For this chapter, I'm very happy to say that, if 1 more person reviews on this chapter, I will officially have 100 reviews! WHOOOOOOO! YAAAAY!

Thank you for everyone who has been supporting me and giving me wonderful reviews while I continue to be a butthead :D

Within two minutes of Elizabeth choosing her path, she had immediately regretted it. The path was narrow, so she was constantly brushing up twigs that yanked her hair, and her bare feet ached from trampling on the rocks that littered the path. Elizabeth growled and threw her hands up in the air.

"I HATE NATURE!" She screamed. "This is the worst thing ever!"

"You really think so?" Elizabeth paused. She turned her head to the right. In the grass, five colorful flowers stood out from the background. She looked at the one that had spoken. It had yellow petals, but in the disk in the middle it had a face. A face that was oddly familiar.

"Hudson, you are a flower." Elizabeth said simply. The face on the flower grinned.

"Indeed I am. And so is Cooper right next to me." The flower right next to Flower Hudson that had dark yellow petals nodded. "And Kent right next to him." The flower with brown petals that sat next to Flower Cooper gave her a hello. "And Barnum right after him." The flower with black petals next to Flower Kent smiled at her.

Elizabeth sat down right in front of her now Flower Powered friends and put her chin in her hands, sighing deeply.

"I have got to be on some kind of drugs."

"I'm afraid not." Flower Barnum chuckled.

"So where's Kramer?" Elizabeth asked, looking behind them to see if there was another flower behind them that might hold the face of said soldier.

"All in due time, my dear! First we have some questions for you." Elizabeth nodded.


"Up or down?" Flower Cooper asked. Elizabeth blinked.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Flower Cooper rolled his eyes.

"Just answer the question."

"I don't know…..down?"

"Left or right?" Flower Barnum chimed.


"Black or white?" Flower Kent asked.

"Ok, seriously guys this is stupid. What the hell does this have to do with anything?" Flower Hudson smirked.

"Really, nothing. We were just messing with you. It was pretty funny though, right?" Elizabeth's eye twitched.

"That. Is. It." So fast that it almost looked like she wasn't moving, the young vampire reached across, grabbed a boulder the size of large dog, and lifted it up over her head, a crazed expression on her face.

"I swear on my aching feet that if I don't get the answer I need and get it soon there will be injuries AND THEY WILL BE PAINFUL." Elizabeth yelled. The flower soldiers went wide-eyed with fear.

"Ok, ok you pass, you pass! Just put the rock down!" Elizabeth's face twisted in confusion as she set the boulder down by her feet.

"What do you mean I passed?" Flower Hudson sighed with relief. Flower Barnum looked as though he might pass out.

"This was a test to see if you could withstand the challenges of this path."

"Really?" Flower Hudson winked.

"No. I'm just messing with you again." Elizabeth threw her hands up in the air and screamed in frustration, stomping off and continuing her way down the path. Flower Kent looked at Flower Hudson.

"Weren't we here to warn her about what she was going towards?"

"Oh, shoot, yeah. I forgot. Ha." All the other flowers groaned and shook their heads.


"Stupid flowers. Stupid Alucard. Stupid path." Elizabeth grumbled to herself as she once again continued down her journey. She smiled as soon as she saw what lay ahead, though.

'Finally! An exit to this dumb path.' Elizabeth thought excitedly. She rushed out of the forest to be greeted with the wonderful sight of another clearing, with beautiful flowers, the sun shining, not a cloud in the sky, and a large table with cracked teapots and teacups littering it with Robert Moss in an oversized top hat and Steve Kramer, wearing a pair of bunny ears, sitting at the table with a mouse one of the teapots-

Wait, what?

"Well, hello dearie, fancy seeing you here. Come! Sit, sit, sit, we have much to talk about!" Moss jumped up and ran over, dragging her to the table and plopping her down on a chair. He rushed back to his seat.

"You're just in time for a cup of tea!" Moss exclaimed, grabbing one of the teapots and pouring a strange murky liquid from it into one of the cups.

"We're always having tea." Kramer stated with disgust. Moss glared at him.

"Oh shut up you, nobody wants to hear your whining."

"And nobody wants to hear you at all."

"Why, you-" Suddenly, Moss launched himself at Kramer, and they were both on the ground, struggling and fighting. Elizabeth sighed.

"It's ok, they're always like that." A sleepy voice commented. Elizabeth noticed a small mouse in one of the cups, with blonde fur and blue eyes, looking drowsily up at her.

"Seras?" The mouse smiled.

"That's right. How are you?"

"Very confused. Where is all this? And how do I get out?" Dormouse Seras shrugged.

"I have no idea. I just live here. Most of the time I'm sleeping, unless these two idiots wake me up."

"Who's an idiot?" Elizabeth jumped as she realized that Moss was right next to her.

"Moss you scared me." Moss wagged a finger at her.

"Ah, ah, ah. I'm not Moss here. I am known here as the Mad Hatter." He tipped his large, green top hat. Elizabeth noticed that he was wearing a funny colored suit to match. "And this right here is my companion, March Hare. Isn't that right, Hare?" Kramer, who's rabbit ears were slightly longer and were brown, grunted.

"I'm not playing along with you and your stupid game."

"You will do it and you will like it!"

"Guys!" Both soldiers gave her their attention. "Isn't there something you're supposed to be telling me? A hint? A clue? Something?" Moss pondered that, looking up at the sky and tapping his chin.

"You know, I believe you're right. We WERE supposed to do something, weren't we."

"Well, what is it?" Kramer looked at her and smirked.

"Arrest you." Elizabeth's eyes widened.

"Wait, what?" Moss snapped his fingers.

"That's right! Arrest the intruder. I wonder why I didn't remember that."

"Because you're an idiot."

"One more time, damn it. Piss me off one more time I dare you!" Moss yelled, reaching over the table to grab the collar of Kramer's black suit.

"Guys!" Elizabeth yelled, once again gaining their attention.

"Oh that's right! Prisoner time. C'mon lizzie- er Alice! We're off to see the Red Queen." Out of nowhere, a pair of silver handcuffs materialized, snapping themselves onto her arms. It wasn't enough to hurt her, but it was enough to sap her strength. Dormouse Seras smiled sheepishly at her.

"Sorry Elizabeth. Rules are rules. Anyone who comes in contact with an outsider must arrest them and bring them to the Red Queen."

Elizabeth breathed in deeply.

"You have got to be kidding me."