i have no clue where this came from, nor where it's going. i have enough for one, maybe two more chapters: if you want me to contenue it, let me know, because otherwise, i'm not going to bother. and i'm going to need help with a plot is it's contenued, because this isn't normally what i wrote, it was just a little plot-bunny that wouldn't leave me alone.


He lay on his stomach, slightly tilted onto his side, one knee drawn up, exposing himself to the blonde who silently entered the room through the shadowed door opposite the bed. His arms were wrapped loosely around the pillow that cradled his head, one hand wresting on the other wrist. He almost looked relaxed, but for the tenseness that he desperately tried to hide, and the fear in his quickly closed eyes.

A hand gently rested on his bare shoulder, and Harry barely restrained himself from flinching away from it. It was rather obvious to Draco that Harry expected him to just fuck him and not care if he enjoyed it or not. 'How wrong he is. I enjoy pleasuring my partner.' The blonde quickly undressed before joining him on the bed, running a gentle hand down the raven-haired boy's back, causing the tense muscles to tighten further. He pursed his lips.

"Hmmmm. As much as I enjoy the sight of you waiting for me, you are far too tense." He murmured huskily, gently pushing the prone boy's leg down to join the other, turning him so he was less on his side before reaching up to languidly rub his shoulders, getting only further tenseness for his actions. "Gods Harry, are you really that scared?" Gentle amusement filled his voice, replacing the harsher tones he usually used with the boy before him. This wasn't the time for his preferred harsh sarcasm.

Harry's hands convulsed into fists at his words, but his Gryffindor pride would not allow him to admit his fear to the one he had long considered his biggest rival, recent changes notwithstanding. They had almost become friends in the past few months, but their rivalry was still too recent for Harry to really trust Draco. But Draco was the only person that could help Harry in his self-appointed mission, so Harry was willing to do almost anything to convince him to help.

Draco said nothing more, but continued to gently rub his shoulders, patiently waiting for him to relax before moving on. He had known the night Harry had come to him for help that he was asking a lot, but he hadn't realized how much this frightened Harry. Though if he was honest with himself -which he tried to avoid- he had to admit that he probably wouldn't have changed his price if he had known. He had waited for too long to let this opportunity slip through his fingers. Besides, as far as he was concerned, Harry Potter was any gay wizard's wet dream.

As Draco to massage his shoulders, Harry slowly relaxed into the gentle fingers that slowly started trailing down his back, wordlessly encouraging him to relax and just go with it. He sighed, letting the tension drain out of him, soothed away by gently fingers. When Harry shifted to pillow his temple against his crossed forearms, Draco softly turned the massaging strokes into gentle caresses. He slid his hands across Harry's smooth back, already growing hard from his delight in finally being able to touch this beautiful boy he had watched and daydreamed about for so long. He trailed his fingers down the length of his back, across his ass, and down the backs of his thighs, and Harry shivered slightly at his touch. He smiled as he ran his hands back up to Harry's shoulders. He feathered his fingers across his shoulder blades, relishing the slight twitches that Harry could not hold back. He trailed kisses down his spine, stopping when he reached the middle of his lower back, warned off by the sudden tensing of Harry's muscles. He trailed his way back up, and gently nibbled at the side of his neck when he reached it, delighting in the way the boy squirmed with pleasure.

Quickly but gently, he turned Harry over, moving to straddle over him before he could protest. He leaned down to gently press kisses into Harry's neck, smirking at the moan the other boy tried to repress. He slowly traced patterns across Harry's throat with his tongue, teasing his nipples with his thumbs at the same time. Harry's hands slowly came up and rested on his shoulders as he teased the boy, rolling his hips against Harry's, causing them both to gasp. Draco suppressed a satisfied smirk when he noticed that Harry was also hardening, despite his fear.

"Shhhh. Don't be frightened. I won't hurt you," he softly reassured between kisses. "You'll like it, I promise." He slowly trailed his fingers across Harry's chest, toying with his nipples, tracing the dark hair that dusted across his chest, pressing kisses into his soft skin.

Harry moaned softly as Draco gently nibbled on his earlobe, then kissed a trail up his jaw to his lips, pressing a slow, gentle kiss there, moving his lips unhurriedly across Harry's, waiting for a response. After several moments, which seemed like an eternity to Draco, Harry hesitantly moved his lips against Draco's, sliding his hands up to wind in the silver-blond hair at the base of his skull, fingers stroking against his neck.

Slowly, Draco pushed his tongue against the line between Harry's lips, sliding it across his mouth until Harry parted his lips, giving permission for Draco to enter his mouth. His hands tenderly cradled Harry's head, fingers tangled in the thick, black hair. He kissed Harry gently at first, trying not to scare him, but soon lost control, kissing him fiercely. His tongue danced against Harry's, across the roof of his mouth, everywhere; dizzying, intoxicating kisses that left them both breathless and panting. Harry slowly moved to mimic him, tongue hesitantly twining with Draco's, as though he's never been kissed like this before.

'He probably hasn't ever been properly kissed before," Draco thought hazily, most of his attention on the kiss. 'I, am a pro, and the Gryffendorks he's been with are definitely not.' He reluctantly pulled away, earning a small pout, and moved down to the base of his neck, nibbling and sucking at it, making Harry moan, and leaving a livid mark at the hollow of his throat. He'd make sure Harry wore an open-collared shirt tomorrow, so the world could see it, too. Not that he'd tell him why of course. Harry never liked being on display, and would definitely balk at Draco displaying him.

He moved downwards, leaving hickeys scattered across Harry's chest and stomach, the smooth muscles rippling as his lips found sensitive spots, Harry's hungry moans ringing triumphantly in his ears.

Pulling back, he stared at Harry, licking his lips hungrily. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, shifting off Harry to spread his legs, moving to kneel between them. "I've wanted you for so long, Harry. That's why I grabbed this chance when I saw it." Draco slid his hands down Harry's chest and stomach to rest on either side of his hips, sliding his thumbs back and forth, teasing gently.

He bent down and captured the head of Harry's stiff cock in his mouth, causing Harry to gasp with surprise at the unexpected move, then moan as he sucked gently, sliding his tongue around it slowly, licking at the tip before pulling the whole thing into his mouth, swallowing repeatedly when the head hit his gag reflex.

"Oh, god, Draco, that feels so good," Harry panted as Draco worked on him. Draco slid his lips up Harry's shaft again, momentarily releasing him.

"I know it does," he murmured; then took him back into his mouth, sliding up and down, trying to make this the best experience Harry'd had, and judging by the noises Harry was making, he was succeeding quite nicely. 'I don't believe he's ever had a blowjob before, either. God, he's innocent. I didn't realize he was that innocent. Heck, I didn't think it was possible for a healthy teenage boy to be that innocent.'

"Oh, I'm-" was all Harry got out before he exploded in Draco's mouth. He swallowed Harry's offering silently, then slid up to kiss Harry again. Harry grimaced at the taste of himself still in Draco's mouth, but didn't complain.

"I told you you'd like it." Harry nodded dazedly, wrapping his arms around Draco, pulling him down beside him. Draco gave him a few minutes to recover, then pressed gently up against him so Harry could feel his erection pressing against his thigh. "Harry, please," he whispered into Harry's ear. Harry hesitated, then nodded slowly.

Draco smiled and kissed him again. "Relax. I won't hurt you. You'll like this too." He pulled away and retrieved the small bottle of oil from his pants pocket before moving back to kneel between Harry's thighs, stowing the bottle between his knees. He leaned forwards to kiss Harry, tracing the lines of his muscles with gentle fingers. Harry latched onto the kiss almost desperately, and he felt a twinge of guilt for pushing this when it scared Harry so much. But he knew the only way to get Harry over his fear to do it, and prove to him that he wouldn't be hurt by it. He slid one hand down to caress Harry's slowly awakening member, causing Harry to moan into the kiss. Draco took the opportunity to push into Harry's mouth, passionately stroking the sensitive places that he had found in previous kisses.

He slid slowly downwards, adding a couple more hickeys to Harry's growing collection, while opening the bottle and lightly coating one hand with the oil, trying to ensure Harry didn't notice, now that he'd finally relaxed. He took Harry's head into his mouth again, then pressed a finger gently to Harry's opening, pushing it in before Harry noticed it was there. He tensed a little, and then relaxed when it didn't hurt him. Draco prepared him as gently as possible, the sensations from Draco's mouth on his cock drowning any pain he might have felt. He pulled his mouth away and continued to flex his fingers inside Harry, using his other hand to smooth oil over his straining erection.

He pulled his hand away and gently pressed his cock into the empty space before Harry could react, sliding into the tight, warmly inviting depths of Harry's ass. He moaned with delight, pressing his face into Harry's neck so that it couldn't be heard.

"Oooohhhh," Harry sighed as Draco filled him. Now that it was happening, he couldn't see why he'd been afraid. Draco's movements set off reactions in places he couldn't name, spreading fiery pleasure through his whole body. He slid one hand up Draco's back, tangling his fingers into the long silver hair, and pulled Draco's head down for another passionate kiss, which Draco returned eagerly. His other hand slid across Draco's back and ass, gently exploring and caressing. As Draco's thrusts sped up, he pulled them as close together as he could, arching up slightly to meet his strokes. He couldn't believe how good it felt once he got used to the sensation of Draco's dick filling him.

Draco felt Harry shudder beneath him and knew that he wouldn't last much longer. He reached down to rub Harry's erection, and with a couple of strokes, Harry came with a cry, arching his back and pushing against Draco's mostly withdrawn member. The moment he came, Draco pushed as hard as he could against the tightening muscles, triggering his own orgasm. He collapsed onto Harry's chest and listened as his heart and breathing slowed to a more normal pace, his own slowly following suit.

Harry shifted, and Draco assumed that Harry was uncomfortable with their intimate positions. Gryffindor that Harry was, he probably didn't like the idea of having had sex with someone he didn't particularly like, certainly wasn't dating, and more than likely wasn't even considering dating. Harry made a small sound as Draco pulled out and cast a quick cleaning charm on both of them, then on the bed. He slid out of bed, and returned the bottle to his pants pocket, gathering his clothes and preparing to dress and leave.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked suddenly, confusion darkening his green eyes. Draco didn't answer, but dropped his clothes onto the floor and slid back into the bed beside him. Harry awkwardly pulled a blanket from the side of the bed, and Draco silently helped him spread it out. Harry sighed, pulling Draco close and kissing him softly once more before resting his head on his shoulder and falling asleep. Draco held him close, marveling that Harry had objected to his leaving. He supposed he should have realized that the Golden Boy wasn't someone you could just fuck and leave, though at first Harry had been giving all the signs saying that was how he'd wanted it to be. He wondered when the Boy Who Cuddled had changed his mind. Closing his eyes, he buried his face in Harry's hair, determined to savor the moment, before drifting off to sleep.


EDIT: okay, since i've gotten several reviews telling me that you want more of this story, i shall write more. but i need help. i'm gonna put a couple of polls at the end of the next chapter, and i want everybody who reads it to at least answer the questions, even if you don't have any comments, questions, or suggestions. you ne help me write, you no get finished story; got it? I love you guys so much!