A/N: hey. Here's the next 'extra' chapter as requested, but I also added in the last chapter so this is the final chapter of this story. I just thought it would give the chapter more sustenance if it was a little longer, so I added the two short chapters. Enjoy!

Chapter 6

Duncan's POV

We walked over to the car and Courtney went to open the door, finding it unlocked.

"Duncan. Open the door!"

"No can do princess, I thought you and me should go walk about to 'cool down' after the party." I explained, taking her hand and pulling her towards the sea view walk way.

"Where are you guys going?" Trust Geoff and surfer girl to notice our change of plans.

"Were just going for a little walk, you know, to 'cool down'." I smiled at her use of my words. Geoff just shrugged and went off in the opposite direction.

"Come on, I know a really great spot with a great view." I said giving her a quick wink. We walked down the path through the cool night air, a pleasant silence between us.

Courtney POV

We continued walking down the path, Duncan's arm draped around my shoulders. We finally reached Duncan's 'beautiful view'. It truly was beautiful. The deep blue water was separated from the dark sky by a thin layer of misty clouds. There were a few stars scattered about and they lit up the sky like the yacht's fairy lights.

"Wow, this is really sweet Duncan. I think I've finally tapped in to your inner romantic." I said, with a slight teasing tone. I noticed that he tensed up again, like the time when I discovered he was 'nice'. Well that's Duncan for you. At least now I can see through his tough guy façade.

"Hey," he said, breaking the silence. "Do you remember when we first got together, on the island?" Well, that caught me a little off guard. I smiled as I remembered that really eventful night.

"How could I forget? I stole. I threw up. And I kissed you. A really … weird series of events, that made up one of the best nights of my life." We both laugh as I recounted what had happened.

"Courtney?" He sounded al serious now.

"Yes Duncan?"

"I found this really nice spot on the other side of town. It's this really scenic place, you'll love it. So, do you want to go out for dinner tomorrow night? I was thinking something along the lines of a sunset picnic." We'd already been on a few dates before, bit they'd all been going out to restaurants and things. I could see Duncan's daring side coming through. How could I resist?

"Um, sure thing! What time?"

"I'll pick you up about 4 o' clock."


We slipped back into another comfortable silence which lasted on our walk back to the car and the car trip to my house.

Duncan's POV

I pulled up outside her house and was about to get out of the car, when I noticed the strange look on her face. "What's up?" I asked.

"Oh, I can't find my phone. I can't remember where I put it. Maybe I put it in here while we were driving?" She reached over to open the glove box of my car.

"No. It's not in there! Have you tried in the pockets of my coat?" Nice cover up, Duncan.

She gave me a suspicious look, but checked anyway. "Yeah here it is." She said as she extracted it from one of the deep coat pockets. "Thanks."

"No problem." We both got out of the car and walked hand in hand up to her doorstep. She was about to open the door, when I stopped her.

"Courtney, wait." She turned back around and I clasped both her hands so we were both gazing into each others eyes.

"I just wanted you to know, that, I love you. And, even though it could be worse than juvy at times, I'm really glad that I went on Total Drama Island. Otherwise, I wouldn't have met you, and I-"

I was cut off by Courtney placing her lips on mine and kissing me passionately. We were frozen in time, kissing for some insane amount of time, gripping each other like we were each others' life support. We finally broke apart and seemed to be stuck in time, both lightheaded. Courtney was the first to come back to her senses.

"I'd better get inside or my parents will start to get worried." She went to open the door again, but this time turned back around again.

"Oh, and Duncan?"


"I love you too." She said smiling. I smiled back.

"Goodnight princess."

"Goodnight Duncan. I wish you would actually call me by my real name for once."

"Fine, Goodnight Courtney."

She opened the door and stepped inside, but before she closed the door, she spoke again. "You know, I actually liked princess better." With that, she finally closed the door.

That night, I walked away from Courtney's house feeling both happy and relieved. I was happy because the night had gone pretty smoothly and I'd managed to organise another, more important, date. Why was it important? Well, I was also feeling relieved, because if Courtney had reached into the glove box of my car, she would have felt the soft, velvety covering, of a ring box.


A/N: Ok, ok, I know that it seems a little unlikely that he would 'pop the question' when they had only been going out for a few weeks, but I just thought it would add a nice touch, and a surprising ending to my story. Also, for those who are interested, I was thinking of doing a one-shot or something about the proposal. I had a few really sweet ideas : D Thank you guys sooooooo much for all your awesomely encouraging reviews! And also for taking the time to read my story! We also have Hayley (the real one) to thank for me getting this story up so quick. If it wasn't for her 'encouragement' cough nagging cough, I wouldn't have made as good progress. Also, just in case you didn't know, I am writing a version of this story from Bridget and Geoff's POV so feel free to check that out. Sorry for the extra long authors note guys..

- love- volante296