this world. She ran over to him with a cloth and began to tend the scarlet mess on his face. His dark eyes glanced around as he winced in pain. He was angry. But for some reason he did not want her to leave. His mind was confused and in the dark. Mrs Lovett. Her dark eyes were focused on his as she continued to fix the wound.

Unexpectedly he placed his hand on her cheek. She shied away thinking he was going to hurt her but soon realized this was not his intention. He stared at her with sad eyes and felt her heart shiver as he traced his icy fingers over her face.

Then, with one swift movement, he grabbed her neck and pulled her in to meet his cold lips. His hands held her face closely. Blood smeared all over her. She didn't care. For that small moment she was happy.

Mrs Lovett felt her heart twist in pure joy and anguish at the same time.

Oh, Mr Todd, I tremble at the sight of you. But to torture me like this. You think I'm her. And it makes me feel so horrible and insignificant. But if this is what will bring a sparkle to your eye, I cannot refuse. Moments like these are what give me hope, despite such tragic complications……

She felt so secure in his arms. In his cold embrace. She had never felt warmer. But it was so wrong. Mrs Lovett had to painfully remind herself that he would be delirious from the blood loss.

Mr Todd knew that she would not believe this kiss was for her.

No, love. This is for you. I am angry at myself. Angry at you. I hate you because I love you. Wrathful agony grabs my insides. I am a monster. And you, my dear, are all that I have left.
