Sorry it's been so long!! I've had loads of homework, and made the mistake of starting another fanfiction… two, actually. 1 SSX and 1 James Bond.

Anyways, that's irrelevant. (But if you want to read them, I'd love you forever. I've published "There" and "Words For Just You" in SSX, and "Warm Past Morning" for James Bond. All slash. I know, i'm obsessed..)

Anyways. Continue!


Nate was sure the world had come to an end. If not the entire world, then at least his potential for a pleasant one.

His confirmation on this suspicion was the fact that as soon as they broke apart, Viggo laughed.

"Honestly, Nate…." He said, shaking his head, and inwardly, Nate recoiled. "That's why you've been such an unbearable jerk to me?" Nate supposed he should have felt more downtrodden than he did, but- but Viggo was almost acting like himself again, after such a long time of that strange, sullen silence that really didn't suit him, and for which every moment it endured, Nate's heart had broken a little more.

"Yeah. That's why" Nate managed to mumble, looking away. "Sorry. I'm gonna…" he made a move as if to leave, but then Viggo reached out and grabbed him by the front of his shirt.

"You're going nowhere." He informed Nate calmly. Nate felt like crying. "Not until I get my say, too. And as I was saying, you could have saved us a lot of trouble if you'd said this earlier. And I could have saved us, too."

"But-" Nate protested weakly. Viggo shook his head no.

"But nothing, we were both stupid. Honestly." Viggo interrupted, gaze never wavering; Nate involuntarily cringed at the word 'honestly', beacuse, really, the lack of that had gotten him into this mess int he first place, and now fear was beating him senseless beacuse it looked like that was about to hurt him again, "because you know what?"

"What?" Nate nearly whispered. Viggo didn't say anything. He leaned forward, bridging the gap between them, and pressed his ice cold lips to Nate's, kissing him, sweet and hot and deep, until Nate felt like he couldn't breathe from the sheer thrill of it.

"That's what" Viggo said, the moment afterwards, while Nate tried to make any sense of what had just happened, tried to remember anything, anything but the sweet chill of Viggo's kiss, "I got offended because it sounded like I'd never, ever have a chance with you."

"Still want one?" Nate managed to ask.

"No. I want to keep you." Viggo gave him the heart-melting smile Nate hadn't seen for far too long. "Besides, I think you owe me."


"Yeah. How about… there's this indulgence I'd like to give into." Viggo said, hinting shamelessly. "It has to do with you, kissing, and never, ever leaving."

"Please" Nate said, already breathless, thanking the heavens that honesty had a way of working out, "be mine."

"I think you're mine."

"And I think you're mine, in that case."

"Yeah" Viggo agreed, kissing him again, softer, longer, "I think we've earned that."


Yay! The end! Sorry for such a short chapter, but I felt like any longer would sort of be too drawn-out. I hope everyone enjoyed it!!

See you all at another fanfiction!

Love, wild-sunshine