PS - This has been re- released, I've edited it and replaced the unedited parts, i'm not done but i soon will.
Full Summary
Nessie is now 16 she and the Cullen family moved to Portland, Oregon. Jacob has joined them. Nessie has been nagging that she wants to go to real school so they've finally given in and everyone's going. Yes all 8 of them. But as always in high school there is always a hint of drama and secrets to be told so how ready is Nessie to really know everything? We shall find out.
Chapter 1
"Aunt Alice I think I have enough clothes." I whined. We had been shopping at the mall for nearly 5 hours and we had over 20 bags to show for it. I highly doubted I need that much clothes for school, my closet was already quite full.
"Just a nice purse, and then we can go." She was lucky Jacob came along. He was carrying most of the bags.
"Sorry." I gave him an apologetic look as Alice nearly skipped off to some purse store.
"It's okay. I'll survive."
"We still have the party to look forward to. I'm turning 16, kinda."
"We still have that." Jacob had been around since. I can't recall a time he wasn't there. He even moved with us from Forks to Portland. My parents were finally letting me go to high school. Well actually everyone was going, this time we needed to get creative because I don't think anybody would believe a sane young couple would adopt eight teenagers. Then again we've never been normal. I mean my parents look as old as me. But you don't miss normal when you've never had it. I had been home schooled for the five years of my life. When you have a family that's been to school countless of times it's not really that hard. My dad taught me many things. He was actually teaching me how to play the piano, though he's a lot better than me. My aunts were all about teaching about shopping, but to their disappointment I'm just like my mom, I'm not a big fan. You can't argue with them so I have a closet bigger than my room. My uncles were loads of fun they're attempting to teach me to play sports. I'm a work in progress. And my grandparents were amazing. My best friend, the werewolf, was the one person I felt completely at ease with. He's like a gift that keeps on giving.
"This one!" My aunt squealed.
"Sure." I said not as upbeat as she, I wanted to go home.
"I swear you're more like Bella everyday."
"She is my mother."
"True, well let me go pay for this." I wasn't even going to try to stop her, I was sure it cost hundreds of dollars.
"First day of school is Monday. You exited?" He said conversationally.
"Kinda, a little scared." I confessed.
"Don't worry, high school is nothing like those shows you watch." I had been doing my research by watching One Tree Hill and The Secret Life of The American Teenager, my guilty pleasure.
"You don't know that."
"I have gone to high school."
"It doesn't count when you go to the smallest high school in the U.S."
"Why not?"
"There was like a 100 people there, this is Portland."
"And you're Miss High school expert."
"No but ….."
I hated when he beat me at these things. Just so I didn't give him the glory of winning I changed the subject, he hated when I did that. "Alice finished paying, we can go home!" I cheered.
"I still won." He said.
"No you didn't."
"Come on let's go home. Remind me to never go anywhere with Alice again." He complained.
"If I have to, you do too." We followed Alice out to the car the upgraded pink Porsche Turbo. She traded her yellow one in. We could actually drive it around here. It was flashy but not as much as it would be in Forks. We took it once to La Push and let's just say more than one head turned.
My parents were waiting at home. Every one was there, it meant a family meeting.
Carlisle greeted us at the door. "We need to work on the cover story." He gestured us to join everyone in the living room.
"Let's begin any ideas?" Carlisle prompted.
"As long as I'm not related to him," my aunt Rose pleaded. They had a hate-hate relationship. Jacob didn't even live in the house he lived in a small one-room house that was originally Rose and Emmett's.
"I'm not even blonde why in hell would anyone buy I'm related to Miss Ice Queen."
"Jacob's got a point. He actually doesn't look any of us, nobody would buy it." My dad agreed.
"He could be the adopted one." My mom offered. "Either way we need to figure it out by tonight, Jasper and I are going to see J."
"I thought I was going alone this time." My uncle Jasper said.
"You're going to give him a heart attack he's older now."
"It's only been four years."
"I'm still going."
"Edward." Jasper complained.
"She's right, he's scared to death, last time you almost put the man in a hospital bed."
"That was pure coincidence."
"He had a panic attack because you threatened him."
"He's stepping out of line."
"Jasper, he asked a question. I'm going." My mom was persistent.
"Shall we proceed?" Carlisle interrupted them.
"How about Jacob is Bella's best friend and his parents died then we took him in." My grandma offered. I would have to get used to calling her mom.
"Sure, better than last time." When we moved down the coast line to Hoquiam, Washington Rose made up a not so nice cover story for him.
"We can simply split down the middle after that. Bella is one side and Edward is the other. Rose, Emmett, pick." Carlisle made things so much simpler.
"I'll take Bella." Emmett said. It was like picking teams.
"Edward." Rose said, like she had a choice.
"Alice, Jasper, your turn."
Alice was first. "Bella, of course."
"Edward I guess." Jasper said sarcastically.
"Nessie," Carlisle prompted.
"Uh…my dad – I mean Edward." That was weird.
"You'll get used to it." He assured me.
"I better, because not everyone calls their 'brother' dad."
"Now that we have that settled what's the story."
"Edward's group is ours and a family friend had some troubles and gave us custody of Bella, Emmett and Alice." Esme offered.
"Sounds good, everyone have their story down?" Everyone agreed. "Well that's settled now we can celebrate Nessie's birthday. What's the plan?"
Everyone turned to me. "I don't know."
"One more thing, what are everyone's ages and names?" Jasper asked us.
"We can start out as second semester sophomores." My dad announced
"Don't you think that's pushing it? I mean no one other than, maybe Alice and Nessie can pass for 16." Emmett disagreed.
"Okay they'll be 16 and sophomores. I'll be a junior with Bella." My dad – I mean Edward. Edward. Edward. Edward. Crap I have to get this down.
"I'll be a junior. I didn't even finish second semester." Jacob said.
"Rose and I will be seniors." Emmett announced.
"Junior I guess. So Edward, Bella, Jacob and I will be 17. Nessie and Alice will be 16. Rose and Emmett will be 18." Everyone nodded in agreement. "How about last names."
"Edward's group Esme and I will be Cullen. And whatever Bella's group decides."
Alice spoke first. "I'm okay with Swan."
Emmett spoke next. "If you both want. I mean it sounds kinda weird but I don't care."
My mom was last. "Swan then."
"Jacob…" Jasper prompted.
"Cake time!" Alice squealed. She got up as did everyone else. I was suddenly sitting on the couch by myself.
My grandparents came back first. Jasper was next and he held a small box. Alice came back with a cake in her hands. Rose and Emmett came after that. My parents were the last to return, the last not counting Jacob who came back almost at the same time.
"Okay let's sing." Alice got so exited when it was my 'birthday' she'd been celebrating every birthday she could. Last year she even planned something for Jacob.
They sang happy birthday to me, I have to say I was happy, for many reasons, one being I got to go to real school with real people and have real friends.
"Jasper and I will go first." Jasper handed me the small box. I opened it and I saw a white gold R. It had diamond looking gems on it. Knowing them it was real. "I didn't actually pick it all by myself." Alice admitted. I took it out and a card fell out. I picked it up and it was a gift card to Coach.
"It's so pretty. And know I'm going to have a purse for everyday of the year and then some."
"That's the idea."
"She can't go with you." Jasper said seriously.
"Why not?!" She shouted.
"Because then you're going to buy more purses."
"What's wrong with that?"
"You take up more than three quarters of the closet."
"Hmm." She crossed her arms and sat back.
"We'll go." Rose said. She gave me a large box, it took it from her. It was pretty light. I took the top off and it had a bunch of tissue paper in it. It took it all out and there was nothing there.
"Wow thanks."
"Emmett I told you she wasn't going to find it." Rose scowled at him.
"It's right there." He pointed to the right side of the pile of tissue paper. It was something black. I picked it off the floor. It was a key ring with a black key, alarm remote and a cute key chain.
"No way, is it a car?"
"She can't drive it." My dad said. My eyes widened. "You're five."
"Technically I have the body and the mind of a sixteen year old."
"But you've been alive for five years."
"Dad!" it slipped out, now I sounded like a 5 year old. "That's not fair, mom."
"He's right honey."
"I know how to drive." I mentally slapped myself. Jacob taught me A couple months ago when everyone went hunting.
"Oh come on she won't crash." Jacob said beside me. Though I knew he was having a mental conversation with my dad.
"Fine but not by yourself."
"Thank you!"
"Our present is in your room already." Carlisle said. "It's a stereo system."
"Thank you!"
"Ours is over here." My mom and dad got up. I followed them to the back end of the house. We walked to the area of the house that was empty. There was nothing there, usually.
We walked to the corner. The empty part I was expecting. Only this time there was a beautiful white baby grand piano. On the left side written in calligraphy was my name.
"Dad, it's beautiful." He pulled me into a hug. "Thank you!"
"Happy birthday"
By this time the rest of the family had joined us. "Mom, thank you!"
"Unfortunately I suck at giving thoughtful gifts, this was all your dad." It wasn't surprising I loved my mom but she wasn't very into birthdays.
"My turn," Jacob announced. "Mind if we go out?"
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